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The Chiari Strait is only 60 kilometers away.

Opposite the Chiri Strait, there are 4 Great Accomplishment members of the Knight Alliance Bucks, Moro, Norway, and Beisen. These countries are connected in a line across the Chiri Strait.

Since Baili Qingfeng and the others were the first to go to the Moro State, the frigate sailed in the strait for 4 hours before landing on an island in the Moro State.

The country of Morocco has a population of 200 million 9000 and more than 10000. If another round of census is conducted, it may break through 300000000 million. The area of ​​the country will reach an astonishing 300 98 10000 square kilometers. In addition, the Kingdom of Oao at the cost of an island last year The Moroccan country is invited to recapture the state power, so that their country’s land area has already rushed to 4 million. In terms of population and area, it is a lot better than Sia Kingdom.


The country’s economic base is relatively backward.

As far as the navy is concerned, the navy Strength of the Moro State is not as good as the Shia State!

Do not!

Not only the Moroccan country, even if coupled with Norway, Beisen, and the three countries, the strength of the sea is only with the Sia Kingdom birds of a feather. In the entire East Divine Continent, the Navy ’s strength is only second to Aurora and Chiyan, even if The Bucks Kingdom will not know until after the fight.

Although the navy and air force of the Moroccan state cannot, the army is powerful. There are more than 1,000,000 standing troops in the country, and the powerhouse that is born every year is not a small number.

In particular, the Moro nation belongs to a country with a very centralized system. The royal family controls more than 90% of domestic high-end military force, which makes it possible for the Moro nation to unite Strength together. If you fight, you can fight against anyone. In East Divine Continent, the weight of discourse second only to Aurora, Chiyan, and Bucks.

Baili Qingfeng Once the people came to the Moro Kingdom, the Moro Kingdom had sent messengers to wait there.

Under the leadership of the messenger, the entire group went straight to the Salary Volcano, located north of the capital of the Moroccan State, and the largest Refining Spirit powerhouse gathering place in the east of Divine Continent, the Sanctuary, was built on Salar Volcano.

Therefore, this temple is also called Holy Land.

Baili Qingfeng and the others were sitting in the car and moving forward. When I looked at all around, I could clearly feel the economic backwardness of the Moro Kingdom. Occasionally, when passing by the town, most of the shirtless children were playing in the street. The two-sided building is also mainly a two-story small bungalow with poor environmental facilities.

But unlike Shia, the national style of King Moro is extremely sturdy. Dojo and boxing people can be seen everywhere. Some martial artists draw a group of people to teach martial arts on the street. Martial artist and ordinary person, regardless of Essence, Qi and Spirit Dressing and dressing are all as different as heaven and earth.

“When I fled Shia more than a decade ago, I spent two years in the Moro state. The Moro state is different from ours. The time of the founding of the country is short and 2 is abolished, but the Moro class has long been fixed. The birth of a civilian’s son is a civilian, and the birth of a noble’s son is a noble. Even if they work hard, they can hardly change it. In the Moro nation, it is normal for Zicheng to inherit his father ’s business, even if government officials do not pass the assessment. , But the son takes father’s class, and the only way for civilians to get ahead is the Martial Practice, and Martial Practice involves a new issue, that is, monopoly. “

Zhang Lie saw that Baili Qingfeng was curiously examining and could not help explaining.

“A monopoly like the Xeon Method?”


Zhang Lie bitterly laughed: “Moroccan royal families do not necessarily have the Xeon method. Their monopoly starts from Three Origins Unite, which is a high-level method. Many people have practiced Martial Practice for a lifetime, and they do n’t know how to use Three Origins Unite. Even because they ca n’t get regular exercises, Martial Practice can easily damage their bodies. Therefore, the martial artist is the one with the lowest average lifespan among the 6 knight alliances. “

“They practice without the correct technique?”

“Martial Practice is the only way to get ahead. What to do if you do n’t practice? Especially in the recent past, the appearance of the civilian hero Zhu Di, known as Golden Knight, has set off a wave among civilians, and many families have lost their lives. Thinking of welcoming their children, Martial Practice, like Judy, joined the royal family and became human beings, and at this time, the nobles took the opportunity to greatly increase the price of materials required by Martial Practice, plundering these books at the bottom. Civilians … “

“Is that … will not cause turmoil?”

“The bottom people are a bit of Innate Talent, and they will be accepted and absorbed by the upper and middle class people. When they do, they will naturally safeguard their own interests. Those who rely on their Innate Talent who want to go against the sky will immediately attract the Moro royal family. The thunderbolt was suppressed. I said earlier that the top of the Moro monopolized the Gongfa, and the royal family owns 90% of the High Level powerhouse in China. In this case, how do the civilians below rebel and get ahead? According to the ascent channel given by the royal family, Going on is the only way for them, even if they want to run their own homes. Even the golden Knight Judy Innate Talent overflowed, and eventually they were not recruited by the royal family as Prince Consort. “

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his eyebrows: “Without the exercises, wouldn’t they find it by themselves? Search online?”

“Internet access? I said that the Moro Kingdom facilities are backward, and 99% of the country has not yet connected to the Internet. Only a few people can use the Internet. Even if the Internet is connected, it is estimated that it will build an internal ultra-large local area network like the Buck Kingdom. , Blocking out some foreign information to maintain domestic stability. “

Baili Qingfeng listened, this is really moving.

No network! ?

No internet connection, too terrifying.

“It is rumored that the Kingdom of Moro and our country of Birds of a feather, in fact, this rumor is not at all wrong. If Heia and Moro really go to war, the victory of the two countries is between 2 and 5, but if only It is said that the confrontation between the martial artist … Neither of the two Shia is an opponent of Moro, which is why many strength lists will not include the country Strength. “

Zhang Liedao.


Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, nodded.

The army is more terrifying than the martial artist.

Like Three Great Holy Lands, there are more than a dozen True Immortal on the inner land, and several True Immortal. Do n’t you dare to overdo the royal family of Hea? I just tried to support Prince, or attacked the spy into the army in an attempt to control the army, because they understand that once they choose to burn both jade and stone, maybe they can assassinate some high-level members of Shia, but their sect will definitely be attacked by the army Strength crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood

Stronger than Ruler, with 10000 troops swarming up and down, let alone True Immortal and Celestial?

And Sia Kingdom …

Ten army groups, the army has a total of 1000000!

Under the introduction of Zhang Lie, Baili Qingfeng gradually got a certain impression of the Kingdom of Moro.

The Moro Kingdom and the Stag Kingdom system are similar. The Bucks Kingdom is almost an enhanced version of the Moro Kingdom. If you understand the Moro Kingdom, you will naturally understand the relevant information of the Buck Kingdom.

“Really extreme country …”

Baili Qingfeng said with emotion.

Compared to the countries of Moro and Bucks, Sia Kingdom is a perfect example of a new era country. Enlightened, he has to rejoice in living in Sia Kingdom.

If you were born in the Moro …

He wanted to live the life he wanted, but it was not just as easy as overturning a Three Great Holy Lands, but he had to overthrow the 2 royal families, the difficulty …

It’s more than a little bit.

During the chat, the vehicle gradually came under the pay volcano.

As the vehicle went up the mountain, Baili Qingfeng gradually sensed the oppression formed by one after another powerful “god”. The oppression of these “gods” originated from the coercion carried by their lifeform.

The higher the realm, the more real the “god” that is conceived, and it will naturally have a certain impact on the outside world.

It’s like Baili Qingfeng, when his mind moves, the lightning flashes and thunders, and in those eyes of those who are sensitive, there will even be a sight of thunderbolt.

“A lot of powerhouses with Refining Spirit!”

Baili Qingfeng sensed it for a moment, and said sincerely: “Refining Spirit 7 heavy, 8 heavy people will not say it, Refining Spirit 9 heavy Illusory Cave realm master I have sensed 4.”

“Three of them should be Dong Shengyang, the owner of Holy Land, and his First Disciple, facing the sea in the east, and the deputy Hall Master hired by the South Wind. I do n’t understood the fourth one, I do n’t know where it came from. Master. “

Zhang Liedao.

He has lived in the Moro country for 2 years, and he knows the masters of this country very well.

“Three Refining Spirits are 3 weights? The Kingdom of Morocco is really an expert as clouds!”

“Hehe, the Moro State holds more than 90% of the martial artist Strength, but it does not include the Refining Spirit lineage. These 3 Refining Spirit Masters strictly speaking should not be counted as Moro people and will not intervene in the Moro The battle is only because they live in Moro. Sometimes they are not good at rejecting the demands of the Moro royal family. If these masters really follow the orders of the Moro royal family, they will not be the leader of the Salvation Fire House. So the Refining Spirit powerhouse Holy Land in mind. “

Zhang Lie smiled.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At this time Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel something. Going up the mountain, a group of 3 people came over there. The first one was an old man who looked quite old.

Seeing this old man, a smile appeared on Yuan Pan’s face.


Yuan disk nodded.

After saying hello to Yuanpan, the old man’s eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng: “This one is Baili Qingfeng, right? Refining Spirit Heaven’s Chosen who reached Refining Spirit 21 and Awakening in 8 years old, our East Divine Continent Of all the Refining Spirit cultivators, if you say who has the most hope to break the Refining Spirit 登, ascend to the highest realm, it is none other than His Excellency Baili Qingfeng. “

“Hello there.”

Baili Qingfeng greeted him very politely.

“This is His Excellency Rofoss.”

Zhang Lie respectfully introduced: “His Lord Rofos is the Senior Brother of Dong Shengyang Master. In addition, he also has an identity, which is the Direct Disciple of the Fire Saint.”

“Holy Fireman !?”

Baili Qingfeng doesn’t know who the Holy Wage is, but the Refining Spirit system can be called the Holy One …


Refining Spirit Tenfold!

“Rofoss Master reached the 9th peak during the heyday of that year, but unfortunately, the impact was ten failures …”

Zhang Lie whispered.

For a time, Baili Qingfeng looked at Rofus a little differently.

I have a Master of Refining Spirit, and I have also shocked the Master of Refining Spirit …

This is the real gangster!

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