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“The big brother is worthy of being a big brother. The 2 tons of Chenjin was sold without the slightest hesitation. The whole process was so clear that I almost thought I went to the market to buy 2 pounds of Chinese cabbage … maybe, for the big brother, etc. In terms of existence, the weight of 2 tons of Chenjin is equivalent to 2 kg of Chinese cabbage … “

At this time, it was the misty fairy who was speaking in the group.

In his words, he described the kindness and generosity of Baili Qingfeng as much as possible.

“It’s nothing. Didn’t the gangster upload a document not long ago? My grandfather has preliminary researched that document. It comes from the divine symbol in the temple in the cave people civilization. According to our knowledge of the cave people civilization, It is understood that the entire caveman civilization is composed of the Four Great Sects and several kingdoms. They manipulate the inferior caveman kingdom to war to please the gods behind them who have not yet been confirmed to exist, and the status of the temple is more in the kingdom. Above, even the lords in the Grotto People World have special courtesy to the temple sacrifice that holds the divine symbol. In other words, the weight of the sacrifice is heavier than that of a lord. Eight-nine, broke into a temple and killed a temple sacrifice! “

Quantum Wargod Road.

“Really a temple sacrifice? I heard that the temple sacrifice is often guarded by a powerful temple Swordsman, and each temple Swordsman is a well-known figure among the cave people, which can fight against the human land True Immortal !?”

Shiba Yisha said with a “shocked” expression.

“The temple Swordsman does have Strength against our human land True Immortal. We have an information record in our Heaven’s Mystery Building. A temple Swordsman has beheaded a Level 9 martial artist. It is incredible and I will explain to me once I encounter him. Temple Swordsman, just pray. “

Aotian Sword God is also joining everyone’s chat.

“Pray? That way, you can escape the temple Swordsman hunt?”

East wins curiously.

“No, regret the crimes you committed throughout your life so you don’t go to hell after death.”


Dongfang Biesheng posted a picture of “unable to speak”.

Just at this moment, Baili Qingfeng went online and issued a “please hello to the big brothers” expression. The crowded atmosphere in the group was cold, and then several pictures of “please hello to the big brothers” were posted at the same time.

“The formation remains neat and tidy.”

Baili Qingfeng knew this kind of operation, and he had also been a member of the party to maintain the formation.

“Boss, when you have Chenjin, you can sell it to me a little bit. It doesn’t take much, 100 kg is enough. I just want to build my own Chenjin Battle Armor.”

Vice Moderator Dongfang must win.

“Without that many money, watching the tyrants in the group show off.”

“Look at the big money showing off plus one.”

“Look at the big money show off plus 2.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this message and said aloud: “The big brothers joked, as a big brother, they would still care about the so-called 2 100 kg Chenjin? It is estimated that only Yaojin Battle Armor can enter the big one. You guys ’eyes? But if the big guys really want Chen Jin Battle Armor, I will take the time to brush some cave people and try to help the big guys get together.”

“Take a moment to brush up some cave people … Gangster spirit, so scary!”

Dong Fang wins a “suck in a breath of cold air” expression.

“I want to take time to smoke a cigarette …”

“I want to take time to drink a bottle of yogurt …”

“I want to take some time to eat a spicy stick …”

“Those who smoke, drink yogurt, and eat spicy bars, I remind you that every time Thunder Dominator comes online, it will bring shocking news. Before you eat these things, please learn from me and hold the hot bars tightly in your hand. First, don’t rip 10000000. “

Sword Monarch gave everyone a shot in advance.

“It makes sense. The deputy edition deserves to be a deputy edition, and it really has a foresight.”

“I’ll quickly hide my hot bars.”

“I also plan to take out my tea eggs, too. I dare not dare, I would like to speak with Brother Ruler first.”

Quantum Wargod said, followed by a picture of “Please start your show”.

Baili Qingfeng saw a little bit of trouble, but the elders in the rare group were there, and even the three moderators were not lacking. He naturally had to seize the opportunity and ignored the jokes of the elders, he immediately asked: “You Brothers, I got a new potion called the blood of the brave, but this formidable power is very overbearing. Every time I drink one, there will be indigestion for 3 days, so I want to ask you, Is there any good recommendation for neutralizing the medicament? If not, the effect is good, and one that is easy to get is okay. I will try it myself. “

“Blood of the brave !? What is it?”

“Big guys must be fine, big guy, I have never heard of such a thing and can’t recommend it to you.”

Sword Monarch and the others are puzzled.

It was Aotian Sword God, who did n’t speak for a while, and suddenly spoke after half a minute: “I seem to have heard of something like the blood of a brave. It seems to be very high-end things. Wait, I stole my dad last night. I have n’t had time to access the database account password. I’ll check it in the internal database now. “

Seeing that there is still a way for Sword God to be proud of everyone without knowing it, Baili Qingfeng had to say a word, or the moderator is reliable.

The efficiency of Aotian Sword God is very fast, less than one minute, a document has been sent out, and at the same time hurriedly said: “I rely on, this database will actually have a login reminder every time you log in, this is the blood of the brave Information, there are a lot of good things in here, brothers, I now click to upload all the information of the pharmacy project to the group, how much can be uploaded depends on how quickly my dad has reacted. It ’s a degree, I ’m going to run now … ”

After speaking, Baili Qingfeng already saw a message.

Aotian Sword God uploaded the file “The correct way to use the blood of the brave”!

Aotian Sword God uploaded the “3 Ways to Use Medicinal Herbs” file offline!

Aotian Sword God uploaded the “Primordial One Qi Dan Yaofang” file offline!

Aotian Sword God uploaded the “Fu Sheng San Yao Fang” file offline!

Aotian Sword God uploaded the “Xuanwu Fruit Growth Distribution Map” file offline!


Each file is about ten to 30 megabytes, which is not small. Fortunately, the network of Sword God at Aotian is very amazing. The upload speed per second can basically reach 2 megabytes, which basically maintains a file of ten seconds. Upload speed is continuously transmitted.

When there are 3 files to be transferred, the uploading success message is gradually filled with messages such as “the file was moved or deleted causing the upload to fail” and so on.

Throughout the process, the atmosphere inside the group kept a weird intelligibility.

After a while, the moderator of Sword Monarch cautiously asked: “The moderator … will it be okay? These files look very precious …”

“Should … be fine … after all, it’s my biological son …”

The East wins are also a bit unsure.

“But I heard that the moderator has 6 brother sisters …”


Sword Monarch’s words sent the group into a weird silence again.

After a while, Quango Wargod said: “The moderators finally had nine deaths and still alive uploading these files for us. The moderators will be in vain. Would we like to download these files first? To avoid being deleted when they get it?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Let’s talk down!”

“It’s okay to go down, but we don’t want to send it in random. Heaven’s Mystery Building is a huge monster. Heaven knows whether we will chase and kill these materials.”

Sword Monarch cautioned.

“The moderator is really a good guy …”

Baili Qingfeng sighed, but the movements on his hands were not slow. He uploaded 3 files successfully and he and everyone down.


He only downloaded these files to the ninth, and at the next tenth, he had been notified that the file had been deleted.

“Fast action, it’s only a few minutes?”

“Our group won’t be closed, right?”

“Don’t talk in the group first, the moderator’s account may fall into the hands of others, Brother Thunder Dominator, wait a minute …”

Sword Monarch said, and soon he had received a group chat invitation.

As he joined the group, he found that several big men were already in the group, and …

It seems that Sword God has just been kicked out?

“Well, everyone will chat here for a while. The group will observe for a while and then say, in addition, 10000000 don’t reveal our true identity, lest people from Heaven’s Mystery Building come to your door and ask for these prescriptions one after another. Do n’t even expose these prescriptions, as there is still room for manoeuvre even if they are caught by the people at Heaven’s Mystery Building. “

Sword Monarch moderator has a serious tone.


“So terrifying? Is it too late for me to return the exercises?”

“Tsk tsk, don’t worry, Heaven’s Mystery Building is not a demon and a devil. The problem should not be very big. Let me first see what these things are and then say, maybe I can rely on these medicines to nourish and become a peerless Divine Art. “

The East Wins, the Ethereal Fairy, the Quantum Wargod, the ten-step kill, and the others react differently.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the information downloaded and saved by him with some worries: “Sword Monarch moderator, you said that the real identity would be found by Heaven’s Mystery Building? Then … then what should I do if my real identity has been revealed? “


Sword Monarch thought for a moment and organized the language: “I believe that as long as you don’t mess around, the people at Heaven’s Mystery Building may not show up and ask for your prescription.”


“Should … be afraid?”

Sword Monarch’s tone is uncertain.


Baili Qingfeng is a little bit surprised, are people at Heaven’s Mystery Building so timid?

Or do they act prudently?

“Okay, I can tore my hot bar at ease and take a crush.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded, at the end he seemed to think of something and asked: “By the big guys, seeing you changeable situation in the international exchange every day, just right, I want to promote the peaceful reunification of Sia Kingdom and the Aurora Empire, and let Aurora in Hiah, I wonder if you have any good suggestions? “

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