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“dīng líng líng !”

Baili Qingfeng took a shower, dried her hair, and changed her clothes, as if she heard the sound of a cell phone ringing.

He looked for it, flipped his cell phone, but saw that the screen was black, thinking he heard it wrong.

But the ringtone of this mobile phone persevered, it seemed to ring for ten minutes, and it took him a while to think that he had another mobile phone.

At the moment, he opened a box that stores relatively expensive items. Inside the box was a walkman, some songs recorded from another World for fear of forgetting, high-energy physics, and a weapon design scheme being studied by the World Peace Commission.

“It turned out that this phone was ringing.”

Baili Qingfeng found the phone, and at this time the phone stopped ringing.

But he wasn’t in a hurry, he knew it wouldn’t be long before the call would come back.

Sure enough, less than one minute, the phone rang again.

Baili Qingfeng answered the phone and tentatively greeted him, “Senior Senior?”

“hong long long !”

There seems to be some noise there.

Sounds like …

A bit like the sound of a helicopter propeller.

“Baili Qingfeng !? You finally answered the phone, are you okay?”

There was a sound of relief from the truth.

“It’s okay? I’m staying at home. Xia has no volcano and is not in the earthquake zone. What can happen?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Qingfeng, you can hear clearly, you can pack your stuff at the fastest speed right away … forget it, don’t pack your stuff, leave the courtyard where you live at the fastest speed before you say!”

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, adding: “Take your sword and Battle Armor.”

“There are enemies !?”

Baili Qingfeng startled, and immediately immediately calmly said, “Okay, I’ll go and prepare now!”

“Hurry up! Also don’t let others know your whereabouts except you Baili Changkong and the others … no, don’t even tell your grandfather Baili Changkong, you leave quietly alone!”

“The enemy is strong !?”

Baili Qingfeng listened to the true tone and knew that things were grim: “My Battle Armor has just been washed and has not been dried yet. The Battle Armor has also been torn and torn. If the enemy is very strong, then I will not bring Battle Armor, bring books and food, and go directly to the mountains to hide for a few months. “

“Very strong! Very strong! Even I … haven’t left him secure! Maybe he can be defeated, but he is still young. Once he runs out of my physical strength, the victory or defeat of this battle will come … no People know … “

Shouzhen said in a heavy tone.

“I understand.”

Baili Qingfeng responded that it was decided not to bring the Battle Armor, and it was also a burden.

“Wait a minute!”

At this time Shouzhen seemed to hear something, and suddenly asked: “Your Battle Armor was torn and torn? What’s going on? I remember I received information that your new Battle Armor … used the materials to shine gold Lord !? Who can threaten you to wear the Yao Jin Battle Armor? “

“Not a Shia, I guess I am from the Aurora Empire.”

Baili Qingfeng could n’t tell them about the Ao Ya Forest, but they said, “Maybe I defeated Miro and made them hate, so I sent a level 2 assassin who broke the second human limit to come and kill me, but, What he did n’t expect was that I had a hunch. He was under my surveillance the moment he stepped into the city of Charia. Eventually, I made a plan based on his course of action … it was perfect. Anti-assassination technique, after he was severely wounded with assassination technique, he finally killed him by desperately. “

After finishing speaking, he quickly said, “But this is not the point. I have injuries now, although I recovered a bit, but if it is a true Senior you are difficult to win opponents, the two current me are not enough to each other Hit, so let’s avoid it as soon as possible. “

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Back to the previous topic … you said, you were assassinated by the people of the Aurora Empire !?”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“Assassinating you is a Level 2 True Immortal who broke the 8x limit !?”


Baili Qingfeng responded again.

“You rely on the advantage of the prophet and assassinate him on the way he came, and eventually kill him?”


Baili Qingfeng said, not willing to waste time on these topics: “Senior Senior, this is not the point, let’s not talk about this problem, how long is the enemy, I have to leave as soon as possible …”

“Don’t worry, I ask you, does the assassin look like he is in his 50s, with short and medium hair, and looks a bit of a literary scholar …”

Shouzhen described the assassin in detail, as if he had seen it.

“How do you know Senior?”

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised. What seemed to come to mind for a moment: “I’ve been killing the assassin for almost an hour now. You must have received the information, right?”

Speaking of this, he said with heartfelt emotion: “The Intelligence Section of the country is so powerful. It’s not only reported the news so fast, even the assassin’s appearance has been painted, and the true Senior should not even be the assassin’s identity. Are they all understood? “


Shouzhen suddenly felt that he didn’t know how to continue.

What can he do at this time?

It took a while before he organized the language a little bit and thought carefully: “I know the identity of the assassin …”

“I understand, Senior Senior called when he called to tell me the identity of the assassin, even … there is a close connection between that assassin and this assassin. Is it a senior and junior brother? Or a biological brother! ? “


Shouzhen take a deep breath: “He is Su 1000!”

“Is the assassin’s name?”

“Also, you don’t have to leave in a hurry, I called you just to tell you that Su 1000 would come to assassinate you …”

When Shouzhen said this, he suddenly felt that his previous worry and anxiety were superfluous.

Su 1000, not far from 1000 miles, came from the light of the hill to assassinate Baili Qingfeng, and as a result exposed the course, was assassinated by Baili Qingfeng halfway?

“So, the Intelligence Section of the country is amazing!”

Baili Qingfeng praised again.

He realized that the assassin had arrived by staring at the problematic Jihong, and he was true …

As far away as a thousand li, she had clearly understood the whereabouts of Su 1000, and called early to remind him of this intelligence ability, shake him away, and throw away Thunderbolt Sect a few streets.

Therefore, many things are not due to the country’s failure to find out, but to see whether they are willing to check.


Shouzhen heard Baili Qingfeng’s praise on the phone, a little speechless.


He doesn’t know who the Su 1000 line is?

Isn’t he Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master?

Isn’t he the grandson of Baili Changkong?

Do n’t know anything about Snow Mountain 6 Pulse Qimai Master?

In addition, he killed Snow Mountain 6 Veins specifically to check and balance him, making him dare not easily leave the light veins of Hill Light’s Qi Suzhu 1000 lines. It still looks like a okay person?

Now youngster …

So terrifying?

“Grandson! Grandson!”

There was a shout from outside the hospital at this time.

At the same time there are several stocks of familiar breath quickly approaching.

“I’m here, grandfather. Except for this assassin, is there anything you can do with Senior Senior? If it’s okay, let’s talk later?”

“No … it’s okay …”

Shouzhen is a bit turbulent.

“Okay, good-bye Senior, goodbye, and I’d like to invite you to eat our snail’s fried field snails.”

“Hehe … I wait for that day to come.”

Shouzhen said, and hung up.

His face was full of sighs and relief.

Su 1000 died, Baili Qingfeng was unharmed …

No matter how he did it, Su 1000 died in his hands and it was 1000 true 10000 indeed.

Martial Dao Realm of Hea …

Someone succeeded.


Hanging up the phone, Baili Qingfeng came to the yard.

In the courtyard, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, Lu Ping, and Yu Changqing have all rushed to it. Looking down at the stairs, wearing a home service, it seems …

It’s not like Baili Qingfeng who has experienced a battle of life and death, the faint gleaming eyes gradually stopped.

“2 grandfather, grandfather, Elder Lu, Elder Yu, you are here.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“en! ?”

Baili Changkong, who knows Baili Qingfeng best, seems to notice a slight anomaly: “Qingfeng, what’s wrong with your voice? It seems a little different? Is it … hurt?”

“Oh no, I recently felt that my cultivation was a bit too slow, so I practiced a little bit harder, but there were some problems with my exercises, and the hardest I practiced, it affected the normal development of the body, so the sound It ’s changed a bit, it seems like I lost my hair … “

Baili Qingfeng said that he was also a bit worried. His voice is not good now, his teeth are loose, and his hair is worse. If he continues like this, he will not become bald, right?

Although people who read a lot of books will be extremely smart when they reach middle age …

But he is still young.

I’m still a 20-year-old student, and I have a few days before my 21st birthday.

“This … are you staying up late? I know that trying to set foot on the path to Xeon has caused you a lot of stress, but you still have to pay attention to your body. When it’s time to rest, you still have to rest.”

Baili Changkong said.

“I understood.”

Baili Qingfeng is neatly nodded.

Shi Tianya winked at Baili Changkong. After receiving the wink, Baili Changkong said immediately: “Qingfeng, you just killed a Level 8 True Immortal …”

“Don’t you come for this?”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at a few people.

Several people were solemnly nodded at the same time.

“You should know the identity of the assassin?”

Baili Changkong said.

“Is Su 1000 right?”

“en! ?”

Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng, and finally, with a cautious nodded, “Yes, it is him!”

“He came to assassinate me. It was reasonable for me to assassinate him in advance. Is it okay?”

Baili Qingfeng is strange.

“No … no problem …”

“That’s good, you expression expression grave, I thought that accidentally killed the dark boy who belongs to us.”


Baili Changkong listens to Baili Qingfeng’s words …

There is always something wrong.

But he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

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