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“Three Fusion Technique !?”

Bucks Kingdom!

As the Alliance Leader of the Knight Alliance, the Bucks Kingdom is afraid to say that it is omnipotent and all-powerful about what happened in the countries of the Knight Alliance, but it also has more than half of it.

After the birth of the Three Fusion Technique, the Bucks kingdom immediately received the news, and the speed was no faster than the Moro royal family with Uwei present.

“Refining Spirit Secret Technique that Inspires Heart!”

At the moment in the Conference Hall of the 10000 Lin City, the capital of the Bucks Kingdom, King Reynolds, Noble Speaker Moore, National Teacher Huo Yun, Bing Ma Great Marshal Reinard, and the one who broke the Refining Spirit just over a month ago 9 After the reunion, Prince Ilya, the first powerhouse of the Bucks Kingdom who was promoted to Illusory Cave realm, gathered together.

“Get it, must get it!”

Prince Riyi’s words were stubborn, and his tone was full of determination: “Heart Strength is the most mysterious and unpredictable existence. Even the powerhouses are only in the study of Heart Strength and not fully grasped. I have condensed the silver body now. Invincible in Level 9, no one in this realm is qualified to be my opponent. Our goal can already be placed on the top powerhouse … But, with the silver body alone, even if I still have 3 doors to A strong battle skill can still only be said to be barely supported and difficult to confront, but if you get Three Fusion Technique, the situation will be different! We Bucks will truly have the Xeon Strength! “

“Three Fusion Technique is so important, so I’ll take someone and go straight to Salary Volcano to ask for it!”

In the hands of almost all troops of the Bucks Kingdom, Renard said solemnly.

“No! You can’t use strong!”

Prince Riyi hurriedly waved his hand: “Refining Spirit Secret Technique is different from Martial Dao. You do n’t reach the Refining Spirit 9th. I do n’t know the means that the Refining Spirit 9th powerhouse has. This is amazing and powerful that can change the thinking structure of others! Early In the same year, the Refining Spirit created the Connecting Soul Technique. Although the Connecting Soul Technique has various restrictions, it can transfer both cultivation experience and memory, and silently reverse one’s thoughts … our Buck Kingdom Aren’t there any such specialized agencies? “

“There is such an institution.”

Huo Yun nodded: “Those young talents overflowing with Innate Talent, first gathered them in a training camp, and then used the Connecting Soul Technique to reverse their thinking and make them loyal to the royal family. Although the Connecting Soul Technique has a high probability of failure, But as long as it succeeds, it will be vigorously cultivated and promoted to give them the Supreme glory, which still will not affect the competitive training camp places where young talents go forward and try their best. “

“That’s right, we can all have this kind of organization, not to mention there are several 9-level Illusory Cave Refining Spirit Masters on Salary Volcano. If we persecute them, once they add a little privacy to the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Expect, then … “

Prince Riyi didn’t want to bet on several Refining Spirit Masters.

“What about that?”


The prince of the sun shines brightly, and his words seem to contain infinite Strength: “We want to use the power of the king, and dignified is defeating all competitors, and do our best to show our strength, use our power of the king to make salary The volcano understands that to whom one can be honest can have a bright future. “

“In the East Divine Continent, the steel brothers will gradually decline as they have no news for a long time. The Yun Xiao Sword Palace and the Golden Light Group’s 2 World Level forces are bitter and bitter, and the battle is endless. Ancestral Dragon Mountain belongs to the family power … As for the Aurora Empire, haha, with the hegemony of the Aurora Emperor submit to me and prosper oppose me and perish, Salary Volcano dares to rely on it, and it will definitely be squeezed out of all its potential! Salary Volcano’s best choice is our Bucks Kingdom! “

Reynolds also had some self-confidence: “The only thing we need to be careful of is the Mora. Although the Mora is not as good as our stags, but during this time, it has been integrated, but it has integrated a lot of momentum. I heard Prince Wu Song and Yao These two days have been very active. I have been in constant contact with Beisen, Norway, and Ghana, and even Hiah ’s side has said hello early? It looks like it will cause us some trouble. “

“They want to unite, let them unite.”

Prince Ri Yi waved his hand: “The most powerful house of Moro is Wu Song? It is said that 2 years ago, he finally practiced a Xeon Sword Technique, which can be called the level 9? The remaining Beisen, Norway, Ghana, and even Greece Ya, maybe there are several Level 9, but what is the level 9? What is it? In front of the absolute Strength, any crafty plots and machinations are just clay chickens and pottery dogs! “

“The Silver Body is known as Level 9 invincible. The most brilliant battle was 6 years ago. In that battle, the top powerhouse with the Silver Body was surrounded by 2 Level 8 powerhouses including 9 peak Celestial. Kill, kill calmly, and kill 4 of them … winning with one enemy 8 and winning calmly, this achievement is fascinating! And Prince Riyi, you are more than the original Level 9 silver body. One point stronger, after all, he only mastered 2 Xeon battle skills, and you … as many as 3 … “

Reynolds looked at Prince Riyi, his eyes flashing with enthusiasm.

“After I became a silver body, I showed all the strengths … you should know, like your ordinary Level 9 … I can win even without the silver body, now … Even at the peak of Level 9, I didn’t even have the interest to shoot … “

There was a trace of loneliness in Prince Riyi’s eyes.

It was loneliness that could not wait for an opponent.

Silver Body, Level 9 invincible!

In addition to the top powerhouse visit, ordinary martial artists … even if they are Level 9 in front of them …

Too weak !

“At the time of the Moro Kingdom, there were two Level 2 Uzongs and Prince Yao. Among them, Uzong Nai was named Level 9 and Prince Yao belonged to the senior Level 9. The remaining Beisen, Ghana, and Novi dispatched a number of Level 9 powerhouses. There are 9 people. Only in the Heiya country, there is Baili Qingfeng. A Level 2 Ruler guarantee and protect …… According to the information we have received, people from Sia Kingdom are coming towards us. They have entered the border of our country. It is estimated that before dark It should be here. “

“Hey is here, Uzum of the Moro and the others, in order to unite Hea, I am afraid they will meet and discuss the specifics of the alliance?”

Prince Riyi said.

“It should be.”

“Baili Qingfeng, is one of the founders of Three Fusion Technique?”

“Yes! And it is said that it is still a Core character, Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng Guo highly respect him, a gesture that would not have appeared unless it was Baili Qingfeng Three Fusion Technique, just do not know if it is Dong Shengyang or Nanfeng Guo Did 2 people deliberately hold him up and let Baili Qingfeng attract everyone’s attention? “

Reynolds said.

“It doesn’t matter whether it is or not, I just need to know that he has Three Fusion Technique and it is enough to dedicate it to me after being convinced by me.”

“Be convinced? Baili Qingfeng is not a simple figure … he is a young man who has been modified into a ruler at a young age, and the outside world ’s assessment of his battle strength has reached the peak level. If we add Three Fusion Technique … I am afraid that this is not the case for Level 9 …… It is not easy for such a young and energetic Innate Talent to be overwhelmed by Level 9 and want to convince it completely. “

Moore Speaker frowns.

“No! You do n’t think it ’s easy. From the standpoint of your stand, to me, the younger and younger the youngster, the easier it is to conquer! Baili Qingfeng ’s youthfulness is based on what he has never encountered before. On the basis of any setbacks, plus his background in Shia, I have never seen a real powerhouse in those circumstances. As long as I fully explain to him what is really powerful and what is truly invincible, I Believe that he will make the right choice! “

Prince Riyi is meaningful.

Moore, Reynolds and the others moved in their hearts, and soon understood the meaning of Prince Riyi.

Baili Qingfeng ……

The potential is too strong.

21-year-old Level 9 Ruler!

Although it is rumored that he has not made his way to the Xeon, at this moment, everyone is no longer as convinced as this rumor.

10000 one…

Are the rumors of the failure of the so-called Xeon Road false?

In this case, this unsettling factor that may affect the Bucks Kingdom’s unification of the Knight Alliance …

It’s better to transform it.

Reynolds said with a laugh at the moment: “Baili Qingfeng Sect Master is the best genius in our Knight League. It’s a pity that such geniuses are not well cultivated. It ’s a pity that Hea has limited teaching environment. I think we can only let him follow Prince Riyi, beside you, becomes your seat’s disciple in order to really tap the limits of his potential. “

“As a member of the Knight Alliance, Baili Qingfeng and other geniuses, I am naturally willing to teach with all my heart.”

Prince Ri Yi smiled lightly.

Everyone was discussing and chatting here, supplementing all the details of tomorrow’s meeting, and the time was unconsciously in the afternoon.

They did not end the exchange until someone rumored that Baili Qingfeng of the Shia country was waiting, and that Uzong and the others of the Moro, Beisen, Novi, and Ghana countries had gone out.

“Well, I don’t want any surprises at the meeting tomorrow. Let’s go and meet them for a while and see if they can grow for so many years.”

Prince Ri Yi said, got up and went out first.

Reynolds, Moore, Huo Yun, and the others follow closely from behind.

This is the place of the Bucks Kingdom. Prince Riyi and the others know the whereabouts of Wu Song’s entire group. Not long after, their entire group has arrived outside the courtyard where Wu Song and the others are located.

“One share, two shares, four shares … Eight Level 2 are all here. It’s really nobody.”

Reynolds said with a sneer.

“They probably thought that their eight Level 8 were united together. Among them was Wu Song, the master of Xeon Sword Technique’s title Level 9, and no one got them anyhow.”

Huo Yun sneered.

“It’s so innocent and cute.”

Prince Riyi’s face looked helpless like a naughty child: “Baili Qingfeng is coming soon?”

“We have already entered the city, we have opened an exclusive channel for them, and we will be here soon.”

Reynolds said.

“it is good.”

“Prince Riyi, see if we first figure out a way to separate them or …”

“Separate? No need! I said that they were only a group of clay chickens and pottery dogs that’s all! I should crush them all into shatters in a glorious state!”

After Prince Ri Yi spoke, he strode forward and pushed the courtyard door forcibly, regardless of the people in the courtyard who sensed their arrival as an enemy. Differently said: “Listen to the master Wu Song who built a door 2 years ago. Strong Sword Technique, won the title of “U King”, I wonder if I have the honor to teach U King’s Sword Technique? “

“Prince Riyi has been awarded the title of Riyi Sword Emperor for more than ten years. I am a newcomer to Wu Song, and I don’t think he is better.”

Wu Song looked at Prince Riyi and was unmoved by his provocation.

“Is it.”

Prince Riyi’s face was not disappointed, but expression glanced indifferently at the other Level 9 in the courtyard: “Then, let me put it another way, I think that the cultivation base has improved slightly over the years, and again in Level 9 Invincible, I want to teach you how to do it, I wonder if you can enlighten me? “

“en! ?”

Wu Song’s face changed slightly: “Prince Riyi, what do you mean?”

“What do you mean?”

Prince Ri Yi laughed: “I think the meaning I have expressed is already very clear. If the Master Wu Song did not hear clearly, then I will repeat it in a plain and easy way.”

Speaking of which, his tone was lightly paused, carrying both hands, his straight body stood proudly, and his eyes included all 8 people in the courtyard: “I want to hit you all!”


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