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“Purified refined Legendary blood!”

Xuheng looked at the blood, with a hint of envy on his face: “No wonder Jingshan was able to ask such powerhouses as Zang Mu … It turned out that they took out these Supreme Treasures … You know, according to different Legendary life , The number of the essence of Legendary blood that a Legendary life can extract is often only 3 to 1.

“Zang Mu will still use the essence of Legendary’s blood?”

Bai Xianglong said strangely: “With his Innate Talent, using Legendary essence is a self-defeating future.”

“He doesn’t need it, but he can use it for his younger brother.”

Market Heng Road.

The white elephant dragon listened, and this was nodded.

“What is the essence of this Legendary blood?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master ’s time at the top powerhouse realm is still short. In addition, these most Peak’s intelligence masters are the same as those of Space Gate. They are in the hands of the most Peak’s forces. Baili Qingfeng Sect Master is not reasonable. , This kind of thing is not very useful to you by Baili Qingfeng Sect Master. “

Xuheng looked at Baili Qingfeng and said: “The most useful use of this purified Legendary blood is to help those Level 9 powerhouses who have not set foot on the Xeon Road and have insufficient knowledge to break the human body and advance to the top powerhouse realm.”


Baili Qingfeng didn’t feel surprised at all.

The concept of not being able to achieve top powerhouse without setting foot on the Xeon Road is not absolute. This has been said to him back in the year, but he wants to achieve top powerhouse without going on the Xeon Road , The price to pay is extremely staggering, much harder than walking on the path to the Xeon. This is from the mirror mountain with a copy of the essence of Legendary’s blood, which can be invited by the evening twilight. This World Peak’s top powerhouse risked mortal danger. Assault him and it will appear.


Even for Jingshan, the only church, and the gate of paradise, the essence of Legendary’s blood is the most Peak resource. It is the limit to accumulate 2 or 3 copies.

“In fact, in addition to the essence of Legendary’s blood, people can break through the human body without achieving the path of Xeon, and achieve Xeon. It also has a very important role in helping those who have derived Essence, Qi and Spirit to Tenth. The top powerhouse of Layer realm understands the strength of Life. As long as the essence of Legendary’s blood is sufficient, it can directly transform Essence and Qi into strength of Life. By first touching the opportunity of strength of Life, those Qi Refining and Refining that are not yet complete Spirit cultivation base is perfected, so that it can break through smoothly. “

The lingering soul on the side added a sentence.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

He thinks of the divine technique of the worship of Swordsman, the elite temple.

The role of Legendary’s blood is estimated to be similar to those of Legendary Bloodline, which is in the body of Swordsman, who holds the divine technique of worship, which can greatly shorten the growth of cultivator to the time of Legendary’s life.

“Actually this involves another 2nd World cultivation system, the Bloodline cultivation system. Although this cultivation system is not mainstream in 2nd World, it is the best choice for those who are ordinary Innate Talent. After Bloodline, they can never be stronger than Bloodline lifeform, and even have at most half of Bloodline lifeform Strength … After all, Bloodline is not all of those lifeform Strength … but … they can change Bloodline to get stronger Strength. “

“This road is very dangerous. Within the body, in addition to its own Bloodline, implanting a new Bloodline itself is very dangerous. The first implantation has a certain mortality rate, and the second implantation has a geometric mortality rate. The improvement is up to half … As for the third implant … the success rate will drop to less than 2%. “

Xu Heng said, emphasizing: “The Golden Eagle Empire has been completely blocked by the Martial Dao community, and there has been no Peak powerhouse in the country. It has deliberately spent a lot of energy, thought, and even research on genetics and cloning technology on the Bloodline road. A few years ago, I did make a few achievements, creating several monsters with a strength of life, but those monsters were not only short-lived, but also distorted due to the Bloodline conflict. Eventually, the eagle empire slammed the war and made the Golden Eagle Empire suffer its own consequences. , Had to use a cannonball to level a city with a population of more than 1000000 in China, before destroying those monsters. “

“Clone, gene?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

I’ve heard that the Golden Eagle Empire has advanced technology, didn’t expect …

Has it actually reached this point?

“这是一条注定没有前途的道路,一旦舍弃了自身Bloodline 使用其他lifeform 的Bloodline ,就永远会受制于那种lifeform ,反而若是我们继续耐心的cultivation 下去,未来未必没有希望能问鼎Legendary !”

蚩 魂 while speaking eyes with a trace of longing.

The human World and the Second World have been in frequent contact for only 2 years, and the Martial Dao bang has been achieved in 100 years. From the previous most powerhouse to True Immortal, or even the land True Immortal, it has been deduced and perfected to the level of Half-Step Legend. , Heaven knows where their limits will be?

Although most of the earliest cultivators who have completed their leak-free bodies have died, those who have made the top powerhouse early still are alive.

After breaking through the human body, although lifespan has not gained much growth, but supplementing some Peak extension agents, it can make people live to 100 5 or even 160 years old.

There are only two top powerhouses in the world today, one died at 2 100 years old and one died at 42 150 years old, but the oldest top powerhouse is Andrew from the country of the forest, who has lived to 9 years old, and has so far Survival, his life is falling, but he has not yet fallen avalanche. In other words, he can live at least 162 to 3 years!

The long lifespan makes those who are less than 100 years old, such as Linghun, Xuheng, and Baixianglong, naturally will not choose to take the blood of Legendary and take the Bloodline cultivation path.

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, this is your spoils of war.”

Bai Xianglong handed the Blood Soul knife, the sun and moon Divine Sword, and the blood of Legendary to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the Blood Soul knife, waved it, and dissatisfied: “This knife, no, the sharpness is too poor.”


白象龙said with a bitter smile :“divine gold 和耀金不同,据说divine gold 是沾染了True God divine force 渲染而成的特殊金属,每一种divine gold 根据沾染的divine force 不同,都有不同attribute ,Blood Soul 刀的材料来源于Blood Temple ,被称为血钢,学术名为血divine gold ,对气血、领域有着不凡增幅,但在锋锐上,它确实没有什么值得称道的地方。”

Baili Qingfeng knows this common sense.

At present, the strongest divine gold is called black Kobelco, the sharpest divine gold is cold Kobelco, and the lightest divine gold is called Yun Kobelco. The most suitable divine gold for Refining Spirit powerhouse is Chishin Steel, etc. Different top powerhouses We will build a weapon that suits ourselves according to the way we are good at, just like a top powerhouse that is good at frontal combat will not choose the Yungang sword, and a top powerhouse that is good at light combat will not choose the black steel sword.

“I need Black Kobelco, can I change the Blood Soul knife?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xuheng.

“Certainly, the Blood Soul knife of Chongshan Emperor is refined from a large amount of blood steel, which can be exchanged for black Kobelco for ten 5 to 20 kg!”

“Oh? That Tibetan twilight sword changed for me too.”

“my pleasure.”

This trivial matter will never be rejected.

末了,他甚至提议到:“要不要将Space Gate 的名额兑换item 改成黑神钢?”

He always found that ten feathered spiritual liquids or ten Holy Spirit fruits were too cheap.

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and shook the head.

It took a while before he asked, “If I want to get Black Kobelco, where is the best place to go?”

“The races that our human World and 2nd World have the most contact with are the Crypts, Beasts, and Tatars. The Crypts are made up of dozens of countries and 4 temples. One of the 4 temples is called the Black Temple. Black Kobelco is a specialty of the Black Temple … “

墟恒说着,看了Baili Qingfeng 一眼:“东Divine Continent 没有任何一个Space Passage 和黑神殿领土接壤,你如果要前往黑神殿地界,得去西炎洲或北寒洲,当然,由于黑神殿和Blood Temple 常年征战,Blood Temple 手上应该也有不少黑神钢。”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, write it down.

Kobelco’s acquisition is not easy.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, Kobelco at best just has some special attributes than Yaojin, and the effects of these attributes can not increase the individual’s strength, but it is difficult to obtain …

It is dozens of times of Yaojin!

“Yes, you can be sure, that person is Emperor Zhongshan, right?”

Baili Qingfeng asked.

“There are only a few World top powerhouses today, plus the Blood Soul knife … it’s his eight-nine. If you don’t believe it, I can contact Emperor Jingshan of Jingshan. If he doesn’t respond or disappears without a trace … is enough to prove this death … Half-Step Legend died at Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.

Market constant weight road.

“So, the reason they dealt with me was the shotgun? And they united dozens of forces to put pressure on me, but they were damaged by our disintegration in other ways?”

Baili Qingfeng asked calmly.

“Shots are a reason, and Space Gate, and the Three Fusion Technique you master, should also be a reason.”

墟恒隐隐察觉到了Baili Qingfeng 的情绪有些不对劲,但他还是replied :“主要是Baili Sect Master 你崛起的时间太过短暂,身上的利益又太过庞大,财帛动人心,何况Space Gate 、Three Fusion Technique ,甚至……钚弹制造技术这种足以改变World 格局的东西……”

After speaking, he immediately added a smile with a smile: “But I believe that after today, no one will dare to underestimate the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.”

“But if I get hurt, disabled, crippled, or even dead one day, will they let me or my family and friends pass?”

Baili Qingfeng continued to ask, as if he was asking him, he was also asking himself.


Xuheng looked at Baili Qingfeng and couldn’t answer.

“I understand.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The answer was already in his mind.

Shia is peaceful, but ordinary person people elsewhere are still in hot water.

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