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In the small wood house outside the cave, Lu Ping, Baili Changkong and the others finally figured out what happened inside.

“In other words, from now on, these Thunder Beasts can be the Divine Beast of Thunderbolt Sect in Heavenly Immortal Realm in that cave, guarding the safety of Thunderbolt Sect disciple going to Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm?”

Lu Ping’s expression was a little excited.


Baili Qingfeng said: “I have tamed those Thunder Beasts and left a mark on them. As long as you can imagine the innate God and Demon Zuz, those Thunder Beasts will not attack you.”

“Very good, I heard a long time ago that Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm is not absolutely safe. There were people who were attacked in the Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm and were killed by the monster, so that they own Three Great of the Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm. Holy Lands have to be landed by True Immortal at all times. With these Thunder Beast guards, our protective Strength at Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm is better than 3 or 5 land True Immortal! “

Shi Tianya’s face was astonished and happy.

Baili Changkong, however, is keen to capture the key point from Baili Qingfeng’s words: “Wait a minute, Qingfeng, what is your innate Fiendgod zuz? Your Refining Spirit method of cultivation is not a vision of the ancient Thunder Beast’s Thunder Dominator. Thoughts? “

“Oh, although the idea of ​​Thunder Dominator is also good, I created a new Peak cultivation method for practicing Demon Hell Suppressing Physique. The name has not changed much, and it is still called Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law. The lifeform I want has also changed from the ancient Thunder Beast to the innate Fiendgod Zuz. “

Baili Qingfeng said that it was a bit flaunting: “2 grandfather, I told you that the innate Fiendgod Zuz is more mighty and domineering than the ancient Thunder Beast. If it was not because I retrained the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, I think my Refining Spirit realm may not be able to cultivate to this point. “

Shi Tianya already knew the real Refining Spirit realm of Baili Qingfeng and heard him mention it, and his eyes lighted up immediately: “Qingfeng, you have achieved this achievement together with Refining Spirit because of this Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law !? “

“Wait a minute! Demon Hell Suppressing Physique! Wouldn’t it be the Peak Body Refining method in the hands of the underground emperor Luck Emperor? Qingfeng, you actually cultivated this Peak method !?”

Lu Ping was also shocked.

Luck Emperor …

That and the others, even in his heyday, he didn’t dare to provoke easily.

How can the Peak Body Refining method of this and the others be carefully collected and collected?


Baili Qingfeng said, looking at the envious eyes of several people, he was very open-minded: “You are all members of my Thunderbolt Sect. I can teach you if you want to learn, and even I plan to pass these 2 cultivation methods to sect Go, make all disciple of sect cultivation … “


Baili Qingfeng has n’t finished speaking, Baili Changkong has quickly shouted: “No! It ’s a silence! Grandson, have you forgotten what I said to you? Your cultivation method is a cultivation tailored to your own cultivation status. Law, don’t preach it! “

“2 grandfather, let ’s not be so selfish, Martial Dao cultivation, we should not build our cars behind closed doors. If everyone collects their Peak exercises to prevent them from being spread to the world, then the blue sea turned into mulberry fields One day, Martial Dao’s inheritance will be cut off from now on, so how can people fight against the intensified ethnographic invasion … The more critical the more we can test whether a person is good or evil, we should take what we have Take the peak exercises, dedicate to sect, dedicate to society, I have always believed in a word, as long as everyone can give a little love, World will become a beautiful world … “

Shi Tianya on the side heard Baili Qingfeng’s words, and he had long been excited that he could quickly repair to the Refining Spirit 6th-layer, and he longed excitedly said: “Baili Old Brother, Qingfeng said yes, we shouldn’t build our cars behind closed doors, Although Qingfeng said that I do n’t agree with dedicating this method to society for free, we at the high-level sect share it with us and discuss it with each other. Why not? Qingfeng is willing to selflessly demonize his Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Innate. God Demon Observing Meditation Law has contributed. Naturally, we elders ca n’t even be as good as a Junior. In this way, in response to the great selfless contribution Spirit of Qingfeng, I am also willing to take out my position. Any of us at Thunderbolt Sect can take a free tuition and comprehend together. “

“My brother Shi ’s explanation is reasonable. Brother Shi and Qingfeng are in front of me. Naturally, I ca n’t remain indifferent. There are three methods of my cultivation, which are Taiyi’s tuna, Chenyuan refining, and Blade Technique. , I would like to contribute all three methods to add icing on the great spirit concept of Qingfeng. “

Lu Ping also followed the echo.

“Count me. Although my cultivation base can’t be compared with several Old Brothers, the Heiner’s 100 Chuanshu of cultivation is also not a Peak method, but some of these techniques are quite effective for the Three Origins Unite. For the sake of success, I believe that by the time this technique is popularized, our Thunderbolt Sect Core staff will have a smooth journey to become Grandmaster. “

Hong Tiange saw 2 people making a speech, and he was very excited about Baili Qingfeng Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law.

Baili Changkong, who wanted to stop Baili Qingfeng from stopping, heard Heinar’s 100 Chuanshu name.

Although Heiner’s 100 Chuanshu is not a Peak method, some of his skills are like thunder piercing the ear, even if he has heard it.

I just hurriedly inquired and asked others for inheritance. In the martial artist circle, life and death are taboo. The two people who have a bad relationship have no reason to kill them, so that Baili Changkong and the others have not seen them for a long time. True law, right now, because of Baili Qingfeng’s Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law and Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, he is willing to surrender this method, which is not necessarily a bad thing for the entire Thunderbolt Sect.

At worst, he confessed to a few old friends and made them careful that’s all while practicing.

Thinking of this, he no longer spoke, but just added: “Qingfeng’s own cultivation technique requires a huge amount of knowledge as a reserve. If we don’t read more books, we can’t understand some of the professional terms contained in his exercises, rashly cultivation 99 % Will cultivation deviation, so I warn 3 people in advance, it is best to read more books before practicing Qingfeng’s Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law. “

“I understand. I just heard you guys say you want to apply for a senior university? I’m one of them.”

Hong Tiange is nodded.

“I also go, Sea of ​​Learning, No Horizon. If you are alive, you should go with Shuxiang. It is always good to read more books when you have time. It is better than playing mahjong every day.”

Shi Tianya followed.

“You can have this idea is very good, I 2 grandfather said it very well, my method is created based on my body, and indeed needs modern knowledge as a reserve, just as I am about to build a laboratory, waiting for you When you have learned something, you can also come to my laboratory for an internship. As long as you can complete the internship project in my laboratory, the safety of my own cultivation methods will definitely improve a lot. “

Baili Qingfeng said happily.

“Cultivation of your lab internship project cultivation can greatly improve the safety of your exercises? That feeling is good.”

Lu Ping laughed.

“I first passed the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law to you, I verified it, as long as you can modify the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, and imagine the innate Fiendgod Zuz, even the double realm, those Thunder Beast I won’t attack you. In addition, the next time the Transmission Gate opens, I will accompany you and give those Thunder Beasts a deeper impression of the innate Fiendgod Zuz. By then, you will sit there and rest in peace.

Baili Qingfeng said, writing with a pen.

Watching Baili Qingfeng’s dictation of Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, Baili Changkong and Lu Ping, Shi Tianya, Hong Tiange, and the others looked at each other and said, “Dear everyone, the good news brought by Qingfeng will undoubtedly prove that our Thunderbolt Sect has really opened up. With the Holy Land that belongs to us, we waited for more than ten years and finally waited for the harvest time! “

“Yeah, it’s finally the day!”

“Our opportunity for the rise of Maria Dao!”

The faces of Shi Tianya, Hong Tiange, Lu Ping and the others are full of sighs and emotions.

On this day, they have waited too long, too long.

“In addition, I have good news here. We have contacted Marshal Sikongdao when we were here. We are now officially tied with 10000 Liu Jianzong, Hundred Herb Hall, and Floating Sect. We have entered their pre-selection to vigorously cultivate Martial Dao forces. List, and as we report the news of Holy Land again … our Thunderbolt Sect can definitely surpass 10000 Liu Jianzong, Hundred Herb Hall, and Floating Slaughter in one fell swoop, becoming the first choice for the military and cabinet to cultivate forces, when we can completely Apply for some resources to extend your life … “

Baili Changkong said.

His words made Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange breathe a little faster.

Not all of them were grandmasters of that year. If it wasn’t because they were old and weak, why were they walking on the edge of the martial artist circle, if they could get the heavenly materials earthly treasures used by the military to extend their lives …

May not be able to climb the peak again!

Even if only for a few years …

“I am old, and I am afraid that Yanshou Treasure in the military and cabinet is not useful.”

Lu Ping’s expression is a bit lonely.

“It will be okay, the boat will be straight to the bridge, as long as we can persist, there will always be hope.”

Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange comforted.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng successfully silently wrote the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law: “This is the concept of the concept. As long as you can learn it, those Thunder Beasts will never dare attack you.”

“it is good!”

Lu Ping, Hong Tiange and Shi Tianya were all excited.

But Baili Changkong took a few moments to get the idea, and said, “Let ’s study this idea first and see if it is suitable for everyone. Then, if it does n’t work, we’re afraid it’s still a bit repair it a little.”

Baili Qingfeng on the side listened to nodded: “Yes, the more Peak exercises become more difficult to practice, I know this very well. If you want to simplify the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, I can also help. You must know that I am best It’s the creative method. “

“No, your school is about to start, you should be ready to go to class!”

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