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If you don’t have a dream, what’s the difference from salted fish?

Baili Qingfeng always considers himself an ideal, ambitious, responsible 3 young person, and at the same time in the school is also good moral, intellectual, physical and artistic performance.

Therefore, he did not recognize himself as a salted fish.

“I am a kind, kind, sincere and friendly person who can tolerate anyone’s shortcomings and play any joke … Kindness, but it does not mean that I have no pride at all …

Baili Qingfeng understands where the discomfort came from last night.

An ordinary person is unwilling to shout!

Not willing …

Since you are not willing, try hard!

Nothing in this World cannot be achieved with effort!

Just like the potential of human beings, as long as it is squeezed a few times, it can always be forced out!

He always believed in a word, heaven rewards the diligent!

“I have two goals in my life, and now … three …”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Number two.

Promote the integration and unification of the Aurora Empire and the Sia Kingdom 2 into one country.

Of course, he didn’t like the light of Hill, and it would be better if he could set the capital in Xia.

But such a major event is not something he can do.

At best, he can only do this step to promote the integration of the two countries.

“The situation at this time is different from the last time. It is much more complicated. I will have to suspend school for at least one year to eliminate Three Great Holy Lands. I will promote the integration and unification of the two countries … I ca n’t do well in three years by myself. , I need a lot of people to help me. “

For the first time, Baili Qingfeng faced his other identity.

2nd status besides Shire University students.

Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master.

When this Vice Sect Master is used, it may not be a bad thing.

“Master ……”

Ge Feibai watched Baili Qingfeng finish his sword and destroyed the courtyard. He didn’t dare to disturb him for a while. For fear of being unhappy, he would split him into two halves.

He never felt that his body was stiffer than the one-meter tall stone.

“Oh, Feibai got up.”

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, holding a sword, carrying one hand, and taking a look at Ge Feibai, for a moment, he was frowned: “Cultivation base still has nothing to grow …”

“I practice! I practice! I practice now!”

Without Baili Qingfeng’s urging, Ge Feibai said hastily.

“You do n’t have to be in a hurry, it ’s still early, have breakfast before practicing, Martial Practice does n’t have many regulations and is not eclectic. You have to integrate your Sword Technique and boxing skills into your life so that you can do it in one fell swoop. Every move, every word and every action carries kung fu. This way of doing work all the time is over time. Naturally, it can accumulate rapid progress. “

Ge Feibai realized: “Many thanks Master for pointing.”

“Well, clean up the yard after dinner. It’s your first step to integrate Martial Dao into your life.”

Baili Qingfeng said aloud and stepped into the room.

Ge Feibai promised that the Master looked a little different from yesterday.

In addition…

The cultivation task he explained made him feel a bit wrong.

But he was too lazy to think about it for a while, but his dad said that the Master is a Grandmaster-level powerhouse, and many people spend a few 10000 or more than ten thousand 10000. Qingfeng, the grandmaster’s careful guidance, is a great opportunity and must be well grasped, so what the master says is what it is.


“Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, the Emperor ’s Refining Heavens, the Demon Hell Suppressing Physique in my cultivation is fundamentally different from the Demon Hell Suppressing Physique of the Underground King Luck Emperor. Surgery, it should be renamed God and Demon Purgatory Physique. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

Use this name to distinguish it from Luck Emperor’s Demon Hell Suppressing Physique.

After practicing God and Demon Purgatory Physique, Baili Qingfeng felt the thirst of hunger in his body, and took the blood of a brave without the slightest hesitation. Suddenly, the medical power transformed by the blood of the brave continued to wash his body. Makes his internal organs strengthened at a clearly visible speed.

After 2 hours, Baili Qingfeng’s body and spirit were so exhausted that he had to stop.

The tempering of the blood of the brave makes him the strength of internal organs alone is not inferior to any peak Warlord, even …

Enough to compare with Wargod.

It is Muscle, Bones And Skin’s cultivation has not yet been perfected, it is estimated that it will be 2 months.

In other words, after another 2 months, he can almost call himself Wargod.

It is not too long before the last time I went to Hill’s Light. If I go again, there is some trouble. In the end, we need to test whether he is still hesitating.

“dīng líng líng !”

Baili Qingfeng thought, the phone rang.

As he connected the phone, some cautiously sounds under the Qingcheng Mountain came in: “Baili Sect Master, I’ve arrived in Xia City … but … Dante seems to be chasing …”

“Oh, you go directly to the entrance of Shire University. I’ll go there. I’ll have a good talk with Dante. I remember there is a coffee shop there …”

Baili Qingfeng thought about the taste of the coffee, and finally said: “I remember there is a barbecue restaurant over there, you wait for me.”

Hanging up the phone, he left the cultivation cave, returned to his yard, cleaned himself a little, changed a clean dress, took the sword and went out.

Naturally, he didn’t bring a sword to want to do something with people, nor was it to kill people.

I just feel that since I am no longer a pure ordinary person, I am naturally a bit different from the ordinary person, such as with a sword, to prove that I have also practiced martial arts.

Soon, Baili Qingfeng came to the old Liu BBQ restaurant not far from the entrance of Shire University.

It’s too early, the store hasn’t opened yet …

At one time, there was a side that had abandoned the evil and good and stood at the door under the Qingcheng Mountain, and looked around in fear and fear.

But he is not alone.

Next to him was a woman who looked 25 6 and was holding a 3 4 year old girl.

Family of 3.

“Baili Sect Master.”

Immediately under the Qingcheng Mountain, Baili Qingfeng was recognized, and some excitedly welcomed him.

“Hello there.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at him and knew a little bit why he didn’t choose to go abroad to avoid the killing of 10000 sword sects.

If it was only him, he would hide abroad, and it would not be easy for 10000 Liu Jianzong to continue to hunt him down, but coupled with his wife daughter …

“This is my wife and my daughter, Baili Sect Master, our family of three lives, please take care of you.”

Speaking under Qingcheng Mountain, he couldn’t help but kneel: “Please rest assured that I will definitely be rehabilitated from now on and be a good person for the society …”

His wife and daughter beside him quickly kneel.

“No, just remember what you say.”

Baili Qingfeng helped a few people up and said at the same time: “Since Dante has chased Xia, you call him. I and he talk about it. It is strictly his fault and you have not Too much relationship, as long as you have a better attitude and ensure that the 10000 Liu Jianzong skills will not be passed on, it will definitely allow you to turn hostility into friendship. “

“I understand, I’ll contact him now …”

Qing Cheng Shan said that when he took out his mobile phone, he would call Dante.

But without waiting for him to call, his eyes fell on the man and the woman who strode towards the end of the street.

Baili Qingfeng also turned his eyes and looked towards 2 people.

The man, looking up and down 30, has a rounded body that proves his cultivation base. Although the woman did not arrive at the Grandmaster, the blood on the running body was still thick and abnormal, and it is estimated that it is not weaker than Wang Gang.

“It’s them?”

“Yes, Dante and Lilith.”

There was a dread in the eyes under Qingcheng Mountain.

His daughter even immediately embraced his wife’s thigh, his face was scared.

“Why don’t you run?”

Once meteor stride, I came directly to the third family under the Qingcheng Mountain, with cold light flashing in my eyes: “Dare to steal my 3 sect protecting Sword Manual of Liu Jianzong, no matter if you escape to the ends of the earth, there is only dead end Not only you, anyone who has contacted the 10000 Sword Manual has to die! “

Lilith actually set her sights on Baili Qingfeng, pulling Ladant’s corner.

Dante also turned his head and glanced at Baili Qingfeng: “Do you want to take the lead for him? My 10000 Liu Jianzong thing, you still don’t have to take care of it.”

“Don’t be so angry.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “I want to be the master here, let you two sit down and talk about it, this thing is simply a misunderstanding, I hope you two can turn hostility into friendship, don’t always fight and kill, everyone Relax your mind and be kind … “

“Turn hostility into friendship? What are you, and are you qualified to take care of my 10000 Sword Sect’s gossip !?”

Dante glanced at Baili Qingfeng, he not at all felt the kind of roundness in Baili Qingfeng. In this case, why should he care: “Where to come back, or where to go, otherwise, I have reason to doubt, you also peep I killed our 10000 Stream Sword Manual of 10000 Stream Sects. At that time, in order to ensure that our 10000 Stream Sword Manual of 10000 Streams Sect was not circulated, no wonder I cut weeds and eliminate the roots! “

Baili Qingfeng stunned, misunderstood, immediately revealed his Grandmaster’s charm that evenly dissipates within the body, and said at the same time: “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Baili Qingfeng, Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master . “

Perceived the change in the breath of Baili Qingfeng, Dante’s eyes and pupils shrank slightly. After listening to Baili Qingfeng’s self-reported name, the air of her body had slightly converged: “It was Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. I came to Xia Ya to trace my 10000 Liu Jianzong sect protecting Sword Manual, and Baili Sect Master asked me for your convenience.

“I have heard the entire process of development of this matter. He is wrong with you. You did n’t like the 10000 stream Sword Manual. He just suffered nothing. I think I asked him to give you the 10000 stream Sword Manual. And asked him to swear that he will never pass a half word of the 10000 stream Sword Manual from now on, but he has a pass, and without you, I will kill it on behalf of the 10000 stream sword sect, and the Dante Grandmaster also raised his expensive hand, Give me a thin noodle, how about letting their family of three? “

Baili Qingfeng whispered softly, and harmonious airway.

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