Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 982 The person who cheats fate

Something must have happened.

As a first-level agent of the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau, Angre believed that it was absolutely impossible for him to not be able to tell whether the thing he was holding in his hand along the way was a real gun or a trick prop, but there were too many bizarre things that happened in that day. Even if the firearm in his hand suddenly turns into a prankster, it is not impossible.

From Benjamin's equally shocked expression, it was easy to tell that this was probably not his fault.

Creative trick, but I don't have any more time to waste here with you.

Benjamin said.

The smoke and dust in the distance did not dissipate for a long time, and the remote monitoring and control links delivered to him by his partners were also interrupted at the same time as the explosion. He must rush to the scene immediately to understand the real cause of this unusual explosion.

However, the persistent Bureau agent Anglet Saffron is destined not to let him get his wish.

Just like what has been shown in countless blockbusters shot by Kolo Films, at the end, the villain and the protagonist will always meet on a narrow road after losing their hot weapons for various reasons, and a physical duel is inevitable.

Benjamin dropped his pretense of calmness and took the lead with a restless attitude.


The sudden appearance of the mysterious partner made everything go so smoothly that he forgot about the potential threat.

For example, the man who killed the unified military executive is still at large.

The coalition government used the counter-intelligence department, the Terrorist Mobile Team, and the unified military-industrial intelligence system, but they were unable to find any clues about the murderer. If the Bureau of Abnormal Case Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security are also included, it means that the coalition government Almost all the top executive agencies came out.

This is a big scene that has never been seen before.

However, in this incident, they faced a real ghost.

Qi Yun.

Benjamin thought of the name, and belatedly realized that this young girl was by no means just a four-star rescuer. There must be other secrets hidden in her body.

Those ghosts were coming for her.

Don't even think about it!

Angre didn't give in and faced him head on.

If this was a close combat arena match, Benjamin would not have taken Angre seriously. The difference in weight would be difficult to make up for through skill, not to mention that he was someone who had returned from the hell of a neutral country. How could it be possible to lose to someone who had never even been on the battlefield?

The reality is not the films of Kolo Films that are full of personal heroism, and they never need to follow the melody of justice must prevail.

That's how it should be.

But Angre's right fist suddenly became longer and caught him off guard.

The force of this punch was not considered strong, but it hit him firmly on the bridge of the nose. What Benjamin couldn't understand was the impact produced by this punch that was completely contrary to its strength.

He clearly saw Angre's right hand suddenly lengthen several meters like a stretchable rubber. After receiving a punch, his body flew backwards uncontrollably, crashing behind the table and above it. Objects including unfinished pizza were spread all over his body.

He noticed the change in Angre's expression. It seemed that even the opponent himself did not expect the power of this punch.

Benjamin suddenly had a weird idea.

Everything they experienced at that moment was like an exaggerated scene that could only appear in comics.

Outside entertainment activities are very scarce, and reading comics is one of his few pastimes.

His limbs suddenly become stronger during battle, and he can send people flying more than ten meters with one blow. These are all exaggerated expressions in comics.

Is Angre Saffron a psychic?


Benjamin quickly overturned this idea. If he could control this ability freely, what was sprayed at him from the barrel of the gun just now would not be a cartoon clown with a mocking smile.

There was someone else who activated the ability. Angre just discovered the changes caused by the ability earlier than him.

Thinking back to the explosion that had just occurred and the commercial center building that looked too fragmented from a distance, he suddenly realized that the real activation location of the ability should be near the highway a few blocks away from here.

The range of capabilities is enough to cover several city blocks and even bend the physical rules of reality.

It was hard for Benjamin to imagine what a terrifying psychic he was facing.


This ability is obviously not aimed at him, and Angre has proven with actual actions that as long as he masters the principles, this world that has become like a comic book can actually be a help to him.

Thinking of this, Benjamin grabbed the canvas that slowly fell from the wall to the ground. This was originally a hotel decoration. It seemed to be affected by an unknown ability. The canvas fell extremely slowly, which gave him an inspiration.

He first threw the broken pieces of wood at Angre as a hidden weapon, then took advantage of the latter's dodge to grab the two corners of the canvas and slammed it towards the glass.

The material of the bulletproof glass seemed to have been changed by his ability. He easily made a gap, and with the evening breeze, the canvas turned into a paraglider just as he imagined.

Benjamin judged the form the first time. If the world they were in became a scene in the comics, then fighting Angre would undoubtedly be the stupidest decision.

In the world of cartoons, everyone is an invincible villain.

Those people who look like they are covered in injuries, like candles in the wind, can be alive and kicking as if nothing happened in the next shot.

As for the street brawl style battle where you punch me and kick me, it can last for more than ten pages.

In the comics that Benjamin has been exposed to so far, there are still some hidden rules, one of which includes the law of the villain must be able to escape successfully.

Whenever the villain is forced into a desperate situation, as long as they activate their escape skills, they can always escape in incredible ways.

Even if he is beaten to the point of paralysis in a fist-to-flesh fight, he can still use the trajectory of the beating as an escape route.

The canvas he was holding in his hands at this moment was his escape route.

From the corner of his eye, Benjamin saw Angre rushing to the edge of the window. His attention did not stay on the Bureau agent for too long.

There is no need for him to take action, the investigation bureau's pursuers will arrive soon.

There are always endless back-ends for villains.

After negotiations broke down, he had sent Angre's location to the Bureau of Anomaly Investigation.

The roar of armored hover vehicles came from behind, and the two hover vehicles had already locked onto Angre's position.

However, Benjamin had a premonition that the fate between them would not end here. One day they would meet again. Just like villains can always find an escape route when they are at the end of their rope. Those in comics who have a sense of justice in their hearts, even if they are treated unfairly The unwavering protagonist is always able to turn danger into disaster.


He kept this name in mind and left this victory or defeat for the next time.

It was already a quarter of an hour before we arrived at the business.

The smoke and dust that filled the road had long since dissipated. Benjamin bent down and stared at the building debris scattered at his feet. The peacekeeping force members in the distance had already begun to survey the scene.

As he expected, this was not an explosion in the conventional sense.

He bent down to pick up the remains of a Lego brick, and easily found the part that fit it on the side.

He avoided patrolling peacekeepers and worked his way up.

The long-lost partner finally came online again, and internal communications from the peacekeeping force came from the communication equipment.

They are counting casualties.

It is hard to imagine that this huge explosion, which almost caused an earthquake in District 1, only killed one person.

Benjamin also finally understood the reason why the human psychic bomb did not detonate.

According to the partners, the explosion is the result of psychic energy detonating in an extremely unstable state, so there is only one way to defuse the bomb - kill the psychic before the bomb detonates.

When the consciousness of the psychic dissipates, the fusion reaction will naturally terminate.

According to the internal communications of the peacekeeping force, someone broke into the place while it was foggy and assassinated Qi Yun.

When the smoke cleared and everyone returned to normal, they found Qi Yun leaning peacefully on the side of the road with no signs of life.

After a round of rescue operations, the medical staff reluctantly announced Qi Yun's death.

The people present who had experienced the aftermath of the disaster all accepted this result. The fact that only one person died was a blessing among misfortunes. At the moment of the explosion, the members of the peacekeeping force were even ready to sacrifice.

Even Benjamin stopped in his tracks, accepting the outcome as easily as everyone else.

Qi Yun's companions noticed their intentions and took the simplest and crudest approach.

Once she dies, all the clues hidden in her body are gone.

The organization has once again fallen into a fog, and no one will be able to find traces of the ghosts until they take the initiative to show up next time.

Putting himself in his shoes, Benjamin felt that if he were in the other person's situation, he would definitely make the same decision.

If someone's presence might expose the organization's information, he would do so without hesitation.


This just proves that the extremist organization composed of psychic people is real. Benjamin believes that the ultimate purpose of this organization is to awaken the sleeping devil.

Although the explosion caused no casualties, they were still able to blame the psychic.

But the nature of the incident changed from an indiscriminate bomb attack to a deterrent operation.

At the same time, in the trunk of the van on the other side, An Jing looked pale.

She closed her notebook, closed her eyes, closed her glasses and gasped softly.

are you OK?

Gustave asked with concern. He and Jing Jing had performed many missions together, and the latter had never shown such an expression after activating his ability like now.

This is a symptom of psychic overdraft. It can be seen from Jing Jing's clenched fists that she is experiencing great pain.

Song Lan said that if you change your destiny, you must bear the corresponding price.

For a moment, Jing Jing felt that his soul had been pulled out of his body, but was eventually put back in by some kind of power.

Perhaps it was Song Lan who pushed her at the critical moment, preventing her from dying suddenly after activating her ability.

And now, they have completed their plan without any danger.

Qi Yun's death has become a definite fact, and it won't be long before the Homeland Security Bureau will announce the news.

This is a necessary means for them to cheat their fate.

It is useless to rescue Qi Yun.

In the more than twenty years since he left, she may fall back into the same trap at any time, so death is the only way to end it once and for all.

Even the ruler hidden deep in the prison would not take action against a person who was confirmed dead.

While they were talking, a figure wearing a peacekeeping force uniform ran towards them from a distance.

Qi He's face was solemn, and his nerves were tense. He hadn't even had a moment's rest since arriving here.

Going back to the past means that all the social relationships he has accumulated are invalid. In this era, Qi He is just a little kid who doesn't even have hair. If it weren't for Qi Yun, he would be just a little kid. One of the foundation's talent reserves.

But even so, Qi He still got these devices.

The medicine is effective for 14 hours.

After sitting on the driver's seat, Qi He leaned on the seat as if exhausted.

This is just the beginning of all their actions, and the next step is the key to the entire action.

The body will be sent to the original body hospital tonight, and the family members will be notified. If nothing goes wrong, it will be sent to be cremated early tomorrow morning. We have to take action during the transportation of the body, wrap up the body, and then find a way to take her away. Get out of town.

They also formulated some strategies for Qi Yun. As long as she follows the above content, she should be able to persist until the day when she becomes the representative of the foundation and secretly establishes a psychic organization.

Will it go well?

Gustav was a little uneasy, Anyway, one night is a bit too hasty.

That's the kind of person my father is.

Qi He said, He would never stop looking at the dead.

This may be the reason why my father can climb all the way up in the company. No matter how many times history happens, no matter whether it is him or his sister who dies in this strange disease, the future is doomed.

One who survives can turn another's death into good fortune.

He is so busy that he doesn't even have time to grieve. He also wants to put pressure on the Psychic Research Institute and Council through this incident, and then there will be a series of coordination negotiations.

Qi He said, He will also come to the hospital tomorrow, just to get the death report in person.

Tsk, what a cold-blooded company man.

Gustav clicked his tongue in surprise.

Not even for a moment did he grieve for his daughter's death, but instead turned everything into a bargaining chip that would benefit him in the future.

This is how the company is run. People who can't keep their emotions in their hearts have long been eliminated.

After a pause, Qi He added, Go to rest early. There is still a tough battle to be fought tomorrow morning.

Thanks to weicyl for the 400 starting coins!

Thanks to Fengpiaoyanyu for the 100 starting coins!

Small theater its three hundred and forty-eight:

Monday, a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, afternoon

After a morning of secret observation, Guan Lili confirmed one thing - Tsundere didn't seem to have many points to explore. On the contrary, the relationship between Song Lan and Lu Xiang was very suitable for a short work with such a warm theme.

Maybe Tsundere has already retired from the environment.

Guan Lili thought silently in her heart.

She had other thoughts, How about I still use you as the prototype, and then find a way to change the skin into the Cyborg and the Twin-Ponytail Loli?

In fact, Guan Lili had long thought that the love story between Song Lan and Lu Xiang that started in District 17 should be welcomed by many people, but it was a pity that Song Lan sternly rejected the invitation of Kolo Films.

Song Lan objected in real name, No, that's because you haven't felt the charm of tsundere. This is RT6... no, the charm of the twin-tailed lolita character!

Then why don't you tell me what's so attractive about it?

Guan Lili tried to put herself into the Emperor, and then found that RT6 seemed to want to stir up trouble.

Obviously I care, but I can't say it because of my shy personality; I'm not used to accepting other people's kindness and feel flustered, I obviously want to thank you but I say the opposite of what I mean; I'm stupid with my words, so I can only express it silently with actions However, after being discovered, he quibbles and denies his feelings... A girl who is like a hedgehog in love, these are the charms of the tsundere type!

I see.

This time, it was not Guan Lili who responded. Lu Xiang said thoughtfully, I remember.

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