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“hong long long !”

“da da da !”

Northern border.

A battle flame burned on the battlefield where the smoke was burning 4 times.

Dozens of silhouettes wearing the Chen Jin Battle Armor are wanting to shuttle and cut on the battlefield. In addition, more and more soldiers rushing to the reinforcements in the back have already completely defeated the 3rd Division of the Berserker Legion.

Just then, there was a roar of gunfire in the direction of Heisenberg.

Dozens of artillery shells came like a dense bomb rain, setting off dazzling flames and devastating shock waves on the battlefield.

“The reinforcements of the first division have arrived, retreat!”

“Next target, 6th Division!”

Seeing this scene, this special task force composed of dozens of Peak masters and 1000 elite soldiers quickly retreated, and quickly separated from the battlefield.

It was not until after the soldiers retreated that Legion ’s reinforcements, led by Corps Head Kives, were late.

When they saw the Third Division, which had almost been completely maimed, their faces suddenly became very ugly.

“Treat the wounded.”

When Kivis ordered, he rushed to the headquarters.

“Where is Basha?”

Came to the headquarters of Kivis said solemnly.

“The division headed into battle and was seriously attacked by a master of Shia … not yet awake.”

The guard came forward and somewhat numb was replied.

Kivis looked at this battlefield with flames everywhere, but his heart was full of anger but there was nowhere to vent.

Within half an hour, someone had come to the headquarters to report: “3 soldiers in the 10,000rd Division had 1000 taels, 4800 killed, 94 5000 killed, 45 2 injured, including 1000 800 22 1 seriously injured …”

Seriously injured people are equivalent to losing the ability to continue fighting, in other words …

“Half a division was beaten?”

Kivis stunned.

He knew that the loss of the 3rd Division would not be small, but he never thought that it would be so severe.

“Corps Head.”

At this time, a voice came in from outside, and then, seeing the wounded 3rd division commander Ba Sha’s face look angry, meanwhile with a trace of sorrow: “Why didn’t anyone tell me that he was so How much Heavy Battle Armor !? “

“This pot must be backed by the Great Sun Temple!”

Kivis looked at Victoria, who was responsible for protecting herself: “Shouldn’t you say something to us?”

Great Sun Temple!

They are both the Aurora Empire’s intelligence probe, but their power is much greater than that of ordinary intelligence agencies. In some cases, they can even sit on a par with the military.

Victoria was silent for a moment and slowly said: “This is also our failure. According to our judgment and investigation, although he has fought many times with the cavemen and orcish people in these years, what they have accumulated Chenjin is only able to cast no more than 80 sets of ordinary battle armors, 30 sets of medium battle arms, 20 sets of heavy battle arms … “

Victoria didn’t finish speaking, but was interrupted by Basha’s anger: “But in this time of the raid, they used more than 40 sets of heavy battle armors, not 30 sets, but 40 sets, than you can get Double the number! “

“Our intelligence team at the Sun Temple will plead guilty to the monarch!”

Victoria said.

Kivis took a look at her and said: “The bone of Shia is harder than we thought. After all, it is one of the great powers of the East Divine Continent. It is because we look down on them too much. Okay, retreat as soon as possible. Hold on to the Heisenberg defense line and wait for the order above. The empire on the side of Tien Shan has found the breakthrough. Then … only from the side of Tien Shan … “


A few days later.

In a large Conference Hall in Qingshibao, the commander of the first group of military commander Jonson, the commander of the second group of military commander Chu Ying, and the head of special operations Shouzhen received dozens of Warlord and Wargod-level powerhouses drawn from various parts of the military.

“Although Legion fought to capture Heia’s Hessenberg by despicable means, they also paid the price for their contempt. Legion furiously attempted to invade our country with half a group army. As a result, more than 60000 4000 people came. In the end, fewer than 30000 people will be able to return to Heisenberg and stay in the battle. It is all thanks to your courageous achievements! “

Shouzhen looked at the crowd and gave a sincere salute to the frontline soldiers.

“If it wasn’t for the fact that Your Honourable True Honor defeated the Blade Squad that the Aurora Empire sent to the wild battle Legion, we would not be so smooth on the front line! Therefore, this credit is mainly due to Your Honorary True Honour!”

Among the crowd, a man with a Wargod cultivation base came forward to say solemnly.

“History, you, and all the soldiers, are the heroes of this war!”

Jonson stepped forward.

“Not bad!”

Chu Ying nodded: “After this battle, the northern military strength of the Aurora Empire suffered heavy losses. Unless there is a large increase in troops, we will no longer be able to launch an attack on our Sia Kingdom. We must take this time to completely calm the domestic situation in order to adjust the situation. Many Strengths are stationed on the northern border, and even … regain the lost Hessenburg if the opportunity allows! “

“As long as we are united as a whole, no country in East Divine Continent can easily humiliate!”

“We have all survived the most difficult times. The situation is now booming with the help of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master in the Martial Dao world. I believe that the future of our Sia will definitely get better and better.”

Everyone should drink one after another, full of positive optimism for the future of Sia Kingdom.

The meeting lasted for an hour and gradually dispersed.

However, the Warlord and Wargod left, but the three top executives of Shouzhen, Johnson, and Chu Ying were all concentrated together, their faces …

not at all Too big joy.

“Is the loss counted?”

Shouzhen looked at Johnson.

There was a flash of pain on Jonson’s face: “Suddenly a problem occurred in the Heisenberg defense line, and before we had time to respond, we were hit by the thunderbolt of the Legion, the First Army, the 4th Army … The losses were heavy, and the total casualties … … “

“80000 ……”

Shouzhen sank in his heart.

2 times!

This is twice the strength of the Berserker Corps.

And can there be such a splendid damage ratio? It is only because of the truthfulness that the newly-made heavy Chen Jin Battle Armor was immediately taken out, and the elite Warlord and Wargod of each group army were drawn to let them form a squad. These grades, otherwise …

Legion’s damage will not even exceed 10000!

“Although this time, we severely destroyed the Legion of Battle, but … the loss of Hessenberg has affected us far beyond the Legion of Battle. Especially in recent years, the Aurora Empire has digested the two countries of Han Guang and Na Fan , Glare like a tiger watching his prey has set his sights on other countries in the surroundings. We, Shea, bear the brunt of it, and I’m afraid … the battle for Legion is just the beginning. “

Chu Ying followed.

“The Aurora Empire has already shot once in secret. They settled in our neighboring country of Oao, Oia, 2 years ago. They want to support Oao. Regent King Yule takes control of Oao, and then uses Oao as a springboard. North and south, both approaches, invaded our country, fortunately, fortunately, this conspiracy was accidentally smashed by Baili Qingfeng, coupled with the existence of gold Knight Judy, the Knight Alliance Bucks, The interference of the Luo Kingdom, the layout of the Aurora Empire in the Kingdom of Oao has been disintegrated. “

Johnson said.

“Oao State …”

Shouzhen had thought about the consequences of letting the Aurora Empire master the Kingdom of Oao, and could n’t help but rejoice: “It seems that Qingfeng has helped us once again in the invisible.

“This time the raid was so successful, it was also due to the large amount of jins provided by Qingfeng. These jins were all cast into heavy armor by us, thus creating a fierce battle for Legion on this battlefield and letting Legion have great vitality. , Finally let us regain some face. “

Johnson said with emotion: “We really thank the Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Shouzhen listened, lightly nodded, and at the same time he regretted: “Unfortunately … Qingfeng has almost no requirements on the material of life. Even if we want to thank him, we don’t know where to start …”

“Qingfeng’s young cultivation at this point is bound to be martial. If we can do what we like …”

Chu Ying suggested.

“Very good? Su 1000 is dead under the sword of Qingfeng Sect Master, what can we help him? Looking at our East Divine Continent only one after another who can point him, I am afraid that only Zhao Jiansheng However, Zhao Jiansheng was entrusted with his eyes, and he has been staring at the Emperor Aurora for 4 years. No one knows where he is. Even if we want to send Qingfeng to Zhao Jiansheng, there is no way to choose. “

Jonson sighed.

“Zhao Jiansheng … I’m a bit weird when it comes to this … Wasn’t Zhao Jiansheng named East Divine Continent Number One Expert by Heaven’s Mystery Building non-authoritative list ten years ago? Outsiders commented that he promised 1000 gold, but he should It’s been 4 years since others tried to kill the Aurora Emperor. Is the Aurora Emperor still alive and well? “

“The Emperor Aurora itself is already a top powerhouse, battle strength is shocking, and matchless throughout the country, but his most powerful point is the Great Emperor Sword Technique created by the outstanding Innate Talent. If he is in the army and has 8: God ’s pillar is supporting it, let alone one Zhao Jiansheng, even if two Zhao Jiansheng go together, I ’m afraid it will be the result … ”

The answer is truthful, and he knows more about Martial Dao than Joson: “So, it’s not Zhao Jiansheng who doesn’t want to fulfill his promise, but … he can’t do anything, just to die.”

“Great Emperor Sword Technique …”

Although this is the Xeon Sword Technique, but it has a very widespread Sword Art. Chu Ying naturally heard it, and I deeply understand the terrifying of this Sword Technique.

For a moment he couldn’t help but be silent.

“Qingfeng Sect Master doesn’t like to do research? Look at his appearance. After climbing to the peak of Martial Dao in the future, it is estimated that he wants to develop in the direction of scientists. A few days ago, he also applied to the Prime Minister of Aso for a hydropower station and a uranium mine. We might as well Get started. “

“It’s just … he hobby for this interest … it seems that a lot of Peak scientists have been convened … is there really something to do?”

Chu Ying said tentatively.

But his words, however, have attracted some stern eyes of Qiao Sen and Shouzhen: “I have contacted this child and have known him carefully, Baili Qingfeng. He is a very simple person, a very simple person. If he had any bad intentions for the country, I would be the first to believe it. “

“Yes, I, Prime Minister Yasuo thinks so too.”

Jonson followed suit.

“Since you all feel he is credible, I naturally trust your judgment.”

Chu Ying shouted back.


(I ca n’t focus on watching the spirit of the show. There are no status codes. Today, I will start with 2 chapters, and I will fill it up tomorrow.)

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