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“European flag! Underground Sovereign, nicknamed Luck Emperor! Cultivation base … Level 9 Ruler.”

Level 9 Ruler.

Martial Dao Peak!

Go up to the top powerhouse …

That is to make True Qi exist through refining the truth. Their Strength system can no longer be measured by Martial Dao.

Martial artist fights, fists to flesh, sees blood, but Xeon exists but True Qi whistles, capable to move unhindered in the whole world, the means to kill humans is completely subverted in front of True Qi.

Baili Qingfeng Martial Practice has seen only one Celestial so far.

That is fidelity.

But fidelity is different from Ou Tieqi.

The truthfulness limit is approaching, and the breath is declining. Compared with the real Level 9 powerhouse aura, it is obviously weaker. Perhaps experience has won, but the sustainability is not as strong as the young Level 9 powerhouse.

But Ou Tieqi is different!

It is rumored that Ou Tieqi is less than 70 years old. In addition, he belongs to the new Level 9 and is full of vigor and sharpness. He cannot be overemphasized to take care of Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng watched the gradually opening Space Passage constantly adjust his breathing.

Primordial Qi Technique is gradually condensing within him within the body.

Moreover, the strength of this cohesion has accumulated in his within the body, getting stronger and stronger, and overlapping.

This is a small modification of the Primordial Qi Technique based on the characteristics of the Spirit Nurturing Technique. Although the formidable power is increased, this Explosive Secret Technique will never hurt itself and will cause damage to itself. Once it breaks out , The turbulence is strong, and even the veins are broken.

But in order to deal with Luck Emperor, he couldn’t help it.

“I only have one chance, which is when I was just out of Space Passage.”

Baili Qingfeng knew it.

He wore the Yao Jin Battle Armor and covered his face. The other party would never know who he was, he would only treat him as a Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse for Three Great Holy Lands.

Although the other party will also be alert, but this is really his only chance.

Although the effect will not be very good, as long as he violently attacks …

Even if Ou Tieqi can’t be killed in one fell swoop, he can still have some opportunities. As long as he can grasp this opportunity to escape his life and fight with Ou Tieqi, he may not be able to turn the first chance into a victory and eventually completely defeat him.


As Baili Qingfeng developed tactics in his mind, the ripples emanating from Space Passage gradually subsided, and a Space Passage leaped in front of him.

This Space Passage is no different from other Space Passages and still looks like vortex.

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, holding the sword tightly without stepping into it.

A familiar sense of weightlessness came.

About a few breaths, the twisted, fuzzy environment around all became clear.

Down-to-earth and the ecstatic feeling of being free of gravity rise in the mind at the same time.

At the same time, a somewhat expectant and excited voice came from his ears: “Someone is coming … 咦? Battle Armor? Is it bronze Elder Long?”

Baili Qingfeng is traction according to the breath and does not need to look closely.

Next moment ……

He moved.

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique Excited!

Equivalent to an energy storage-like 10000 energy cells are boiled and broken by powerful spirit strikes, and quickly form a fission chain reaction under the traction of the mind, turning into a violent force that runs through the spine and blasts into the femur, tibia, It broke out again as the phalanges kicked.

“hong long! ”

Baili Qingfeng’s figure seemed to have broken the air.

The speed was too fast, and he was almost too late to cast the mysterious One with the World, and his body was already heading towards the European Iron Banner strikes like a cannonball.

At this time, he saw the appearance of Ou Tieqi for the first time.

An ordinary looking man.

A man within the body with a volcanic horror Strength.

“en! ?”

Almost at the same time as Baili Qingfeng broke out and killed the European Tieqi, the king of the underground World also responded at an extremely fast speed.


He has a sword!

The outbreak of Baili Qingfeng made him immediately understand clearly the man’s cultivation base in front of him.

Breaking the limit of the human body twice, Body Refining matchless may have reached the top of matchless. Only mysterious who understands One with the World can step into the Level 2 Ruler.


Although the gap between level 8 and Level 9 has not reached the level of crushing, it is definitely not small. An 8-level matchless cultivator actually wants to attack his Level 9 Ruler! ?

“courting death !”

Ou Tieqi, the sword that drew the sword out of the sheath, buried the blood and blood like a detonated volcano, blasting out the burning horror Strength like the the heaven and boiling the sea.

If you have a thermal imager, you will find that at this moment, the entire person of Ou Tieqi seems to be incarnation into a round of sun, emitting infinitely hot light and heat, shining and blazing enough to fill the entire image of the imager!

not only that!

In the next moment, Ou Tieqi, who shot back with a sword, has integrated into One with the World, and blessed this Strength precisely on his Sword Technique. For a time, the Sword Technique that he assassinated seemed to break the second time again. limit.

It was obviously that Baili Qingfeng was the first to attack and kill Ou Tieqi, but at this moment, the situation between the two was suddenly changed, but it became Ou Tieqi to kill Baili Qingfeng, and …

Judging from the speed of the two people’s swords, Ou Tieqi’s outbreak of the sword can not only penetrate Baili Qingfeng’s body first, he can even pull the sword to retreat after piercing through the body of Baili Qingfeng to avoid the deathly counterattack of Baili Qingfeng!

Level 9 Ruler!

That’s the power of Level 9 Ruler!

“His Luck Emperor is merciful!”

At this time Miao Shang just woke up and exclaimed loudly.

He seems to think of Baili Qingfeng as the Kingdom Guardian powerhouse bronze dragon of the 3 Holy League!

This scream had a slight effect.

The sword that Luck Emperor had originally aimed at Baili Qingfeng’s heart was slightly off, but the sword speed was not slow …

“hong long long !”

At this moment, mysterious in Celestial realm swept out of Baili Qingfeng.

Although he also masters One with the World, his understanding of the use of One with the World obviously cannot be integrated into his fighting style in the same way as Luck Emperor. Therefore, he directly inspired the Celestial environment that can interact with the mud. field.

Luck Emperor assassinate a sword?

Seems to be the underground World Sovereign, for the sake of the assassin route, Luck Emperor’s sword …

It’s a small sword.

So he turned a blind eye.

The Celestial realm has no increase effect, but it is quite useful in interfering with the operation of One with the World.

With the impact of the Celestial realm, Luck Emperor’s sword that was so fast that it could exceed the sound slightly shocked, and immediately formed a visible eye burst of naked eyes, which seemed to retreat from the speed of sound.

At the same time, Primilidial Qi Technique, which Baili Qingfeng has been preparing for a long time, is also bursting out!

More powerful and violent energy burst out!

All of a sudden, blood was shed on the surface of his body.

And when the fleshhy body fell into the limit load, the formidable power of his sword that was stabbed was also soaring by one point!

2 people …


Ou Tieqi’s sword will run through Baili Qingfeng’s body, and he next …

It is bound to be unable to escape the stabbed sword of Baili Qingfeng!

“courting death !”

This scene made Ou Tieqi no longer hold his hand. The cold light shot in his eyes also inspired the taboo technique. Ripples scattered on the word edge. The interference of the Celestial realm shattered. Next moment, his sword sent a sharp shriek. Leaving out of his hand like a thunder, fiercely shot Baili Qingfeng’s body …



The fire is shining!

This sword not only with no difficulty tore off the shining gold Battle Armor of Baili Qingfeng, but also penetrated the body of Baili Qingfeng, whizzing through his body and shot into the wall ten meters away.

Almost at the same time that Ou Tieqi gave up his sword and tossed it, Baili Qingfeng’s non-killing sword followed suit.

When he realized that Luck Emperor’s sword speed was faster than himself, he made a sword throwing decision!

The assassin’s essence is one strike certain kill!

It’s just that 2 people seem to think the same thing.


Do not kill the sword whistling!

Suddenly through the void, I caught up with a sword hitting the retreating Ou Tieqi!

This scene drastically changed the expression of Ou Tieqi in the retreat. The non-killing sword that burst out was too fast, so fast that he was not given any chance to dodge …


The fire is shining!

Blood shot!

The sword edge that did not kill the sword shot into Ou Tieqi passed through his chest.

The sword urn contained on the sword edge also reveals a set of Battle Armor under the European Iron Banner clothes!

That is……

Yaojin Battle Armor! ?

Ou Tieqi was wearing Yao Jin Battle Armor!

Do not……

To be exact, it is a Nail!

About a dozen kg, it can cover the vital nails on the chest, and it is far from being comparable to a complete set of Yaojin Battle Armor.

But it is because this inner armor is blocking the majestic strength contained in the non-killing sword.

Otherwise, the moment his body is penetrated by the non-killing sword hole, his body will definitely be blown apart by the energy of escape.

“Lord Emperor !?”

“This is not a bronze dragon! A bronze dragon cannot be so strong!”


Exclaimed the manor.

Baili Qingfeng ignored the exclamation of others, his eyes stared at Ou Tieqi, and Faith, who was slaying, followed his body like a sword, running through his body, full of a kind of irreconcilable hatred, even if Ou Tieqi The King of the Underworld looked so stunned in his heart that he couldn’t understand the deep hatred between himself and the mysterious attacker in front of him.

“hong long! ”

Baili Qingfeng’s blood erupted like fire.

The adrenaline state of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique makes him more resistant to pain than others, and the pain of a sword can not stop him from slaying forward. With the murderous aura, he is moving forward again, like a Prehistoric Fierce Beast, with the tragic death, punched at Ou Tieqi.

Fist strength collided with the air, rolled up a violent hurricane, and swept wantonly.

Strangling in arms?

The EU Tieqi has a side armor, which has greatly reduced the effect.

“One with the World … this kind of bloody spirit … Level 9 Ruler !? Who are you!”

Angry iron was issued in the flag of Ou Tie, Demon Hell Suppressing Physique was running, and a punch hit back.


fist strength collision!

The energy burst!

The pure Strength smashed together in the sky, as if a bomb had been detonated, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and the air was compressed to the extreme form of the shock. It even blew the Grandmasters’ eardrums ruptured, blood shot, and miserable Called again and again.

“Pu chi! ”

In a hurry to counterattack, the flag of Ou Tie spit blood and retreated.

On the other hand, Baili Qingfeng, with a long howl, was as powerful as a rainbow, chasing after him.

He is sick and wants him!


(Before the code is finished, the next chapter will be late!)

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