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starlight bar.

A bar with a refined style and a taste for elegance.

There is not much noisy atmosphere in the whole bar, especially the appearance of Baili Qingfeng and the others at 4-5 o’clock in the afternoon, not the peak period of the bar, making the whole bar atmosphere more quiet.

When Baili Die and the others came here, the entire bar had only 6 tables.

Among the eight people at the table, Baili Qingfeng still knew a lot.

Baili and Mia, Baili Ruoxue, Ge Feibai, and Ge Sa Sa are all there.

After all, they pulled Baili Qingfeng on the grounds of Baili Die ’s birthday, so they naturally made a difference.

“This bar is very stylishly decorated.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the stage ahead.

“No, this is a pure music bar. It is not the same as other bars. In addition, the bar Boss has a lot to do with it. Every 3 to 5 will invite well-known singers to perform small concert performances, just a year. , Just to get out of fame, has now become our most famous high-end music bar, if it is not Yiyi appearance, I still can not cover it, even now, in order not to hurt the feelings of old customers, they will not treat guests It ’s just out of the way, just Qingfeng can perform on the stage. ”

Baili Die laughed.

At this time, Baili and Mia, Baili Ruoxue and the others also stood up.

“Qingfeng is here.”

“Our composer, musician is finally here.”

“The songs you wrote before are now well-known and sung all over the country. Big musicians, do you have any feelings?”

Everyone smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng.

“These songs were not written by me, but they were not circulating on our side, so I promoted them.

Baili Qingfeng insisted.

“Understand that you do not produce music, you are just a porter in the music industry.”

Baili and said with a smile: “You just need to perform well at that time.”

“Yes, singing, especially those impassioned treble songs, can greatly vent a person’s negative emotions. Singing too much will naturally open your mood.”

Mia followed with a slight smile.

“Come, I have prepared a playlist for you. Today is your home.”

Baili Die also joined the team that persuaded Baili Qingfeng.

The main purpose of their party at this time was to take advantage of Baili Die’s birthday, to enlighten Baili Qingfeng, and let him walk out of the shadow of the failure of the Xeon Road.


At this moment, 3 women, 4 man and 1 people are sitting in another deck some distance away from Baili Die and the others.

Looking at the lively Baili Qingfeng entire group, a sweet-looking woman frowned around several people in the middle: “Don’t you say that the guests of this bar belong to the upper-middle-class people in Xia Ya? Why is it noisy? “

“In the bar … a little noise is inevitable … or, let me talk?”

Middle-aged woman dressed as another assistant.

“Forget it, our main purpose here is to get the news that people will come and see if we can get a contract with Putian Entertainment … Ignore other things first.”

Women’s Road.

“Ms. Mu Xiu debuted for 3 months, and now has a reputation close to first-class singers, I believe that Putian Entertainment people will definitely be able to recognize Divine Vision and give Ms. Mu Xiu a satisfactory contract.”

Only one of the four men laughed.

“Then borrow the words of mister Wang.”

The woman called Muxiu smiled implicitly.


When Baili Qingfeng came to power, the drummer, guitarist, bassist and the others were ready.

It was Baili Qingfeng who took a look at Baili Die, Baili and Baili Ruoxue and the others, and they immediately shouted to cheer for him.

The arrow had to be fired on the string.

Considering his own timbre, Baili Qingfeng glanced at the song list and found that there are actually a lot of familiar songs.

“The songs …”

Baili Qingfeng was slightly surprised.

Many of the songs in it are just recorded in the Walkman by himself, not at all sold out, actually all appear in the song list?

It seems that Baili Die and Shi Yiyi have been preparing for a long time.

And they did it to make themselves happier and not be affected by the failure of the Xeon Road …

After understanding this, Baili Qingfeng was touched a little: “Thank you, thank you, although I have a bad voice and it is not suitable for singing, but I will try my best to interpret it, not to let everyone down, I hope everyone, especially my sister, can be happy satisfaction.”

“What song will sing first?”

The drummer next to Baili Qingfeng asked with a smile.

“This one, friend, give it to my friends.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Okay, let’s … start?”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The intro sounded.

Baili Qingfeng follows the rhythm, trying to make his voice as gentle as possible: “In these years, one person, the wind passes, and the rain goes …”

This is a relatively lyrical song, but the tone of Baili Qingfeng is obviously not suitable for this music style at this time. When he started singing, Baili Die, Baili and, Mia, Baili Ruoxue, Shi Yiyi were cheering. , Yu Caiwei, and some Baili Die’s friends froze at the same time.

The woman Muxiu who frowned a little from the top singers frowned.

The assistant next to him listened for a while, and couldn’t help muttering, “What the hell is this singing? Isn’t it that the starlight bar performers are generally good?”

“It’s noise pollution. Is this the level of Xia’s music industry?”

Another humanity.

A couple of adults at the other table, a couple also looked at the performers on the stage suddenly.

On the stage, Baili Qingfeng, who sang for a while, also noticed that his performance was too bad to describe, and he would stop now.

But at this time, Shi Yiyi, who was paying attention to Baili Qingfeng’s emotions, was the first to applaud: “It sounds good, it sounds good!”

As soon as she spoke, Yu Caiwei immediately shouted, “Qingfeng Master, you are so handsome, you sing so well.”

“Qingfeng come on.”

Baili shouted at this time.

They did not forget their main purpose of calling Baili Qingfeng.

In a burst of applause, the man who had stood up and wanted to call Baili Qingfeng could not help but stop.

Even professional singer Mu Xiu frowned: “The lyrics of the song are still good, but the singer’s skills are too poor, or is this a new singing style? Forget it, we talk about us, he sings them, no That sounds good. “

Do not listen.

The general idea of ​​these other 3 tables.

However, Baili Qingfeng, who felt that his voice was not suitable for singing lyrical songs, immediately changed to another one, I believe.

“Want to fly to the sky side by side with the sun …”

This impassioned, full of positive energy shouted from Baili Qingfeng’s mouth.

Some changes in his voice are not fake, but as a person of Martial Practice, he is full of vitality and full of vitality. That is the basis. It is really suitable for performing such young and inspirational songs.

Sound waves spread and shake the audience!

The whole bar seemed to be shrouded in the sound of the sun’s positive upward shore.

And the first one …

Baili drinking water and a sip of water sprayed out.

Then he quickly covered and hid to the side, for fear that his performance was seen by Baili Qingfeng, so that after a while, Baili Qingfeng was in a humble mood and fell into inferiority and loneliness again.

Baili Die, Ge Feibai, Shi Yiyi, and the others felt that the brain was buzzing, and everything except Baili Qingfeng’s voice was inaudible.

Can be biased…

They have to endure.

It was the couple who couldn’t stand it after listening for a while. They could not change the World by Baili Qingfeng. They didn’t know, but if they sat down again, they had to have a heart attack.

2 people left the checkout without the slightest hesitation.

As soon as the couple left, they had to endure for a few tables. When Baili Qingfeng continued to sing the song, they couldn’t stay.

Baili Qingfeng’s pursuit of thunderbolt and Lightning’s Strength constantly beat their young Heart, and they were about to beat their skeptical lives. They all got up and left quickly, leaving only a few people who were still waiting for the arrival of the people .

But a few of them …

Also endured very hard.

These songs have subverted their understanding of the two words “music”.

But the people of Putian Entertainment did not come, even if the singing is no matter how great the risk or the big wave, they can’t leave on the spot.


“We shouldn’t have asked Qingfeng to relax this way, how good it would be to take him to the library to read a book …”

Yu Caiwei said bitterly.

“The books he is interested in have been seen in the various libraries in Xia …”

Shi Yiyi added a sentence.

Ge Shasha glanced at all around: “Everyone has left … There is only one table left … Qingfeng Xiaoxi, isn’t he happy seeing this scene?”

Ge Shasha’s words made Shiyi start lightly.

There were 6 tables just now, and Baili Qingfeng sang for ten minutes and only 2 tables left. One of them was still their own.

“I’ll ask someone to join the team.”

“Don’t be too obvious, it’s better to call someone who understands music a little bit, lest it hurt the self-esteem of Qingfeng Master.”

Yu Caiwei made up a sentence.

“I know.”

Shi Yiyi nodded, quickly took out his cell phone and sent a message out.

Thunderbolt Sect ’s strength control of Char ’s city is perfect. Although the Starlight Bar is not a university city campus, the members of the Thunderbolt Sect that can be found here are still 100 to 1000, not to mention those related to Thunderbolt Sect.

As the Shiyiyi message was sent out, it was mentioned that Baili Qingfeng singing in the starlight bar needs someone to join the team. For a while, those who begged for the way but never saw Baili Qingfeng, the Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, the great character of a real capacity, a Nobody, children from Thunderbolt Sect, rushed towards the starlight bar.

Obviously it was only 5 pm, and it didn’t reach the peak of the bar industry, but the street of starlight bar has been crowd crowded.

Within five minutes of sending the message from the teacher Yiyi, the starlight bar with a somewhat indifferent atmosphere was suddenly full.


(The word has not been finished yet, the next chapter will be later.)

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