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“dīng líng líng !”

Sikongdao heard the ringing, eyes opened from the darkness, and immediately picked up the phone.

“I’m Sikongdao!”

“General, something went wrong. At 2 o’clock in the evening, all the core masters of Thunderbolt Sect have completed their assembly and left Charia by car. Although there are not a lot of them, there are only more than 30 people, but they are all masters.”

There was a voice from Switch on the phone.

“Three people at Thunderbolt Sect? What the hell is happening?”

Sikongdao frowned, what he thought of for a moment, complexion changed, and quickly asked: “Is Baili Qingfeng available?”



Already understand Baili Qingfeng’s bottom line Suck in a breath of cold air: “Thunderbolt Sect, what do they want to do? I’ll call Baili Changkong!”

After speaking, he was a little sleepless, and immediately called Baili Changkong.

After 3 beeps, Baili Changkong answered the phone: “I thought Dakong Lineage wouldn’t call.”

“Baili Sect Master, what happened, why did all of your Thunderbolt Sect masters go out and send out Baili Qingfeng? Didn’t you say that Thunderbolt Sect will not use Baili Qingfeng in a non-significant moment?”

“What’s the matter? I should ask Sikong Dao Lineage to be handsome. Penglai Immortal Sect, Qilin Sword Sect and other forces against us Thunderbolt Sect that’s all, after all, our Thunderbolt Sect was established to unite the nation ’s martial artist with the tumor The Three Great Holy Lands are uprooted, and we are naturally hostile in our position, but aren’t the 10000 Sword Sects allies protected by your military and cabinet? Why did they join forces with the Masters of the Strange Sect to kill me Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master Baili Qingfeng !? “

“What !? 10000 Liu Jianzong and Jing Lanzong masters jointly attacked Baili Qingfeng !? They … Do they go to courting death !?”


Baili Changkong’s questioning in a bad tone was this time by Si Kongdao, actually …

I don’t know how to refute it?

“Sikong Dao Lineage is handsome. This is not the point. The point is their original intention. They do n’t know that the core of our Thunderbolt Sect is Baili Qingfeng. They want to catch Baili Qingfeng and threaten me. Let me step into their trap! If not because of this Coincidentally … I am afraid that my family has been taken hostage, which has caused me to be passive, so 10000 Liuzong must pay the price. “

“You are going to deal with 10000 Liu Jianzong !?”

“Not bad!”

Baili Changkong said solemnly: “Are you not until now doubting the strength of my grandson Baili Qingfeng? Do you want to witness his strength with your own eyes? Qingfeng will have a high grade Jianshan, over 10000 Liu Jianzong, and we are waiting Under Pinjian Mountain, take the ground for my grandson Qingfeng. You can take a good look at it to see if he can become the leader of the right path in the future, lead many sects against Three Great Holy Lands, and in the future, cooperate with the military hangman. This invasion. “

Sikongdao immediately understood Baili Changkong’s idea.

This is to completely rename Thunderbolt Sect.

If the military department really acts with Thunderbolt Sect, even if they do not deal with the 10000 sword sects, they will still give the other sect a wrong signal, thinking that Thunderbolt Sect has the strong support of the military department and the cabinet. If Thunderbolt Sect next If you show enough strength and potential, you will definitely take advantage of the situation and skyrocket.

Even further complete the integration of other sects except the Three Great Holy Lands faction.

By that time, with the assistance of the hostile Three Great Holy Lands faction sect, the power of Thunderbolt Sect will skyrocket geometrically, and it is truly qualified to fight Three Great Holy Lands.

“If this thing was really done by 10000 Liu Jianzong, it would make sense for you to be fair on 10000 Liu Jianzong on Thunderbolt Sect, but you still have to investigate this matter carefully, do n’t fall into the enemy ’s scheme, and become the enemy ’s Using the tools, our two Top Sects killed each other and made people laugh. “

Si Kongdao persuaded with a deep voice.

“I would like to investigate it carefully, but …”

Baili Changkong helplessly said, “The last time I persuaded my grandson, Qingfeng, it was not easy. At this time, I couldn’t persuade.”

“What if the 10000 is the murder of a person with a borrowed knife?”

Sikongdao’s voice was a bit harsh.

How to do! ?

Baili Changkong couldn’t give an answer.

Can only blame 10000 Liu Jianzong bad luck?

“I trust my grandson’s judgment! He did act impulsively in some aspects, but he has a kind of … inexplicable sensitivity, a kind of ability that seems to be able to clearly understand the good and evil of the enemy …

“Can the enemy’s good and evil ability be clearly understood?”

Sikong Road frowned.

This ability …

He had heard it faintly.

Sincere way to know!

But this statement until now is groundless and has not been confirmed.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s life as a person, the number of martial artists falling into his hands is 100. Unlike the most sincere person, can he touch this realm that is only equivalent to the legend?

After a while, Sikongdao said: “It is not appropriate for our military to come forward, but someone will come to observe and collect the detailed information of Baili Qingfeng. If he really is like you said, Innate Talent is peerless. Martial Practice is more than a year of True Immortal. With the invincible hand, then the military and cabinet support to him and your Thunderbolt Sect will spare no effort. The elongation pill you applied for … will definitely be approved. “

“it is good!”

Baili Changkong promised: “We old fogeys have been looking forward to the military’s Yanshou Dan.”

“The 10000 Liu Jianzong has also had some friendship with us over the years and made some contributions. I don’t want the conflict between Thunderbolt Sect and 10000 Liu Jianzong to become blood flowing into a river.”

“I will convey these words to Qingfeng. He has always been good to others, and will give 10000 Liu Jianzong a chance, but if 10000 Liu Jianzong is obsessed with it, I can’t do anything about it.”

After speaking Baili Changkong hung up.

In fact, he called General Sikongdao not to fight for anything, but to show them an attitude and give them a breath to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings at that time.


Sikong Dao Lineage is also a reasonable person.


They have already established their positions.


Pin Jianshan.

The first rays of morning light pierced through the darkness and shone on the Ancient Sect, an inheritance of 10000 Liu Jianzong, which had been in existence for hundreds of years.

Zhong 10000 times was awakened at 6 o’clock, and at this moment his face was ugly.

He has received the news that the arrest of Baili Qingfeng failed. All three masters of the Jinglanzong died, and even the cover of 3 people with the 10000 Liu Jianzong sneaked into Charia was exposed. Currently, Thunderbolt Sect has called dozens of people. The masters almost came out, and the goal was their 3 Liu Jianzong!

This is Xingshi’s sin!

“Damn! What’s the matter of the people of Jinglanzong !? And Zhan Chilong, even a little Baili Qingfeng can’t handle it?”

If it wasn’t for the three masters of Jinglanzong who died, Zhong 3 times would have thought that this was a bitter scheme directed by Jinglanzong and Penglai Immortal Sect. The purpose was to attract 10000 Liujianzong and Thunderbolt Sect to become enemies. Let them kill each other with Two Great Sects.

Zhong 10000 waited a moment on the mountain with anger and seemed to hear something. Although he never looked back, his face was full of chills: “Zhan Chilong, you need to give me an explanation! Or do you think that you can Are we 10000 daggers on board? “

As he finished speaking, a black clothed exhibition Chilong stepped out and said solemnly: “Zong Sect Master do n’t rush to Xingshi to blame. At present, the 10000 Liu Jianzong is not facing the problem of not being able to get on our ship, but It’s … the question of where to go in the future! “

“What do you mean!?”

“Until now, I’m afraid the Sect Master doesn’t know how my Three Great Elders died?”

“How did you die? It must be that you were shocked by the surprise Lanzong’s actions and leaked the wind, so that Thunderbolt Sect got the news, so Baili Changkong ambush in the residence of Baili Qingfeng, fully armed, your Three Great Elders is directly stepped Thunderbolt Sect’s trap naturally ended in the army. “


Zhan Chilong’s voice was slightly lowered by one point: “If the person who killed me Three Great Elders is Baili Changkong, it is better, but unfortunately, this is not the case.”

“en! ?”

Zhong 10000 took an oblique glance at Zhan Chilong: “Don’t you want to tell me, you Three Great Elders died in the hands of the new Grandmaster in Baili Qingfeng?”


“This joke is not funny at all.”

“The problem is, this is not a joke.”

Zhong 10000 watched Chi Chilong at expression grave, and the sneer on his face gradually converged, replaced by solemnity: “Three Great Elders were really killed by Baili Qingfeng? The Elder of Jinglan Sect … I remember it Zhoutian realm? Baili Qingfeng killed them? “

“One Warlord, two Heavenly Revolution Grandmasters, we used nearly half of the strength of the Strange Lanzong, but … they died, all died in the hands of Baili Qingfeng. Actually, the information we got from Luck Emperor not long ago had a guess. , One … we dismiss it, but now it seems to be a factual guess. “

“What guess !?”

Zhong 10000 can take the Sect Master position of 10000 Liu Jianzong. It is by no means a slow and ignorant person. When he said those four words, his mind seemed to have flashed a flash of light, and his face suddenly turned white: “You I mean … Thunderbolt Sect, a mysterious master with Wargod strength and Divine Power realm … is Baili Qingfeng !? “

“Not bad!”

Chilong was heavily nodded, and his face was very ugly: “Luck Emperor’s news shows that Baili Changkong is simply an old grandmaster who has lost his vitality and blood. 2 After getting this news, we didn’t even think about Baili Qingfeng. Instead, It is inferred that the information is wrong or this is a trap of the military department. The purpose is to attract the True Immortal of Three Great Holy Lands to assassinate Baili Changkong to provide the military department with the opportunity to bomb them … at this moment, combined with Baili Qingfeng Revealed ability … “

An amazing …

The truth can only be described in horror, clearly displayed in front of them!

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