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Baili Qingfeng arrived at the cave with a calm mind.

Inside the cave, he glanced habitually into the corner, and as a result …

See nothing.

It was empty and there were no living beings.

“After all, I didn’t survive …”

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

Two trolls were smashed by Baili Qingfeng 2 days ago with Nine Heavens Thunder Move. Without support, the brain died.

The day before yesterday, my uncle Baili Tianxing had helped transport the two trolls out.

This scene made Baili Qingfeng lament the fragility of life.

Powerful as a troll, the terrifying life of an Equivalent to Kingdom Guardian will die in an adult, let alone a small and humble human being?

“Humans, really like duckweed ants, with a little accident, they may be crushed into smash by the large-scale life outside or Nature’s Strength …

Baili Qingfeng said to himself.


In his eyes was the flame of fighting spirit.

“But it ’s because of this weakness that it has inspired humans in the bones unyielding, and gave birth to the martial artist, the great existence of competing with people, fighting with Heaven and Earth, and competing with 10000 things. They practice boxing, Martial Practice, harden and sharpen, polish your weak body again and again, and challenge your limits once and again, in order to be able to fight all dangers, let yourself, let your children, posterity, in this vast Free and unconstrained on the boundless earth, running freely! “

Baili Qingfeng adjusts his physical state and strives to bring his state to the most perfect level.

At the same time, he took out his walkman, put it on the stone table aside, and adjusted the song to be played …

Soon, press the play button.

“The history of mankind is a history of evolution that is not humble, the history of mankind is a history of struggle filled with blood and tears, and the history of mankind is a history of rise that has fallen down but never gave up It is precisely because our ancestors struggled unyielding with each and everyone, using blood, life, courage, and Faith, to open up the territory for us, and opened up a path of evolution, so that human beings can stand on this Heaven. and Earth Natural Qualifications! “

The music sounded, and a distant sound of flute came from …

Baili Qingfeng raised his head, looked straight ahead, his eyes seemed to cross time and space, witnessed the antiquity times of human ancestors drinking blood and fur, running on the vast and vicissitudes of earth, and fighting against Heaven and Earth’s natural 10000 living beings. Screen.

“And today, I, Baili Qingfeng, must also act as an ordinary person and a weak human being to strike a higher level of life, ignite the Fire of Life that belongs to us, and bloom the Inextinguishable Light that belongs to us. The path of humanity’s ever-rising rise! Fighting this piece of Heaven and Earth on us humans is a threat, turmoil, and the shackles of fear! Blooming self! “

Baili Qingfeng then suddenly pulled the shirt on his body, exposing the steel-cast muscles of the upper body!

Like humans in antiquity times, they don’t cover their bodies, they are simple and desolate!

“Come on, the second human limit!”

“hong long long !”

The next moment, the blood of his within the body seemed to be thrown into the fuel of the fire star, and detonated!

“Nothing can stop me, I yearn for freedom!”

A whispered voice came from the walkman!

“We humans are immortal!”

At the same time, the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is running, and this detonation state is boiling to the extreme!


Martial artist Level 9’s Body Refining system has 2 life and death crises.

Every time is the transformation of human life level!

The first time Three Origins Unite is careless, it will trigger a violent 3 yuan runaway, ranging from paralyzed to severe cases and violent death.

The second time is the second impact on the human limit at levels 2-7.

True Immortal needs to refine and purify his internal content into internal force in this first stage. If it fails, the cultivation base will be used up, and the blood will be depleted. If you are willing to use some Heaven and Earth Spiritual Item to kill your life, Continue struggling on whilst at death’s door, but it will cause disaster and illness in the second half of the life due to the loss of vitality.

It is only able to reach the peak of the 7th level, most of which are 7 old and 80 years old, the cultivation base is exhausted, no leakage of the true body is decayed and the vitality is severely damaged. Only a few people can sustain this blow, and many people are directly letting go.

There is still a hint of vitality for internal interest flow to fail to be promoted by foreign objects, but Body Refining flow has only 2 results at this step!

Success is life, failure is death.


“Dead or Alive……”

Baili Qingfeng is full of blood and blood, and the violent Strength erupts within his body, almost exceeding the limit that the fleshhy body can bear.

But he didn’t flinch from this change.

He had already anticipated this when deciding to hit the second limit of the human body. The pain of the fleshhy body as if to be blasted by boiling blood could not only defeat him, but would make him stronger.

Do not break, stand and break!

Breaking the human body limit for the second time is itself a process of breaking up!

If there is no absolute will, there is no Faith in the past, and there is no death without life, how can you put yourself to death and live! ?

Although Bailey Qingfeng’s fleshhy body is not conserved to the extreme, breaking back the limits of the human body will cause him a greater backlash than ordinary people, but …

He has experience that no one can match!


After standing, he knows!

More familiar than any martial artist!

Familiar with how to fail, at worst take a break and try again!

Because of this, even if he knows that he is not ready to the extreme, the fleshhy body has not yet reached its peak, he still without the slightest hesitation stepped out of this step to break the second limit, and moved towards the higher life realm .

“Boil, burn, smash!”

The Baily Qingfeng mysterious version of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique reached the limit during his within the body, and the energy formed by the chain reaction madly rampaged in him within the body, smashing his body over and over, and then conserving the true body without leakage The potential that comes out is inspired and reshaped!

The wind is roaring and the thunder is roaring!

Inside and outside his body, endless vitality is intertwined with annihilation crazy!

That intense pain …

so far so good.

Baili Qingfeng felt it a little. The Strength of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique immediately swept his entire body. It was even more violent and more violent. Strength was dragged out by him, impacting the extreme barriers that the flushy body could bear.

He opened his hands suddenly, as if to embrace the sun, with a full-scale scream from his mouth: “Come more stormstorming!”

“hong long long !”

During the roar, something in his body seemed to shatter and collapse!

After this kind of thing shattered and collapsed, a more powerful breath rose from within the body, and a more violent Strength surged within him within the body, turning into a more violent sound wave sweeping the sky!

“The free World in my heart! So clear and high! The eternal unyielding clothes are in full bloom … peace …”

Baili Qingfeng was roaring.

Let the thunder thunder!

No matter howling wind and torrential rain!

Let Hell Raging Flames!

Let Frost and Snow Hail!


“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng’s impassioned Faith inspired this, and he felt something was wrong.

With the smashing and collapse of that unknown thing, the breath on him …

Getting stronger!

It seems that a kind of vitality is gestating and stimulating within him without the body continuously, causing his fleshhy body to undergo metamorphosis from the inside out, and all the skeleton, blood, meridians, organs, and even cells all over his body become more tenacious. , Powerful, if new life …

This feeling……

“Breakthrough !?”

Baili Qingfeng stunned.

From the beginning of breaking the second limit of the human body to the beginning of the fleshhy body, it seems that it is only one and a half minutes, and the song has not been heard, and it is broken through! ?

This breaks the second human limit?

Baili Qingfeng within the body The boiling qi and blood stagnate for a moment.

He carefully sensed the changes of his own blood, feeling the ceiling of the “extreme barriers” that always existed.

It really broke! ?

The 2nd human limit, just passed?


Baili Qingfeng couldn’t say a word for a while.

Saying that breaking the 2nd human limit is extremely dangerous! ?

Say yes to break the 2nd human limit nine deaths and still alive! ?

Saying that only absolute Faith, absolute will, and absolute perseverance can complete the breakout, gain new life, and climb to the peak of martial artist Level 9 …

Although Baili Qingfeng feels that his Faith, will, perseverance, and determination are not weaker than any cultivator that hits the second human limit, but …

He still feels …

Breaking the second human limit is not as difficult as he imagined.

Much easier than Three Origins Unite.

“Is the outside world rumored? Or is there any difference in me?”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

Soon he seemed to think of something.

He is an ordinary martial artist, nothing more than Martial Dao Realm that’s all higher.

To say special …


2 nirvana taught by grandfather Baili Changkong!

Nihilism can help the Level 9 apex powerhouse impact the Xeon Supreme method. Although he seems to have no sense of mysterious so far, in fact, this mysterious actually affects his life essence in the subconscious state, making his life Essence is evolving to a higher level.

This evolution is to the extreme, even the bottleneck from the peak of Level 9 to the top powerhouse can be broken, so it is perfectly reasonable and reasonable to break a small secondary human limit!

“Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique finally has the amplification effect … Although the amplification effect is not as exaggerated as before, the variety of magic brought by it still makes me feel the power of a hard to describe …”

Baili Qingfeng shook his fist!

It’s such a simple fist action. His hand clearly felt the friction between the five fingers and the air.

At the next moment, he seemed to think of something. His blood was surging, inspired by Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, and his right hand was pinched into a sword.


The clear feedback of the “touch” of the fingers and the air was in his mind.

As he stabbed with a sword, the “Sword Qi” formed by the sharp compression of the air whistled and blasted out, flying a thirty-meter large fist stone.

“Sword Qi! This is Sword Qi! My Sword Qi is 30 metres wide!”

Baili Qingfeng was shocked and happy.

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