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“Turn this Strength into a sharp sword …”

What did the swordfish think of immediately?

That tribe …

Your Majesty the black liquid tribe surrendered a few years ago!

They are the supporters who guide the direction in the army!

“The people in the burrow rushed out unexpectedly, and of the two countries that bear the brunt, the threat of the Chiyan country is even higher than that of Hea. Why not target the Chiyan country first?”

It seems that the Tianji Mountain Project is finally about to usher in the last moment. The Emperor Aurora is quite in a good mood: “We have no trust relationship with the Blood Temple. If I am a high-level Blood Temple and a thousand soldiers, at best, I will send a 3 leader. Test the authenticity, and this batch is by no means elite. The country of Chi Yan looks like a scattered sand, but the potential of war is amazing. Once it reaches the moment of life and death, it will inevitably fight back. If these leading burrowers suffer heavy losses, the remaining crypt I’m afraid people can’t escape, and just relying on 40000 to 3 people is not enough to destroy the living Alliance of Knight Alliance and Chiyan Country. Therefore, we must let them taste some benefits. The weaker Hea is the best. Appetizing dessert. “

The swordfish heard, and suddenly realized.

“Moreover, the cavemen’s wildness will not be released and they will lose their sanity in the slaughter. Those cavemen still obey the orders of Blood Temple and Blood Wolf City. The black liquid tribe may not be able to incite those cavemen and guide them. The direction of their attack. “

The cavemen slaughter ahead, and the Aurora Empire occupied the territory in the name of rescue Sia Kingdom.

Emperor Aurora said, converging, calm and calm.

He has never been a person who suffers.

The plan is simple.

However, if you want to drive the hungry wolf, if you don’t have enough ability, you have to cause the hungry wolf backlash!

The Aurora Empire didn’t even use too many methods. Instead, it used its own strength and strength to persuade the Grotto people, making the Grotto people unwilling to be right with their Aurora Empire, even if they rushed out of the 2nd World. , Will still only look at Chi Yan to the east of Tianyu Mountain and Sia to the south, without revealing minions to the powerful Aurora Empire.

“Everything has to be done. Whether the empire can swallow the world and break through Hea and destroy Chiyan in one fell swoop depends on the next battle. Bloodwolf hunted thousand cavemen, don’t let me down. “


The dramatic changes of Tianshan Mountain are coming, but Baili Qingfeng, who is in Xia, is unaware. His time and energy are all focused on the research and fusion of Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi and Small Void Technique.

His cultivation is too messy and too complicated. If everything is carefully practiced, it will take too much time, so he has to find a way to streamline his cultivation system.

“When will I be able to merge all the exercises together? By then, I can achieve the effect of all exercises by practicing only one exercise method. How much time can I save? Then I use this time to study, research, Listening to the song, I think I can take the first place in the school. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at the printed Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi in front of himself and rubbed his eyebrows.

Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi had long been changed by him.

Those professional terms have become easy to understand, and because of the need to integrate into the Small Void Technique, some special treatments have been performed …

For example, wash yourself with Yin and Yang Thunder Strength …

Isn’t it just a current quenching body? That’s so mysterious.

In this way, he can connect 2 wires and assist with household electric current, so why spend time with Yin-Yang Energy to generate electricity?

There is also this one. In the process of thunder and lightning caused by yin and yang collision, it hurts people and hurts themselves, so you must be careful when running …

What kind of joke?

The wind and thunder True Qi produced by myself within the body hurts himself. Is this evil?

Can the electric eel electrocut himself?


Can be electrocuted.

But this is not the point, the point is that there are problems that need to be changed.

Afraid that the excited wind Thunder True Qi hurts itself and let itself evolve its insulation characteristics, just as Primal True Body is incorporated into the Small Void Technique, it can stimulate the cell’s adaptability to the external environment, and add current to the required adaptation environment. Insulating this one should not be difficult.

He cuts down and downs like this, and eventually …

When the real Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi was incorporated into the Small Void Technique, the word count changed from 1000 words to only 300 words.

“It finally succeeded, it took me a whole week!”

Baili Qingfeng long put out a breath.

“Although this week, I can only take 3 or 4 hours a day to study the integration of Small Void Technique and Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi. High, almost as fast as Three Fusion Technique. It is truly a Xeon. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at these 300 words of the new Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi …

It is not easy to evaluate the effect of the fusion, but the word count is so much less that it must be a weakened version.

“Practice first.”

Baili Qingfeng said, can’t wait to run to his Practice Room, took out the current resistance resistance device that has been disabled for a long time, and wound a circle of copper wire directly on his arm.

“zi zi !”

As he turned on the instrument, the current passed to him instantly, accompanied by one after another small arc.


Baili Qingfeng looked at the resistor that was completely turned on by him.

It is already the maximum current.

Previously, he had to use current cultivation to cautiously, for fear of being injured by electric shock, but now …

With the continuously cultivated cultivation of Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, his fleshy body was able to carry the bullet and killed him, and the electric current at home made him feel a little numb at best …

“It looks like my home has to re-install a wire. I don’t know if the power company will not allow private use of high-voltage wires. If it doesn’t work … I try to change my electric field, causing the voltage to shift and forming a large current?”

Baili Qingfeng wrote it down.

He runs the Small Void Technique at full speed. In addition to the internal force, qi and blood, the yin and yang phases impulsively tear the veins under the guidance of the spirit, but there is no major problem! ?

Strengthened by the Small Void Technique, the strength of his fleshhy body is from the inside out. It is no longer what it used to be. As long as he does n’t try his best to excite the internal force and let the internal force, blood, and yin and yang intersect, that kind of pain is just the level of pain There was a lot of severance and fragmentation, and this kind of injury eased his spit.


Baili Qingfeng practiced it again, his face was full of smiles.

His innovation of incorporating Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi into nihilism is perfect!

“It is worthy of the Small Void Technique, and only the Small Void Technique and other methods derived from the Supreme Magic Void Technique can win 100 rivers. With no difficulty, Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi are incorporated into it without conflict. Dare to merge other exercises, the consequences … unpredictable. “

Baili Qingfeng lamented.

This time, a new type of fusion of skills has been completed, saving a lot of time for other things.

“At present, I major in Small Void Technique and Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique. As for the Great Emperor Sword Technique, Divine Thirteen Swords, Void Sword Technique … wait for my Refining Spirit realm breakthrough to go to the Tenth Layer and try fusion training No later … after all, time is tight … “

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, suddenly he was a little bit interested: “Would you like to try to incorporate the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique into the Small Void Technique? Smelt into nothingness Fiendgod?

“dīng líng líng !”

As Baili Qingfeng wondered about the feasibility of Fiendgod, the phone rang.

Baili Qingfeng was connected, and soon there was a cheerful voice: “Qingfeng little brother.”

“Mint is desolate? Well, at this time … don’t you have class today?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

When it comes to the word “class”, he still has some envy.

Who doesn’t want to sit free and unconstrained in a relaxed and happy campus?

“Grandfather helped me to transfer to school. I was transferred to Xia Yi High School in Sia Kingdom, Qingfeng little brother. I have no place to live in Xia Ya, can I borrow it for a while in your house?”

“Nowhere to live …”

Baili Qingfeng felt a little strange.

With Mint’s desolate financial resources, the house in Xia City can buy one, demolish one?

However, since Mint desolate wants to live in his home, he will not refuse: “Okay, I just bought a small courtyard, there are several rooms, you can come and stay.”

“Very good, I can live with Qingfeng little brother, it ’s really happy! I do n’t need too many rooms, just give me 2 bedrooms, I live with Aunt Rong, and the rest of the study, tea room, cloakroom, yoga room, etc. Nothing is needed, it ’s very good. “

“What about 2 bedrooms? Okay, no problem. Come on.”

Baili Qingfeng agreed happily.

Hanging up the phone, Baili Qingfeng’s mind returned to the fusion of the two Core methods.

He tried to inspire the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique to find the similarities between this Body Refining method and the Small Void Technique.

“If there are common ground, there are actually, that is, the principles of Primal True Body are borrowed from these two sect merit laws. Maybe I can start from this aspect …”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and released the two great powers: “In addition, there is this thing … study it carefully.”

With the continuous flow of Inner Qi blood, internal force, and spirit, the Strength of his body suddenly climbed, and then, the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique was triggered, and only 20% of 10000 energy cells were burned …

“weng weng! ”

The mighty breath erupted from Baili Qingfeng, and the entire Practice Room was shaking slightly.

The human body is sloppy and suddenly broke!

There was a faint glow of golden dazzling light on him, and even his hair was faintly moved towards golden.

It’s just that the change is small and not obvious.

Seeing that this layer of itself was so weak that it was almost negligible golden light, Baili Qingfeng quickly focused his spirit on within the body: “Well, golden jelly seems to be almost digested? After this kind of thing is digested, every time I When the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is used to break the human body and then the Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 are combined into one, the power of silver that should have been excited will become such a layer of golden dazzling light … “

Baili Qingfeng squeezed his muscles.

Toughness is amazing!

With the appearance of this layer of golden dazzling light, he obviously felt that the toughness and strength of the muscles had been significantly improved, as if it was covered with a layer of armor …

Although this layer of armor is slightly inferior to Yaojin in terms of solidity, its flexibility is 108,000 Li.


This layer of golden light has a certain direction, which can be transmitted to the metal, causing a small enhancement to the metal.

This nature…

Similar to True Qi.

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