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“I probably understand what realm I am in now, a little stronger than the Kingdom Guardian, but because I do n’t have enough knowledge, I forcibly hit the second human limit, and it ’s not really a matchless situation. It ’s like a premature newborn. The item attribute naturally cannot be compared with a normal newborn. My realm… can actually be described in technical terms, which is called a half-step matchless environment … or … without 2 conditions? “

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while.

This situation is inherently inadequate.

Although he broke through to the 8th level, he is estimated to be the weakest 8th level, just like Yin Tianya that year.

Fortunately, he also has the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to support the scene, which can make up for the shortcomings of the congenital deficiency. Coupled with the defensive Battle Armor on his body, the other two Su 2 masters who are on Three Great Holy Lands will not How inferior.

He ca n’t win, and he is surrounded by enemies. He can run, fight and retreat, and flexibly use assassination tactics to assassinate 2 Da Su 1000 masters to death …

The biggest difference between man and wild beast is that he is good at using his advantages to avoid weaknesses!

He Baili Qingfeng is not a pedantic person, but he fights directly, but why ca n’t he use his assassination skills?

“Three Great Holy Lands are too threatening. They belong to the kind of desperate and reckless people. The true Senior has been investigated and the fall of Hessenberg is because the people in the 3 Great Saint Temple have stabbed them …”

The Space Passage outside Miro first, and now there is also the tragedy of Hessenberg. If the threat of Three Great Holy Lands cannot be completely removed, he, Thunderbolt Sect, the city of Siaya, and even the entire Shia, will never be peaceful!

In the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, there is a resolute decision: “If the people of Three Great Holy Lands are unwilling to march into the defensive front built by the military, I only have a lamb in a tiger’s den and take the initiative to strike into the Penglai Immortal Sect Space. Passage! Even … I will be slammed back by the Three Great Holy Lands. Even if I am trapped and surrounded by the enemy, even if I have only one person, I will fight 3 inheritance. The oldest force has a history of 1000 years. Still at his wits! “

This kind of thing…

very dangerous!

But no matter how dangerous, someone has to stand up and do it!

He believes that even if he falls, there will still be 1000 1000 absolutely he stands up, inherits his legacy, and continues to impact Three Great Holy Lands. One day, the rise of the Martial Dao Realm will bring Three Great Holy The darkness brought by Lands completely expelled, ushered in an unprecedented dawn and glory.

Although 10000000 people, I’m going!


The vehicle moved forward, and after a long time, Baili Qingfeng returned to 1000 Bird Lake outside Tross.

The Space Passage of Penglai Immortal Sect is not in their sect, but on an island more than 20 kilometers away from sect!

The island is 5 square kilometers and is a bit larger than the Moon Island of Xia. It is also located in a private area that is not open to the 2 bird lakes.

However, at this time, the entire island has been surrounded by thousands of soldiers, and there are countless military equipment on the island. Various turrets, fire points and heavy weapons are focused on the island One direction.

In addition to this island, on the surrounding large islands, a lot of military equipment has also been built, and a large number of heavy weapons have been carried on, while there are many gunboats on the lake, forming a 2nd line of defense, even if the people of Three Great Holy Lands broke through The fire blockade on that island will still face the thunderbolt of the Second Layer fire network.

In order to prevent Three Great Holy Lands from jumping off the wall, the 6th Army and the 3nd Army of the 2rd Army united and used no less than 30000 people to build the entire 1000 Bird Lake inside and outside into an inescapable net.

When Baili Qingfeng came to the island, there were already dozens of martial artists waiting on the island.

“Someone here! Hmm !? It’s Baili Qingfeng Sect Master from Thunderbolt Sect!”

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master is here? Very good! It is rumored that at the peak of Wargod, he once assaulted Snow Mountain 6 with the assassination technique and attacked Su 1000 line. Now he condenses without leaking his true body, battle strength Kingdom Guardian, coupled with his improved Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, I am afraid that the frontal confrontation will not be inferior to Su 1000. With him, Three Great Holy Lands will be blocked on the island if we want to launch a desperate charge! “

“Although the path of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master ’s Xeon has failed, it is not necessarily a bad thing. If he really goes out of the Xeon path, the Aurora Empire will send a master of the Great Sun Temple to assassinate him in order to stop his rise. He, at that time, he may not have the time to live up to the day when he grows into a top powerhouse. Instead, his path to the Xeon has failed, and the Aurora Empire ’s emphasis on him has fallen by a level. He can cultivation at full speed during this time. Promote realm, with the support of the country to spare no effort, he has great hopes to become a Level 9 Ruler in ten years! “

These people are discoursed spiritedly, their eyes are constantly looking at Baili Qingfeng, and when they notice Baili Qingfeng’s eyes, they are saluted with a little respect.

In the face of a Kingdom Guardian powerhouse who had the highest record of level 8 killing, no one underestimated.

Baili Qingfeng one after another in return.

“A lot of people.”

“Yes, this is a big event in our Martial Dao world. If it goes well, we can solve the Three Great Holy Lands problem once and for all. Everyone naturally attaches great importance to it.”

Lu Ping smiled nodded.

Soon after Baili Qingfeng got on the island, the entire group in front strode forward. As the first person, it was the commander of the 6th Army Sikong Road.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, you can come, seeing you come forward in person, our hanging heart finally let go.”

Si Kongdao smiled.

“The commander-in-chief has won the prize, and there are heroic soldiers in the 6th and 3rd Army. This Space Passage is bound to sit back and relax. People from Three Great Holy Lands cannot escape.”

“Haha, I have borrowed the words from Qingfeng Sect Master. Please ask in Qingfeng Sect Master. We have prepared a banquet for Qingfeng Sect Master. Many people also hope to get to know you and be instructed by Sect Master.”

“It’s not necessary for banquets, pointing and so on. It’s not too late when we successfully eliminate the Three Great Holy Lands masters, now … a little earlier.”

Baili Qingfeng was very uncomfortable with this occasion, but just said, “Give me a room. From now on I will adjust Essence, Qi and Spirit to prepare for the upcoming war.”

Si Kongdao didn’t dare to listen.

Now Baili Qingfeng bears the hope of the entire Shia Martial Dao world. He doesn’t want Baili Qingfeng to be in a bad state because of his inadequate hospitality, and what surprises him in the next battle of Three Great Holy Lands.

“All right, let me arrange it for Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Si Kongdao said, took Baili Qingfeng to a small building full of military style, and arranged for him two guards to handle his trivial matters.

Baili Qingfeng thanked him for the rest of his time and stayed in his room to get acquainted with the Strength that he had just broken through.

The day passed quickly.

Since no one knows the exact time of opening the Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage, Baili Qingfeng put on the Yaojin Battle Armor early in the morning, and brought the sword to the perimeter of the open space where Space Passage is located.

Not only him, among the many cultivators on the island, there are more than 20 Warlords and Wargods who are fully equipped with the Battle Armor, plus some Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster and Grand Grandmaster. The lineup is strong, even though the three Great Holy Lands are positively shocked. Either one can stay in the wind.

Time passed while waiting.

Morning, morning, noon, afternoon, evening …

Just when everyone thought it might be that the military department got the time wrong, circles of space rippled.


Baili Qingfeng’s eyes are light flashed.

“As soon as the enemy appears, the military will bombard and fire blockade a kilometer from the center of the Space Passage to kill any creatures in this area. All martial artists will retreat one kilometer away!”

The voice of General Sikongdao sounded on the battlefield.

One martial artist has retreated to the security line, even if the heavily armed Warlord and Wargod are expressions standing at the critical point of the security line, they have never crossed the thunder pool.

“weng weng! ”

The formation of Space Passage was not a one-shot, and the ripples of diffused space lasted more than ten minutes.

After ten to 40 minutes, the ripples in the space gradually dispersed. A vortex with a height of 3 meters, a length of 2 meters and a width of 1.8 meters appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

“Space Passage has been opened, and each section is ready to defend the enemy!”

The sound of Sikongdao echoed again.

The expressions of all soldiers stared at the screen from the front. Many people put their right hand on the attack button. As long as the Three Great Holy Lands master rushed out of the Space Passage, they would fire at full strength and tear them into Crush.


Half a minute passed, one minute passed, two minutes passed …

Soon, within 3 minutes, there was no movement across from Space Passage.

The Three Great Holy Lands don’t want to rush in, the soldiers are threatening to attack the fire defense network constructed by the military department. They don’t even send an Elder to investigate the situation outside.

“Damn! They didn’t come out!”

“Sure enough, beat the grass to scare the snake!”

“This is troublesome! 3 Space Passages are turned on, and each time we have to mobilize a large number of soldiers … Although it is easier than watching the Three Great Holy Lands before, at least 2 people will be involved in these 30000 Spaces. Passage, and if there is a slight negligence, accidentally will be defeated by the master of Three Great Holy Lands, killing the main World, causing unimaginable loss. “

The expressions of Si Kongdao, Xiao Lige, Jin Yan, and the others became very ugly.

Seeing that the Space Passage that started to shrink gradually and closed in less than a few minutes, Baili Qingfeng stood up slowly.

“Sure enough, I have to go in there.”

Baili Qingfeng expression silently carried a luggage bag he had prepared not far away.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, you … no, this is too dangerous!”

Lu Ping aside was shocked to see this scene.

“It is not a way to guard in 3 Space Passages. There is only 1000 days to be a thief. There is no reason to prevent thieves in 1000 days. We cannot pin our hopes on the enemy’s recklessness. Some things, no matter how dangerous, must be done by someone. I ask No one else, but I claim myself. “

Baili Qingfeng strode towards the Space Passage: “Three Great Holy Lands … let’s finish it.”


(The next chapter is updated at 9 o’clock.)

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