Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 157 Black Hand

Emotional control is also an important quality for an outstanding graduate.

This means that they can make the most rational judgments when facing complex situations. As leaders, every decision in the battle will determine the life of every member of the team.

Therefore, in Lu Xiang's life, there is no need for anger as an emotion.

In the emotion management course, she witnessed countless wrong decisions caused by anger. These are the lessons accumulated by her predecessors in their lives.

She really wasn't sure what it was like to leave angrily as described by Song Lan.

This was to make the killers believe that he and Aureliano had broken up. Lu Xiang was now very worried that the other party would find out Song Lan's plan because of his poor acting skills.

How do you usually get angry?

I'm not usually angry.

What if someone deliberately made you angry?

Ignore him, or if necessary, prevent him from interfering with my normal work.

Facing Lu Xiang's calm answer, Song Lan was speechless for a moment. He had thought about many possible flaws in the plan, but this was the only one he didn't expect.

But in retrospect, Lu Xiang had never been angry in front of him. Even when facing criminals who had committed serious crimes again, she could maintain a calm attitude while interrogating them.

Then...have you ever encountered a similar situation before, such as needing to protect an escort target who refuses to cooperate during a mission?

Song Lan felt that just thinking about it was enough to make her angry.

Although he did not have the opportunity to escort a target in the real world, he remembered that there was a map for escorting VIPs in the FPS game he played in college. At that time, he was often kicked out of the room for attacking his teammates in anger. Therefore, it is difficult for Song Lan to imagine how Lu Xiang could remain calm when faced with the task of protecting a pig teammate.

About two years ago, our team received the task of escorting an undercover agent to evacuate during a practical exercise class. When we arrived, the undercover agent refused to evacuate due to some personal reasons, which put us in a situation where we were attacked from both sides.

In the front are the pursuers of the largest local criminal group, and in the rear are undercover agents who are unwilling to evacuate at all costs.

Lu Xiang felt that the scene at that time was probably similar to what Song Lan described.

She neither cursed nor was angry. Instead, she followed the circumstances and made the most rational judgment - she pressed the back of the undercover's neck and slammed his head on the table when he was caught off guard. .

In order to ensure that the person being escorted could pass out smoothly, she used a slightly harsher blow, causing the undercover agent to fall into a coma and break his nose and front teeth at the same time.

Afterwards, military doctors also detected a mild concussion.

The commander of the operation criticized what she did, but the criticism was not that she put the undercover agent into a coma, but that she could be a little gentler next time, and there was no need to go there just after knocking someone down. Plastic surgery hospital.

So, if Aureliano showed a refusal to cooperate, the rational judgment would be to knock him out and escort him to a safe place until the crisis is resolved.

As for what Song Lan said about walking away after a big quarrel, she had no idea what the situation was.

The only thing that is certain is that if such a person goes to the battlefield, he is likely to be sent to a military court for dereliction of duty.

That's all, let me demonstrate it to you.

Song Lan raised his eyebrows, for the sake of his vacation, he would risk everything this time.


In the afternoon, there will be a public meeting.

Aureliano's resolute face was reflected in the sniper scope.

Not long after, someone walked into this simple office.

It's Lu Xiang.

A slightly sweet female voice came from behind the sniper scope. She said excitedly, The target has indeed joined forces with the local law enforcement... I really want to do it now and blow his head off in front of the head of the law enforcement. .”

Before he finished speaking, a strong male voice came from the headset, Don't act rashly. The employer's request is for us to assassinate Aureliano in front of his followers while he is giving a speech.

I know, I know.

The index finger left the trigger.

According to their speculation, the purpose of Lu Xiang's trip was because of their arrival.

An hour ago, the number of patrols in the downtown area suddenly increased, and even Doug and the special operations team were dispatched, which made them realize that someone had leaked the news.

However, this was not enough to stop them.

So far, they have encountered countless strict security measures, but the targets they targeted were eventually killed without exception.

There will be no difference this time. In fact, compared to those political figures in neutral countries, Aureliano's status can only be described as humble, and he can't even see a decent bodyguard around him.

They must be discussing now... Huh?

What happened?

The male voice in the headset suddenly asked nervously.

It seems like something went wrong. Are they...infighting?


Lu Xiang seems to be very angry.

Proposals to postpone or cancel the speech were rejected.

The man quickly thought of the reason for the dispute between the two. After all, for Lu Xiang, Aureliano's behavior was undoubtedly an artificial increase in the workload of the law enforcement officers.

They knew that a killer was targeting them, but still refused to listen to advice and insisted on giving public speeches. They had encountered many fools of this type before.

These naive politicians seem to think that the courage to confront the killer will buy them more support and make them a hero in the eyes of the people.

But the truth is, this only buys them a one-way ticket to hell.

Ah, the deal fell apart.

The female voice did not hide her gloating mood, How stupid, someone would turn away his only protective umbrella.


Is it necessary to be so angry?

Through the sniper scope, the woman clearly saw Lu Xiang getting up angrily and overturning the table. Even Aureliano was startled by Lu Xiang's sudden move.

For a moment, as an assassin, she was worried about the assassination target, fearing that before they could take action, the target would be killed by the head of the law enforcer of District 17 because he had angered him.

Sister, forget it, it won’t happen.

The words to persuade Lu Xiang once appeared in the woman's mind.

Fortunately, the situation in the office did not deteriorate further. After overturning the table, Lu Xiang glared at Aureliano coldly, without caring about the mess in the office, and seemed to say a harsh word before speaking up. And go.

team leader……

After Lu Xiang left for a long time, the woman said with lingering fear, This law enforcement supervisor has a really bad temper.

“And he’s also an activist.”

After a while, a man's voice came from the headset, The law enforcement officers patrolling the downtown area have also withdrawn. It seems that they have really broken up.

Thank you for the 100 starting coins I rewarded!

Thanks to Liyoulizhi for the 500 starting coins!

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