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Three cars belonging to Thunderbolt Sect got off the highway.

At the entrance of the toll station, more than a dozen cars were parked, posing a grand battle.

The Division Chief of the Military Department, Donald of the Local Council, Yuli of the local forces, and Su Sheng, Changle and the others representing the Martial Dao circle of Xia Hai, all in it.

In the car, Baili Changkong glanced at the back row because he didn’t have a good rest. Baili Qingfeng, who is now sleeping, screamed in a voice, “Here is Xia.”

no response.

This alertness made Baili Changkong doubt about 10000 how to avoid him when someone wanted to assassinate him at this time.

It took a while for Baili Changkong to shout again: “It’s going to be late for school.”


Baili Qingfeng opened his eyes, immediately sitting upright: “Late !?”

At the moment he opened his eyes, the power of the Refining Spirit, which belongs to the peak of Divine Power, shot out. Even the old powerhouse of Baili Changkong, who has lived for more than 70 years, has a kind of tenacious mind. Feeling.

“This kid … will the Refining Spirit realm be better?”

Baili Changkong secretly shiver of course.

“2 grandfather, you are mistaken. Because many teaching buildings have just been painted and there are various paint smells, the school has not yet officially started. The real start time is 4 days … 3 days later.”

Baili Qingfeng’s thinking was sober.

“Whether or not school starts, there are many people outside to pick us up and get off.”

Baili Changkong said.

Baili Qingfeng glanced out, speechless saying: “I won’t go, I still have something, I need to get back as soon as possible.”

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, his face suddenly became pale, and he directly completed the transition from a normal person to the life of a seriously injured person: “I am a Martial Practice one year new martial artist but 9 Grand Grandmaster, the injury was very serious, and I was alive. At this moment, my injury was so severe that it could not be increased. Only a Peak medicinal material in my room could save my life. I am afraid that I have no time to chat with them and drive Send me back … “

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng, whose face was changing very fast ……

Feeling stunned.

I didn’t know how to answer.

And Baili Qingfeng also seemed to feel that his disguise was too fake, and had to say embarrassingly: “I am really hurt … Although life is a bit exaggerated, but I really want to go back to rest earlier, you really refuse to send it My words … I can run back by myself? “

“Forget it.”

Baili Changkong was too lazy to discuss with Baili Qingfeng on this little thing, and instructed the driver to send Baili Qingfeng back, but he got off with Shi Tianya from another car, and met Su Sheng, Changle, Schneider, and Sway Qi, Yu Li, and so on.

When Baili Changkong appeared, several people enthusiastically approached at the same time: “Congratulations to Thunderbolt Sect for showing Divine Power and defeating the 10000 Sword Sect.”

“Thunderbolt Sect is doing a good job of my Charity artist, who will dare to belittle my Charity artist?”

“Not only Xia, we in Xiahai can have thunderbolt such as Thunderbolt Sect, Guotai Minan, and honor, which is the blessing of all martial artists in Xiahai.”

Everyone congratulated.

“You have won the prize, and you have a special trip to welcome you.”

Baili Changkong one after another responded.

When greeting Baili Changkong, everyone secretly glanced at the driving vehicle. It was anxious: “Qingfeng Vice Sect Master showed the power of invincible in this battle. It is said that the 9 Grandmasters were cut by one person. is included Sword XII, Zhong 2 times, and one Chigo Dragon Wargod and two Grandmasters. I was shocked by the battle. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to see the Qingfeng Vice Sect Master? “

“Qingfeng fought against the 9th Grandmaster. He suffered some injuries and had to go back to cultivation. For neglect, I paid him for your crimes.”

Baili Changkong apologizes.

Everyone glanced at the vehicle leaving Baili Qingfeng, and through the glass, she really saw Baili Qingfeng look pale, and even look like a gossamer, each and everyone dare not.

9 Grand Grandmasters!

It also includes 3 level 6 martial artists!

Baili Qingfeng was able to kill as many as 9 people. It is a miracle. How can he not be badly hit?

Look at his tragic look pale …

Unless there is a healing medicine, it is not a February feat to want to recover from injuries!


“Finally home!”

When Baili Qingfeng arrived home, he would not kill the sword for a while, and lost the Battle Armor box. The whole person was lying on the sofa, leaving his body half-slumped in the sofa, stretching himself, and saying, “This whole day Yes, I spent it in the car. It was really hard to take a car. Moreover, the space of the car was obviously not as spacious as the train, and the comfort was too poor, especially … the train has sleepers … “

Baili Qingfeng lay in the sofa and rested for a while before he got up again, his eyes fell on several large holes in the wall.

“You have to contact the repair house as soon as possible.”

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

Now he returned to his study and wanted to read a book first.

School is about to start soon, he obviously feels that most recently he is spending less and less time on studying, so he has to make up as soon as possible.

At this time, a box on the table caught his attention.

“10000 Stream Sword Manual’s 10000 Stream Sword Manual?”

Baili Qingfeng took a look.

10000 Liu Sword Manual is the inheritance of 10000 Liu Jianzong. At first, he kept the secret for 10000 Liu Jianzong, and he was reluctant to spread the 10000 Liu Sword Manual, but now …

10000 Liu Jianzong is gone.


To death, the Sect Master of 10000 Liu Jianzong and the 10000 multiplier are concerned about the inheritance of their 10000 Liu Jianzong, worried about the sect inheritance decision. The so-called human death is the biggest. He even had more conflicts with Baili Qingfeng in advance. No matter how much grudges, but these conflict grudges should be written off with Zhong 10000’s death.

Since he wants to inherit the inheritance of the 10000 Sword Sect, he …

Just do something good to fulfill his wish.

It can also be regarded as two martial arts who have experienced life-and-death struggle, and give each other a little quiet.

“You don’t need to thank me. If I am really touched by my retaliation, then bless me to break through to the Kingdom Guardian level.”

Baili Qingfeng said, turn on the computer.

When he turned on the computer, he remembered that when he destroyed 10000 Liu Jianzong, he also got a lot of Sword Technique books and votive thoughts.

Immediately he went downstairs and carried a large box up.

Inside the box are a total of 100 exercises books. As an Ancient Sect that has inherited 3 hundred or so years, the background of the 10000 stream sword sect can be seen from these exercises books.

“A bit more …”

Baili Qingfeng looked a bit frowning at this box. Although each exercise method is not very thick, it is about a dozen pages, and even a few pages, but it is still not a small project to take a picture and upload it.

“Forget it, in order to be able to contribute to the idea of ​​the owner of the edition, such as a dragon, how can I be hard and tired again? People, should be a little more selfless dedication of self-dedication.”

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng gritted his teeth and took all the 100 volumes of the classics, one by one, to ensure that each picture is clear and clear, and this will be transmitted to the forum.

Unfortunately, it’s daytime. After uploading all the pictures by Baili Qingfeng, there is still no one in the group talking up.

“This time I can talk a little bit with the big guys in the group and ask questions.”

Baili Qingfeng breathed a little sigh of relief: “It’s a pity … the Jing Lanzong’s exhibition red dragon body is not at all with the exercises on it, otherwise there would be a lot more types of books …”

While speaking, he glanced at the number of classics in the forum.

It has increased from the previous volume of 1000 2 100 to 1300, a sense of accomplishment emerges.

“I need to publicize it in sect, so that sect disciple has time to log in to this forum and browse, study, and comprehend more than 1000 books of exercises in accordance with my hobby. This will also reduce the workload of our Thunderbolt Sect Master. “

Baili Qingfeng thought to pick up the phone.

“dīng líng líng !”

Before he could make the call, the phone rang.

After he turned on the phone, a voice came out quickly: “Qingfeng? I’m Kanis.”

“Professor Kanis.”

A smile appeared on Baili Qingfeng’s face: “Is there any good news for the professor?”

“Yes, after more than 2 months of culturing, we have successfully cultivated a brand new cell that not only has a speed that is far better than that of cancer cells, but also almost infinite number of times that it can divide, and, This kind of cell has no harm to itself. A large number of cells that are conceived within the body will not interfere with the normal functioning of organs throughout the human body. It can also store a large amount of human energy … At present we are trying to overcome the energy consumption of such cells. As long as this problem can be solved, it will most likely be a kind of 10000 energy cells. “

“Fast division, unlimited, harmless, high energy storage …”

Baili Qingfeng could hear Canis’ introduction and was almost impatient to see this new cell: “I don’t know how I can grow this cell and transplant it into the body?”

“Don’t worry about this. It’s too early for human trials. I don’t know if there will be any side effects, but I can assure you that within 2 years, I will give you satisfactory results.”

“2 Year?”

Baili Qingfeng felt that he could not wait so long.

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique White form As long as he accumulates in advance, he is ready to fully explode all day, but …

After all, preparation time is required.

It is totally useless during raids and encounters.

10000 What if he is besieged by ten 8 Grandmasters without enough white blood cells accumulated?

Therefore, early utilization of 10000 energy cells is the best choice.

“Professor Kanis, you will prepare a copy of 10000 energy cells for me. I also have a laboratory. The construction is about to be completed. At that time, I will study such cells in the laboratory. If two groups work together, the efficiency It can also improve a lot. “


“Professor, please believe in my profession.”

Professor Kanis considered that he had researched this kind of 10000 energy cells in advance in order to repay Baili Qingfeng’s life-saving grace. Sooner or later, he had to give him this kind of cell. Now he promised: “Well, but before we are not fully prepared, Human experiments are absolutely not allowed. “

“I understand that I will never act blindly without thinking until I confirm my safety.”

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