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“All of you, it’s time for a real decisive battle between Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect.”

Baili Changkong’s eyes turned to Lu Ping, Shi Tianya and Yu Changqing.

“I finally waited for this day.”

Lu Ping said solemnly: “If we can really uproot Three Great Holy Lands from the outside Strength and deploy defenses outside their Space Passage, the threat of Three Great Holy Lands … is almost equivalent to being completely resolved, therefore, To ensure the success of this operation, our Thunderbolt Sect should emerge from the top and bottom. “

“Let ’s do it! As long as you can kill the 6 Great Kings, kill all the powerhouses above the Three Great Holy Lands in Elder, and in the Space Passage enclosing the Three Great Holy Lands, Three Great Holy Lands will no longer be able to threaten our Sia Kingdom Martial Dao community. Stability, the era of Three Great Holy Lands will be completely over. “

Shi Tianya said.

Baili Qingfeng looked at a few people, and although he knew that the elders would act 10000 times without fail, he only had to take orders and act, but he still tried to ask: “I really want to assemble all the masters of Thunderbolt Sect, let these masters come out of the nest, Would you beat the grass to scare the snake? 10000-6 2 After the message Junzhengjun immediately hid away? With True Immortal on land, even the Grand Grandmaster-level powerhouse, he would hide in the old forest in the mountains for a month and two. It’s not difficult, and the country’s Strength can’t search them out of the mountains in a month or two, right? “


Shi Tianya startled: “6 Juezhen Junnai is the Snow Mountain 6-pulse True Immortal. He is responsible for guarding the Snow Mountain 6-pulse. Before he gets the exact information, he … he can have the will and determination to abandon the Snow Mountain 6-pulse. The disappearance of inheritance !? “

“In any case, it’s me. I know that my unbeatable opponent is coming. I will definitely take my family to hide immediately, and wait until I have enough ability to come out and take revenge.

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Changkong, Lu Ping, Shi Tianya, Yu Changqing and the others glanced at each other, although it was unlikely, but …

“Be careful!”

“Then, what we need to do next is to block the news. At the same time, Thunderbolt Sect should not be out of the house. We can only select some elites to leave, while leaving some people to make our Thunderbolt Sect not at all. Come and confuse Three Great Holy Lands! “

“Su 1000 line came to assassinate Qingfeng. The direction of Snow Mountain 6 must be very concerned. Right now Su 1000 line is dead for an hour. Maybe now, 6 Juezhen has realized that the situation is wrong and has fled?”

The couple discussed a little and realized that the situation was severe.

At the moment, Baili Changkong said: “Elder Lu, we 2 took Qingfeng to the Snow Mountain 6 veins north of Tross City. We first cleared the Snow Mountain 6 veins. Then, Elder contacted Duan Mu Rui and used all intelligence personnel to pay close attention. Snow Mountain 6 veins, Penglai Immortal Sect, Qilin Sword Sect, any Elder’s movement, especially Snow Mountain 6 veins of the 6 true King … If he does not die, it will be our scourge to build a firepower network outside Space Passage! “

“it is good!”

“I’m going to camouflage! Although Su 1000 Line and Snow Mountain 6’s loss of connection for an hour may make 6 absolutely true Jun doubt, but we still have to try.”

“Isn’t there likely to be a spy in the Snow Mountain 6 veins inside our Thunderbolt Sect, why don’t we use him to pass on the message to confuse the 6 Kings?”

Yu Changqing Road.

Everyone glanced at each other, and soon nodded.

“Su 1000 line assassinates the Qingfeng Sect Master who is not yet a Kingdom Guardian with the highest level of strength. Anyone feels 8 without a loss. The same is true for the 10000 Junzhengjun, Snow Mountain 6, Qilin Sword Sect and Penglai Immortal Sect. In this case, we can create the illusion of Qingfeng’s death. At the same time, we hunted all over the city to make Three Great Holy Lands think that the Su 6 line was also injured under Qingfeng’s mortal counterattack. Contact them to get time! “

Shi Tianya said, his eyes fell on Baili Changkong: “In this way, you are the only one who can confuse Three Great Holy Lands.”

“That Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6, Penglai Immortal Sect …”

“Can’t you trust the strength of Qingfeng Sect Master?”

Baili Changkong listened, his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng, and he cautiously asked: “Then, I will not go to the Snow Mountain 6 with you, and Elder Lu will go with you. Remember, everything is to ensure your own safety. First. “

“I can assure you that if there is something wrong with Qingfeng, I will die before him!”

Lu Ping pats Baili Changkong’s shoulder, prudently promised.

Baili Qingfeng heard their tone of life and death. Although I felt that it was safer to deal with Three Great Holy Lands when I broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level, but …

In order not to worry Baili Changkong, he still said: “It’s okay, I can’t beat it. I will run. The cultivator of Three Great Holy Lands is based on the land True Immortal. They can’t run me.”

“Remember your words, go!”

Baili Changkong said a word, then turned to Shi Tianya, Yu Changqing and the others: “Next, it’s time for us to act.”

While speaking, he doesn’t seem to have any abnormalities on his face, but in his eyes …

But there is a trace of grief that cannot be restrained.

Obviously there is no sad expression, but the sorrow that goes deep into the soul involuntarily brings people into a kind of pain, it seems …

Sadness is overwhelming and heartbreaking!

Baili Qingfeng, who was so empathetic and infectious, was stunned, and the unknowing person really thought he was a grandson.


“Quick! Quick! Quick! Gather! All gather!”

The Light of Hill, the secret base of the Kunwu Squad, one after another order was quickly issued, and an internal member was quickly convened, got on the prepared vehicle, and quickly headed to Tross City, 300 kilometers away. go with.

“Team 4 is in place!”

“Sixth team is on its way!”

“Team 3 is assembled!”

each and everyone sounds in public channels.

At the moment in a car, six people were around Longsheng, preparing their own weapons and asking, “Captain, what happened? Why is there a rush to summon us all? A few of us A suspicious Sect is being monitored. This Sect most recently seems to have action. We must figure out their purpose. “

Long Sheng looked at the itinerary displayed on the map.

They belonged to the earliest group of men and women, and they were close to the city of Tross.


“No need.”

Longsheng calmly said: “these sects stir up the wind and rain, nothing more than feel that Three Great Holy Lands is only temporarily suppressed. When the masters of Three Great Holy Lands emerge from the 2nd World, the situation will be instantly reversed, so they want to take advantage of At this time, I will show my attitude, and I will join the Core Group of Three Great Holy Lands directly, but … at the latest tomorrow, when the news spreads out, I believe that all the Sect and martial artist who are dying will disappear. The Martial Dao community will usher in an unprecedented period of stability. “

“Are all the Sect and martial artists dying?”

The questioning team members hesitated for a moment, and it took a while to say a joke: “To make these people completely honest, unless the Three Great Holy Lands are uprooted, do we really want to start with Three Great Holy Lands? Anymore? “

Long Sheng gave him a meaningful expression.

The smiles on the faces of several players gradually stiffened, and then turned into incredible: “We really want to start Three Great Holy Lands?”

“Soon you will be understood.”

Within a short time, Longsheng answered, and a sound of electric current came from the communication channel: “Zi … Zi … I’m Duanmu Rui, report your position!”

“Leader, we are now on Gerry Avenue, 84 kilometers from Tross City, and 6 kilometers from Snow Mountain 22 Veins Gate!”

“Okay! Go to the 6th and 3rd Mile Gree Avenue and wait for your way!”


Long Sheng, who was ordered to speed up, rushed to the position Duan Murui said in less than 20 minutes. After waiting for more than ten minutes, a car drove from the south.

The vehicle stopped on the side of Longsheng and the others. After revealing the passengers inside, Longsheng was startled first, and then saluted abruptly: “General counsel!”

It wasn’t anyone else sitting in the car, it was Baili Qingfeng who hurried over 1000 miles from Xia City.

At this time, he wore the set of shining gold Battle Armor again.

The lion beats the rabbit with all his strength, even if he now has full confidence in True Immortal on land, but in this cautious attitude, he still chooses to be fully armed, if not because of the short time, he would even ask for someone Fix the hole in the chest as soon as possible, leaving a little weak spot to the opponent.

“General Counsel?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Long Sheng: “What position is this again?”

But he was too lazy to think about it. In short, he now seems to have a lot of unfathomable mystery positions, like what is the ninth division consultant, the honorary chairman of the Xia Haizhou martial artist association, the honorary captain of the 9th Army Special Action Team, and many more. Baili Changkong said to him, he did n’t know about it himself, many general counsels and so on, he also ignored it, anyway, his request for 6 grandfather is not to affect his life and learning Just fine.

“Well, it’s not too late, there is a way to lead Long to win Captain, right, 6 Juezhen is still in your surveillance?”

“Yeah, though, the Snow Mountain 6 pulse seems to be aware of it now, and the staffing is more frequent.”

“Then let’s go!”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I’ll help the general counsel.”

Long Sheng said, he was about to get in the car.

“Wait, there are more than 6 kilometers away from the Snow Mountain 20 Maishan Gate. Beat the grass to scare the snake. We avoid the avenue and walk.”


“Yes! In order to make sure that 10000 is not lost, I intend to sneak into Snow Mountain 6’s veins and assassinate 6 Juejun!”

“Stab … stab?”

Long Sheng learned about Baili Qingfeng’s record from Duan Murui.

Even with the main line of Qi Su Su 1000, this 8th-level peak master who can withstand the whole body and retreat from the whole body was killed by Baili Qingfeng, now facing the last land True Immortal …

Do you actually want to sneak in?

It feels like…

It’s almost the same as a Grandmaster against a Level 3 martial artist. Instead of killing directly, he sneaks sneak attacks …

“I’m different from those martial artists who can only act recklessly. I have grown up to the present, relying on a careful mind, such as walking on thin ice, trembling with fear!”

Baili Qingfeng said, with a kind of hearty tone: “Look, even the 1000 level 8 masters like Su 6 have come to assassinate me with a small level 6 Wargod. It can be seen that this World wants to grow into a master, be careful Prudence is the general trend. Isn’t it reasonable and reasonable for me to be assassinated against the 1 Supreme Masters? “


Long Sheng opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

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