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“gu lu gu lu !”

Although Yaojin Battle Armor has almost perfect defense, it is not completely sealed. As he dives into this river that is several hundred meters wide, there is still a lot of river water flowing into his Battle Armor.

Fortunately, the martial artist’s breath is long without engaging in fierce battles, not to mention that he has been out of breath for 8 minutes. With the breath of Baili Qingfeng, even if he does not breathe for half an hour, it is not difficult.

Baili Qingfeng controlled himself along the bottom of the river, and guided the erupting Holy Spirit fruit medical power inside the body, washing his body over and over again.

Because the process was too violent, Baili Qingfeng felt that his body seemed to be undergoing a process of breaking and standing behind every moment. The pain almost made his consciousness dizzy.

This is to be replaced by other people, and it is estimated that it will be painful.

Even True Immortal on land is no exception.

After all, even true land True Immortal can not be stronger in pain tolerance than Baili Qingfeng using Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique as a regular state.

The fleshy body is undergoing changes from Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and the progress of Baili Qingfeng’s quenching body is soaring at an extremely fast speed.

Almost every time the scour, break and stand, it is equivalent to a quenching effect.

He struggled under the water for only a few minutes, and the number of hardenings had climbed from 35 to 36 in the past. The efficiency was incredible and incredible.

“en! ?”

Just as Baili Qingfeng guided the power of refining the Holy Spirit fruit, a subtle sound raged from all around, next moment he seemed to notice something, his eyes opened!

“Piranha !?”


A lot of piranha!

Piranha, numbering 10000, is like a tide of death, surging towards Baili Qingfeng.

There are obviously more piranhas in different worlds than the main world’s piranha terrifying. They have incomparable sharp teeth and can tear all life on land and rivers.

Perceived by 10000 piranhas surging, the upstream of Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation wants to escape from this dangerous river.

However, he had just rushed out of the river, and a deep roar had been uploaded from the shore 100 meters away.

I saw a lifeform that resembled the Tiger of the Forest snarling, staring at him with trembling eyes.

Although this lifeform looks like a tiger, it is not hair, but scales. A large number of brown scales faintly emit metal color under the sun. Baili Qingfeng estimates that even if he does not kill the sword, if it is not If it is cut, it may not be able to cut off the scale armor on it.

It also has its claws, which are completely different from lifeform claws.

If the sharp claw of an ordinary lifeform is a bone claw, then its claw is a golden metal!

This life aura contains a powerful oppressive lifeform, snarling by the river, unwilling to leave, and suddenly regards Baili Qingfeng as its prey.

However, when seeing the river of Baili Qingfeng all around and the piranha jumping and jumping towards him, there was a dread in his eyes.

everything has its nemesis.

Even a lord-level lifeform cannot reverse the nature of lifeform in the river against piranha of 10000.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the tiger, and then looked at the lord’s bird that seemed to be ready to dive down in a loud cry in the sky.

He felt for the first time that this forest was deeply malicious to humanity.

“Ziga Ziga!”

At this time, many piranha have begun to bite on Baili Qingfeng.

With this bite, Baili Qingfeng found an interesting question.

Yaojin Battle Armor is very smooth and has no focus at all. Coupled with Yaojin Battle Armor’s ruggedness, these piranhas are like dark ants, although they have good teeth …

They can’t bite gold!

As if the dark ants deal with his Chen Jin Battle Armor only by the poisonous saliva, there is no piranha in the poisonous saliva in front of him, why should he not have this set of shining gold Battle Armor.

The result made him relieved of sighed in relief.

“Hurry up and refine the Holy Spirit fruit’s medical power! Without the Holy Spirit fruit’s medical power, let ’s not only the Lord Fierce Beast, but also the Lord Birds flying in the sky, no time will be wasted anymore. I am a weak and tender human being. “

Baili Qingfeng continued to sink into the river, and Concentrates One’s Mind refined into Holy Spirit.

At this time he found that this large number of piranhas were simply good people … good fish.

It is precisely because of the strong territoriality and aggressiveness of piranha that all other aquatic Fierce Beasts in this area are expelled. If there are still Fierce Beast crocodiles and Fierce Beast pythons in this area, relying on the local bite force and entanglement Li, even if he wears Yao Jin Battle Armor, he only has dead end.

But the crocodile and python’s shining gold Battle Armor has a unique advantage in preventing piranha bites. In other words, he is the safest to stay in the watershed where piranha lives.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng ignored the all around piranha who did not want to leave, and concentrated on refining the Holy Spirit fruit.

Holy Spirit’s crazy outbreak of medicinal power has increased his number of hardened bodies at an alarming speed.

But when this growth reached 39 times, Baili Qingfeng was keenly aware of what, his face suddenly changed: “Wait a minute! My body … The process of Five Qi Towards The Origin is accelerating !?”

Holy Spirit, can make the 6-level powerhouse greatly reduce the difficulty of condensing and leaking the real body. This shortening not only provides a lot of energy, but also has the effect of speeding up the Five Qi Towards The Origin process! ?

This effect is naturally beneficial to those who do not want to set foot on the Xeon Road, saving the other party for several months, but for Baili Qingfeng who is on the Xeon Road …

“I am on my way to self-destruction!”

Baili Qingfeng was directly confused by this sudden change!

“How is this happening ?? The acceleration that was just a moment ago has shortened my time from seventy-eighty days to fifty-sixty days !? It ’s been more than half a month !? And this potential acceleration effect is still It will continue for a while, even if I can quickly reduce the acceleration effect of Five Qi Towards The Origin, I may only have less than one and a half months left in the end … “

Less than 2 months! ?

He’s only quenched 39 times now!

60 times worse!

The harder it is, the harder it becomes, the harder he feels now. Without Holy Spirit fruit medical power, it will take him at least 5 to 6 days to complete the hardening again, even if he is given another 50 days. He can only quench the body ten times!

ten times……

60 times……

“My path to Xeon … broken … I cannot complete the path to Xeon!”

Baili Qingfeng associates Baili Changkong, Shouzhen, Yuanpan, Yasuo and the others with high hopes for him and expectations for his future, an unprecedented frustration rise in the mind.

“I … am I really an ordinary person … 枉 I thought I had built Wargod in just 2 years, and I should be a little proud, but the reality is such a cruel, relentless road, Let me clearly see how far the gap between me and the real genius is! Those real geniuses may be slow in cultivation at first, but others are called steady and steady, which is called thick accumulation and thin hair! What about me? It took me 2 years to build Wargod, I felt complacent, but waited for a crucial moment … the beating of society left me incomplete … ”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were full of pain.

He thinks of the school bully in his previous life.

Those diligent students read and take classes seriously. Every month, the final exam, the results are among the best. Instead, the true learners play games, read novels, go shopping, and fall in love. When you take the exam, it means that you can pass the pass with a okay achievement. However, whenever the final exam comes, the Xueba starts to burst out and scores desperate results in minutes, but those students who are hard-working, hard-working, and able to make up for themselves are disappointed. The Xueba are far behind.

And now Baili Qingfeng feels that he is the kind of student who can only rely on hard work, hard work, and perseverance, and other rising stars like Miro, white clothed, and East Divine Continent are true learning fighters. .

He won for a while, while others …

Winning is the future!

“That’s it … frustration doesn’t make any sense!”

Baili Qingfeng fiercely reinvigorated spirit.

Even if he suspends the refining of Holy Spirit fruit, there is not much time left for him. Instead, he might as well make the mistake and not waste the medical power of Holy Spirit fruit, try his best to tempering as many times as possible, Let yourself be closer to the Xeon Road.

Although this will still miss the path of the Xeon …

But at least, he can get closer to the Xeon Road, and see if I can think of other methods after reaching Level 9 in the future.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng was ruthless, and no longer had any scruples!

pain! ?

Compared with the disappointment and despair of all the elders, Faith is difficult to achieve compared to the great life, compared with the spirit pain caused by the impending collapse of the mission of reincarnation to this World, what is the pain on the fleshhy body?

come on!


Enjoy your tempering!

Pain cannot beat me down, it only makes me stronger!

He was born in lowly and willing to be ordinary, but the cruelty of the World forced him to stand up with his sword to help justice and maintain peace.

Perhaps justice was beaten at all times by the darkness!

However, as long as this World does not change, he will carry pain, blood, and the flag of justice that has been trampled on again and again, crying out for World peace!

Someday, he will let everyone in the world hear the call for peace!

That’s the roar of mountains and mountains, that’s the angry roar of mountains bursting and ground splitting!

“Even if my roar, my roar, my cry, in the future, under the coercion of the top powerhouse, the scattered ashes and dispersed smoke will be crushed into powder, but even so, I, Baili Qingfeng, will still bloom in this world. Belongs to my generous righteousness! “

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