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“2 Grand Grandmasters, one Wargod, two Warlords, one Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, and two Grandmasters! And, there is a person Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster is coming at extremely fast speed!”

Baili Qingfeng The cold hair on his body seemed to stand up!


Too dangerous!

9 big powerhouse, suddenly ambushed him, and still without his defense, even the power of heart could be excited in the future!

This battle can be called the most dangerous battle since his debut. If he is not careful, he will fall to the end of his life!

nine deaths and still alive!

The situation is definitely nine deaths and still alive!

“Tear their siege!”

Baili Qingfeng relied on the sturdy and violent impact of the Storm Ripper Battle Armor to hit the clock 10000 times, and knocked the 10000 Sword Master Sect Master upside down on the spot, even if he had internal defense and was still surging.

“Stop him! You can’t let him escape from the siege! Once there is no battle line and the blood and blood of us are linked together, he can use the Refining Spirit Secret Technique to deter us, and with the fierceness of his Refining Spirit Secret Technique, we Who can stop it? “

Zhan Chilong screamed loudly, and expression 狰狞 exploded again. The sword previously swept by Baili Qingfeng turned sharply. With the strength of the Grandmaster-level powerhouse, it swept down and chased Baili Qingfeng’s charge. Metaphysical.

“Get me back!”

Zhong 10000 Cheng was also stimulated fiercely, and his body was suddenly twisted after being knocked out. The Grand Grandmaster’s precise and extreme grasp of his Strength made him to pour out more than half of the internal force in the body in no time. In the sword, Baili Qingfeng, aiming at the front, cut it with all his strength!

This sword was cut off, and the void seemed to burn for it. The mighty sword-pumps filled Baili Qingfeng’s vision, and the sense of oppression exceeded any one of all the masters in his lifetime.

“really strong !”

Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes, and this Strength, which can release all the inside of the body instantly …

Vividly and thoroughly the powerful interpretation of the Grandmaster!

Even if Baili Qingfeng has the white form increase of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique at this moment, compared to the sword that poured Zhong 10000 by half the internal interest, it is still a little worse!


Hengjian resist!


The fire shines.

Pour into the power of a great Grandmaster more than half of the sword burst out how powerful the power! ?

A circle of naked eyes visible around the space centered around Baili Qingfeng’s non-killing sword spread out, sweeping across the vertical and horizontally, cutting like a knife to all directions.

Zhong 10000 shattered the sleeves of the entire arm of the sword holding the Grandmaster’s sword, turned it into cloth scraps, and sputtered 4 squares. The first-hit Baili Qingfeng, even though there was a boutique Chen Jin Battle Armor, was still killed by this sword. The strength of the strikes had to fly back and fall back into the siege of the crowd. The continuous strength of the shock struck his body through the reduction of the Chen Jin Battle Armor, shaking his internal organs crazy!

If he did not take several blood of the brave, the internal organs are a bit stronger than the ordinary Wargod. If it is not the God and Demon Purgatory Physique of his cultivation, he is mastery in defense, I am afraid that …

He is going to vomit blood!

“Can’t break out! My assassination failed!”

Baili Qingfeng’s face was a bit ugly.

He claimed to be an assassin, Mastery’s way of assassination, and the idea of ​​killing if he didn’t take a shot. The purpose of coming to 10000 Liu Jianzong was to assassinate the powerhouse one after another of 10000 Liu Jianzong, even this time. In danger, many people around him did n’t seem to meet the assassination criteria slightly, but he was still reluctant to give up, just waiting to rush out of the battlefield, and then kill the eight people one after another, so as to avoid assassinations on his brilliant assassin resume Blot of failure.

But at this moment…

The breakout failed, even if he wanted to break out of the siege and assassinate the people one after another. No doubt the intention of the assassination had been lost. This battle has evolved to the present. It has already changed from assassination to frontal confrontation!

“That’s it, that’s all we can do.”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes quickly became resolute, and he recovered from the frustration of the failure of the assassination: “Since you cannot assassinate … then fight! Let me see, again and again, 3 provocations against me, can’t wait for me How powerful is the 10000 Dead Sword Sect of the Dead! “


Baili Qingfeng was chopped back by Zhong 10000 by one sword, showing Scarlet Dragon Sword light as electricity, relying on the special outbreak of internal interest, the sword in his hand was like tearing the horror of the void, and assaulted Baili Qingfeng’s head with an incredible rapid lightning. go with.

That sword speed …

Enough to exceed the reaction limit of any Grandmaster!

“weng weng! ”

In Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 state, Baili Qingfeng has not only increased the blood, it has become extremely powerful. Even the perception and the 6 sensations also reach an incredible realm. Without looking, relying on the ear to listen, he can already hear the sword. Tear the air, the direction and trajectory of the lightning assassination.


At the moment when the sword was about to pierce the head of Baili Qingfeng, his skull was slightly deflected, and allowed the sword to carry in a flash, and a flame flew into the air from the helmet of the storm ripper.

“Not good !”

A sword fails, and the Chilong’s face changes without the slightest hesitation.

But before he broke out, he had time to get back his weight and pull back. Baili Qingfeng stabbed his left hand suddenly, the five fingers full of metal pointed at him for a grab, and fiercely held it on his shoulder.


The thick and mighty strength on the spot shattered Chi Chilong’s shoulder blades on the spot!


The screams were screaming from the mouth of Zhan Chilong.

Not only that, when holding Chi Chilong, Baili Qingfeng’s figure twisted, his energy rose from his spine, and swept across his body, just like Divine Dragon Swings Its Tail, grabbing Chi Chi’s figure and swinging to the side, just right Blocked the sword light of a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster assassination.


The swordly edge of the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster’s lightning-strike sword spreads, relying on his own extremely precise control of the Sword Technique, making this sword penetrate the red dragon body in an instant, drifting away and sticking to his The body pierced into the air.

“Be careful!”

A sudden exclaim came from one side.

But I saw Baili Qingfeng right hand sword light with the exhibition of Chilong as the shield. After his sword slashed into the air, the sharp edge of the sword edge and the air brought a sharp shriek in the sky!

No suspense!


The rampant sword edge tore up the airwaves, smashing the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster on the spot, and in the next second, unswervingly chopped down the Chin Chin Long who broke his shoulder blade.



When Baili Qingfeng’s sword ran towards Chilong, another Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster’s sword was slammed down with a horrible inevitable trend. The horrible sword completely overturned Baili Qingfeng’s figure. Once he continued to hold the sword regardless Cut off, this blade is bound to tear him all into pieces.

Sound east hits the West!

This is the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster’s plan!


The unfavorable plan of attacking the west obviously lost its effect on Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t even look at the sword that was cut after him. The sword in his hand did not take the slightest hesitation to the lightning of the Chin Chin’s neck that was held in his hand.

“Ah! 8 Pole Dragon!”

At the moment of life and death, Zhan Chilong, the great Grandmaster angry roar, circulates inside, his body is born in an incredible way, struggling out of the left hand clasped by Baili Qingfeng, and his head is suddenly deflected, at the crucial moment Don’t kill the sword glow to the sword glow, from death to life, save your life!


At the same time, the Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster ’s sword was fiercely and killed the Storm Armor Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng. The fire was shot, and this sword mixed with a violent blade gave birth to the Storm Armor Battle Armor. The slicing is like slashing Baili Qingfeng’s body.


But without waiting for this blade to have time to further tear Baili Qingfeng’s figure, all the energy contained in the blade has been exhausted, and Shengsheng is stuck in the Battle Armor, and he can no longer be half an inch!

Vaguely, a number appeared on the top of Baili Qingfeng’s head.


“This defense…”

Grandmaster with a knife widened his eyes, a flash of despair flashed in his eyes!

He did n’t break this blade, but instead was aided by Baili Qingfeng with the horror in his blade. Strength at the foot followed the eruption. At the moment when Chilong was about to leave his attack range, he aggressively moved forward, as if he was attacking. Food, a large and tall body swept the storm, and crashed into the red dragon’s body with the force of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.


The Zhan Chilong in the retreat seemed to be hit by a truck with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and the blood was spitting. The skeleton above and below did not know how many pieces were broken, and smashed heavily on the walls of the courtyard outside ten meters, smashing the walls. The crack cracked, the dust was smashed, and there was no movement on the spot.

“Even if it’s the benefit of Battle Armor, he shouldn’t be so strong!”

Zhong 10000 took a look at the Chi Chilong who was knocked out of his life, and his voice was full of horror: “Kingdom Guardian! Kingdom Guardian! He is a Kingdom Guardian class! With the explosion of mystery, he has a battle that is not inferior to the Kingdom Guardian class. strength! “

Kingdom Guardian!

Sword XII and the remaining Heavenly Revolution Grandmasters, Grandmasters, each and everyone

It was an Equivin to True True Mortal invincible character.

The gap between the three phases of Grandmaster, Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, and Grand Grandmaster is not significant. Many people can use the weak to defeat the strong or even forcibly fight against them based on factors such as equipment, martial skills, status, and environment.

But True Immortal on land compares to Grand Grandmaster …

But it is one heaven one earth!

Although the upper limit of True Immortal’s attack is not much stronger than that of Grand Grandmaster, the increase of all sides of True Immortal is too comprehensive.

Strength is 30-40% stronger than the Grand Grandmaster, speed is 30-40% stronger than the Grand Grandmaster, response is 30-40% stronger than the Grand Grandmaster, explosive power is 3 4-Layer stronger, and endurance is 30-40% stronger than the Grand Grandmaster.

Each item is 30-40% stronger, but when combined, it is enough to form an overwhelming advantage.

In addition, the biggest advantage of the land True Immortal compared to the Grand Grandmaster and Wargod is that it has been built into a leak-free true body, and its physical strength and resilience are several times that of the Grand Grandmaster and Wargod. It has even enhanced the power of the land True Immortal to the extreme.

If two or three Grandmasters can besiege a Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster, then the ten Grand Grandmasters may not be able to chop a land True Immortal under the sword.

And now, they are actually ambushing such a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse that can be tied with the True Immortal on land! ?

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