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“100 … Baili Sect Master … rao … rare life …”

Big Dipper watched Baili Qingfeng step by step come along and picked up a sword deliberately. His pale face was even whiter.

commit a sin!

This is evil!

Who gave the courage 2 days ago and made him angry again and again when he faced this monster, so he made up his mind to kill 3 of them! ?


Why, why in the sky, red night, Xiao Jianyin, and the others came, he did not immediately escape, but was still here to witness history! ?

History history, experience from life to death?

“I don’t want to kill people. When I swing my sword, my heart is crying.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Big Dipper with sadness on his face: “Can you understand my pain?”


Big Dipper looked at the blood-stained sharp sword held in Baili Qingfeng’s hands, and he was obviously soft, but still nodded with force: “I understand … I understand … I understand you too much Baili Sect Master … “

“Slaughter, sin! Every life in this World is unique and unmatched. No one but time has the right to deprive others of their lives!”

Big Dipper crazy nodded: “Yes, yes, Baili Sect Master, you are right!”

“I don’t want to kill, I don’t want to kill, but I have to make the fault of slaughter again and again. You said personally that if I don’t kill you, after you escape, you will definitely be in Xia and Hea The rise of a huge slaughter, when the blood will flow in the sewers of Xia City like a river, the corpses will pile up the streets of Xia City like a mountain. I seem to hear a thick bloody smell filling the nasal cavity. I seem to see countless injustices in The sky in the city of Siaia is mourning … that … is the end! It is the end of life! “

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at Big Dipper’s eyes from sorrow, pain, and resolute.


Big Dipper froze.

He wanted to say that he hadn’t thought of it that way.


He couldn’t tell because the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, corpses everywhere across the field …

He really said these things.

He couldn’t find an excuse to refute.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s unshakable eyes, he wanted to cry.

“Hell is empty, the devil is on earth! You … want to render the earth as the second hell! I Baili Qingfeng, the first one does not agree! Even if my hands are stained with countless blood, even if my sword is entangled with countless complaints Spirit, even if I would be awakened by nightmares in my sleep again and again … I will prevent all this from happening, I will use my sword, my blood, my life, to protect my family, and to protect summer Asia’s stability, to defend the peace of Shia! “

“No … don’t kill me … I’m still useful, I’m still valuable, I’m willing to reform, and I can redeem my achievements!”

Big Dipper yelled in horror, and then, he seemed to think of something: “5 Longshan and a lot of 3 Holy Alliance people, there are more than 2 100, more than 2 100 Grandmaster, I can help you lead them out in batches It’s up to you to kill. “

“no need.”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head.

There are 2 100 Grandmasters.

But the 2 100 Grandmasters belong to Level 6, it is estimated that there are dozens of that’s all at best. He only needs to kill those Level 6 powerhouses, and then block the Space Passage. The rest of the people do not kill them, but let them. 4 Flee to all around, and they may not be able to survive in the 2nd World.

The horror of the 2nd World is far beyond ordinary imagination. A wild beast can kill the Grandmaster. Those Fierce Beasts will not dare to provoke them even if the land True Immortal is not fully prepared.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng indifferent, Big Dipper’s thinking turned to the extreme, and then he seemed to think of something, screaming: “Luck Emperor, and Luck Emperor, the European Iron Banner! This Space Passage is in the hands of Luck Emperor. It will open in 30 hours, and Luck Emperor will kill you. When you descend from Space Passage to Luck Emperor’s territory, Luck Emperor will never give up! Luck Emperor is a character who is extremely jealous of the 3 League members. Uncompromising Level 9 powerhouse. Although you have Level 9 battle strength, you are seriously injured. You are by no means Luck Emperor’s opponent. Once he is discovered, his revenge will be many times more ruthless than our 3 Holy Alliance! “

“Luck Emperor?”

Baili Qingfeng seems a bit impressed.

It seems to be in charge of the underground world of Shia, specializing in some unscrupulous acts, and has committed countless crimes.

It seems that Shia’s high-level officials have thought about annihilating him, but his base camp has not been found, and the threat of Three Great Holy Lands is imminent, so that this potential threat has survived to this day.

“His means are much more ruthless than you 3 saints?”


Big Dipper hastily nodded, exaggerating: “Luck Emperor implements extremely brutal high-pressure rule in the underground world, the means are ruthless, and everything is done! It is said that his favorite thing is to destroy the whole family, and use his hand to wipe the baby’s 4 Break the limbs, cut off the man’s head with a knife, and pierce the woman’s body with a gun! He has no morals to say, he can do everything! In order to make you miserable, he obviously won’t have the strength to defeat you Shoot first, he will grab your family first, torture you crazy, let you feel all the pain in the world, and finally kill you … No, he won’t even kill you, but will cut your limbs , Keep you in a jar, let you endure painful torture day and night! “

“There is such a human being in the world!”

Baili Qingfeng’s face was full of incredible.

“Only you can’t think of anything, without what he can’t do! It’s just that he’s extremely powerful, so strong that even Hea Guardian can’t defeat him! So, your only way is to take my cover, first Return to Shia, and before Luck Emperor does not respond, take the family to hide immediately, and wait for the opportunity to assassinate him after the wound recovers, otherwise his torture will definitely make you live in pain forever! “

Big Dipper vividly and thoroughly translates the image of a horrible Great Demon King.

“Luck Emperor!”

Baili Qingfeng muttered the name.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, and the determination on his face became more intense.

“Luck Emperor … maybe as you said, it is almost too powerful to be defeated … but, I do n’t know if there is that’s all, and I know there are such evils in the world, and let me turn a blind eye, I can’t do it … “


Big Dipper originally wanted to frighten Baili Qingfeng under the name of Luck Emperor’s horror, so he rendered his horror as much as possible, and seized the opportunity to see if he could save his life. See how Baili Qingfeng’s reaction now …

There seems to be a tendency to backfire?

Baili Qingfeng is going to fight Luck Emperor?

I knew he would have exaggerated a little bit, and described Luck Emperor as a top powerhouse, which completely defeated his mind of burning both jade and stone.

“You … you can’t defeat Luck Emperor! Although he was promoted to Level 9 for only a few years, but his strength is unimaginable, but you will die in his hands!”

“Dead, I want to drag him perish together!”

Baili Qingfeng whispered: “You said, he can do everything and do everything, and I have offended him right now. If he can’t end it with him, all people related to me will live in In fear and shudder! “


“I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell!”

Baili Qingfeng’s face was full of death-conscious consciousness. He looked up and looked at the ray of sunlight falling at the end of the sky. The broken flaming Golden Battle Armor exudes glittering golden light.

Solemn and sacred.

“Man is inherently dead, death is heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than Hong Mao, and the differences are also used. You can say these words and remind me to be careful of the horror of Luck Emperor. You can see that you have good intentions, so … … “

His gaze fell back on Big Dipper.

Big Dipper’s eyes are suddenly glowing with unprecedented expectations.

“I will give you a lot of joy.”

“no no!”

Big Dipper yelled in horror: “I was wrong, Baili Sect Master, I was wrong, give me another chance … the words I said before are just jokes, please believe me …”

“I will be fast.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the frightened Big Dipper and said silently.

End the living life of each and everyone at hand?

Everyone has a secretive heart.

Not to mention killing, even killing a cat or a dog is extremely heavy for any normal, ordinary, surviving conscience. Many people let them kill for the first time, and they even have hands and feet. Softened and collapsed.

People belong to longing for warmth, longing for sunshine, and longing for a beautiful lifeform.


Under the threat of death, Big Dipper suddenly broke out of incomparable strength, suddenly rose from the ground, and fled.

But the moment he just got up, Baili Qingfeng’s sword lightning hole penetrated his skull.



It’s frozen.

Sword out, draw sword.

Big Dipper’s figure fell softly.

And Baili Qingfeng …

Is also feeling a deep weakness.

Not only on the body, but also on the spirit.

He recognized his backpack not far away, inserted the non-killing sword in the ground, and slowly took off his broken Yaojin Battle Armor for ten minutes, hanging it on the side of him. Dead tree branch.

On the other hand, he stuck the large wound bandage prepared in the backpack to the wound on the shoulder, and then turned it over. He pulled out a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao from it, and applied the wound that seemed to have crusted on his chest. Finally …

He also painted his temples with cool oil.

After managing his injuries, he just sat down on a rock beside him.

The mild morning sun fell on the shining gold Battle Armor hanging on a branch beside him, reflecting a slight golden brilliance from the gap.

Yin Hong’s blood was all over his body, and due to time, it became dark purple.

He just sat there, looking at the shining cloud at the end of the sky, watching the sun rising from the mountains, quietly enjoying this unprecedented tranquility, and his tired eyes gradually showed a hint of Smile.

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