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In the cultivation cave, Baili Qingfeng suck in a breath of cold air.

Even if he got a “correct use of the blood of the brave” file from Sword God of Aotian, it contains a supplementary medicinal material that can reduce the damage of the blood of the brave to the human body and increase the blood of the brave by 50% medicinal Power, but in order to ensure the efficiency of retreat, Baili Qingfeng still felt a great load in the case of a day of brave blood.

The violent Strength scoured his internal organs frantically, and seemed to shatter his entire body from the inside out and regroup it again.

Even if he could burst his painful ability to endure, he had to inspire adrenaline to slightly relieve the pain of the blood of the brave.

But even so, he still felt like he was going to be exploded.

This overbearing medical power …

It was worse than when he drank the liquid mine.

Taking the blood of the brave, Baili Qingfeng didn’t dare to have half a delay, and made every effort to cultivate God and Demon Purgatory Physique.

His God and Demon Purgatory Physique has been incorporated into the Emperor’s Emperor’s Surgery, and the absorption and digestibility have been greatly enhanced. Although the blood of the brave is overbearing, drinking the explosive medical power is enough to sustain the ordinary person. It can be balanced by the evolved God and Demon Purgatory Physique.

After 3 hours, Baili Qingfeng felt a little better about his health.


After a sigh of relief, Baili Qingfeng’s complexion looked slightly better.

“It’s really hard! When I drank a blood of a brave for 3 days, it was easy to refining. Why is it so difficult to drink a blood of a brave a day? Is it possible that Will you diarrhea when you’re over? Or, do you drink too much of this messy thing? “

Baili Qingfeng looked at the bottles and cans on the table he moved in.

One blood of brave one day, 3 liquids of mine refining …

Not much.

Since I want to practice God and Demon Purgatory Physique, I have to drink 2 liters of water a day. How can these things be so uncomfortable when they add up to less than one liter?

“Maybe I can’t put it in the refrigerator? I cook for 2 days a day. The amount of 2nd day in the refrigerator causes deterioration, so I’m not comfortable eating?”

Baili Qingfeng frowned, I can’t think of a reason why he increased the dose of medicine by a little.


Although taking these medicines is a bit painful and uncomfortable for the body, it is still tolerable after all.

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his heart and said, “Forget it, bear with me, there is a sentence how to say, good medicine is hard to eat. Although these things make the body a bit uncomfortable, they are not completely unbearable, as long as they can be carried I have to brace my teeth. After all, I’m not an ordinary person anymore, but a martial artist. Since I’m a martial artist, then naturally I have to work hard and work hard like those martial artists! Besides, I bear it now The pressure of the unimaginable, Three Great Holy Lands is still unsolved, that’s all. Now there is more Qiu Shaofeng, the enemy who is most likely to be the son of the World. In order not to be counterattacked by him, I must pay more than It ’s only 2 times and 3 times as hard as a normal artist! ”

After reading this, Baili Qingfeng was heartbroken.

It seems that the medical power of the mine refining liquid can’t keep up with the medical power of the blood of the brave, so …

From today, 5 servings a day!

Take out the spirit of college entrance examination!

Do the questions every day until 6am, get up at 1am and go to school to study in the morning!

Ordinary person can still work so hard, he is a martial artist, why can’t he fight it! ?

Do you have to work hard after being shamed by Three Great Holy Lands and Qiu Shaofeng? ?

In life, you do n’t force yourself, you never know where your limits are!

even more how He Baili Qingfeng always believed that this lifeform of human beings was extraordinary, maybe he was weak when he was born, but when it comes to potential …


No species can match it!


Time goes by in Baili Qingfeng’s fierce cultivation.

Ten days passed by.

With the arrival of Thunderbolt Sect’s Grand Ceremony, Xia Ya and Wu He areas have become more lively than ever.

Especially under the Black River City near Wushan, which is in the direction of 3 Shunzhen, to-and-fro pedestrians and martial artists are endless.

Thunderbolt Sect has not yet established a sect. It has already defeated Qilin Sword Sect’s powerhouse with its overwhelming strength. Even Qiu Yi and Feng Cunyun, such as Grandmaster and Wargod-level characters, have drank their hatred in front of Thunderbolt Sect, and can be called Hia Martial One of the brightest stars in the emerging sect of Dao, and with the birth of Baili Qingfeng, against the 9 Grandmasters with one person’s strength, the force cut 10000 major 2 levels including Zhong 3 times, Sword 6 1 and Zhan Chilong. The powerhouse has even pushed Thunderbolt Sect’s prestige to the sky.

In addition, Thunderbolt Sect cooperates with the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet, and the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet also want to support a star power to disrupt the dominance of Three Great Holy Lands in the maria artist circle, and let Thunderbolt Sect take advantage. Soar.

Even though Thunderbolt Sect is obviously a bit worse than Three Great Holy Lands now, the reputation and weight of those middle and low-level martial artist in minds are no longer inferior to Three Great Holy Lands.


With the news that Baili Changkong’s achievement of the Warlord was confirmed 6 days ago, coupled with the appearance of Lu Ping, an old grandmaster, living in the position of Thunderbolt Sect Elder, it substantially compensated for the lack of high-end battle strength in Thunderbolt Sect. Thunderbolt Sect No longer relying on Baili Qingfeng alone to support it alone, the Great Sect is really showing prosperity.

at least……

Thunderbolt Sect, which has 2 major and 6-level martial artists, is no less inferior to any of the Top Sects, including Hundred Herb Hall, Futu Zong, Jinglan Zong, Purple Clothes Building, and Shanhe Dian.

At the moment, under the newly built mountain gate of Thunderbolt Sect, headed by Shi Tianya and Hong Tiange, Shi Yiyi, Baili Tianxing, Moqi, Chifeng Yigan, etc. are all waiting at the door, and welcome everyone who comes to the sect celebration. The guests.

Some mediocre martial artists have been brought to the seat by disciplines, and those who have the head and face when they are in the Grandmaster realm are led by Baili Tianxing, Moqi, and Chifeng to sit in the hall.

In the case of the Shia martial artist circle, the characters like Mount Tai Big Dipper arrive, and Baili Changkong and Lu Ping will come out in person to take charge of the reception.

It’s as if now, an old man with divide poise and sagelike features with 2 disciples, smiled and heard the news from Baili Changkong: “hahaha, congratulations! Old Master finally got his wish!”

“Everyone can come here. We thunder and thunderbolt from Thunderbolt Sect, please be seated inside.”

“Haha, I have been fascinated with the Baili Qingfeng Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect for a long time. I really do n’t know how shocking and stunning young Junjie can have such a record. I wonder if he is here now? I’d better let a few Little Brats behind me Understand what is in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself. “

The old man called Yuyu laughed.

And when he spoke, the two disciples of a man and a woman behind him were also full of curiosity.

“Qingfeng is still on the way. It hasn’t arrived yet. When the kid comes, I will definitely take him to see you all.”

“Then I’ll wait to see the style of our younger generation, Number One Person. The Old Master must have a lot of work to do now. Don’t worry about me. Today, we are rare friends of our maria artist circle. It’s all here, and I’d like to say hello to those old friends. “

“Haha, a lot of old friends have come. Lingnan’s returning to the north, the giant knight of the giant island, and Zhang Loose Practitioner who has always seen Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail.

“Brother Old Zhang is here too? Well, it’s been 4 years since I last met Brother Old Zhang. I don’t know what’s going on with Old Brother now, so I’m going to talk to Old Brother for 2 sentences.”

Yuyu said, arching her hand to Baili Changkong, and quickly led to the hall under the guidance of Hong Tiange.

The most Peak sect forces in the Shia martial artist circle are naturally Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 veins, Penglai Immortal Sect, and downwards are a series of forces such as 10000 Sword Sect, Jing Lan Sect, Shanhe Temple, Hundred Herb Hall, etc. , But it does not mean that only these forces have Peak powerhouse.

Like the Great Sword Master Yuyu is the famous maria artist in the circle of the great expert of the sword way, a Sword Technique unpredictable and mysterious, even when compared to 10000 Liu Jianzong Sect Master Zhong 10000 is not much inferior .

The remaining Yan Beigui, Guo Juxia, and Zhang Loose Practitioner are also prestigious Peaks in the martial artist circle, but they often do not open a sect, do not set up Sect, they just keep 30% of their acres and teach so in Small groups of several disciplines, never have a direct conflict with Three Great Holy Lands, so they can always be at peace.

The military and cabinet have always wanted to win the help of these marial artists. However, these martial artists are afraid of Three Great Holy Lands. Even if they are interested in contributing their own strength on the battlefield against human races, they dare not easily express their opinions.

“What about Qingfeng? Why haven’t you arrived yet? He is Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master.”

As soon as the fish was gone, Baili Changkong immediately turned to Baili and asked sharply.

“I just called him and didn’t get through. Maybe he … in cultivation, the signal was not very good …”

Baili Skywalk.

Baili Changkong knows the cultivation cave of Baili Qingfeng, where …

There is really no signal.

“You go and take him over right away. Many people are in the face of his future Kingdom Guardian powerhouse. How can he not show up?”

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

Baili day trip nodded.


Thunderbolt Sect has already begun preparations with great fanfare, and Baili Qingfeng ……

Still working hard in the cave.

“hong long long !”

The thunderous sounds spread through the cave.

This is Baili Qingfeng’s exhaled voice.


This is the situation.

At this time, if he slams his lungs, Qi Condensation will become an arrow, and he can completely exhale and kill.

Feeling the blood of the brave, the power of the medicinal power washed away, Baili Qingfeng was slightly satisfied with nodded.

“The 6th pass. Sure enough, the retreat cultivation effect is remarkable. The degree of my fleshhy body tempering originally reached only the second time level. It was a first time I entered Wargod. As I worked hard for 9 full days, the blood of the brave was used as a juice drink. In the case, 4 rounds of tempering were completed directly. “


Going to the Thunderbolt Sect ceremony.

But then, it seems that the Thunderbolt Sect ceremony started at 8: 1?

It is said to be the best time.

It’s only 9 o’clock now, and he took a taxi at worst. Anyway, the road conditions are good, 30 minutes is enough, 30 minutes left, 5 minutes to take a shower, 5 minutes to blow hair, 8 minutes to wait for the car, 1 minutes left … …

There, the ceremony was just beginning.


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