Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 208 Neighborhood

After swiping the access card, he walked into his new residence without squinting. He acted naturally like an ordinary office worker returning home from get off work.

Song Lan took off his suit and hung it on the hanger at the door.

What appeared in front of him was a magnificent apartment.

This apartment is located on the 78th floor. The outer walls are made of one-way glass. Standing in front of the glass, you can have a panoramic view of the night view of the entire downtown area.

There is a wine cabinet in the living room, which is filled with famous wines collected by the previous owner of this room. It is not difficult to see that the executive who once lived here was a wine lover.

Unfortunately, before he could enjoy his collection, he was imprisoned for illegal smuggling and human trafficking. He would face more than 50 years in prison. In theory, these famous wines became public property. .

Fortunately, the Inspection Department has recently been at loggerheads over the issue of the next Grand Prosecutor, and no one has been able to manage these confiscated properties for the time being.

Another eye-catching thing is a classical piano.

You know, in 2166, this thing was already considered an antique. It was more like a rich man's collection than a musical instrument.

After closing the door, walking to the window, and looking down at the people coming and going downstairs, Song Lan finally discovered a problem belatedly.

This room became his temporary residence, used to hide his identity as an enthusiastic citizen from Madele. However, the executive who lived in this room before was an executive of Parslow Company. He Living here just confirms the concept of enthusiastic citizens set by the crew of Kolo Film and Television Media.

A company executive who lives a life of debauchery but has a strong sense of justice?

His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door.


Song Lan asked strangely. He had just moved in here today and there should be no acquaintances around.

Could it be that the previous owner's neighbor heard the door open and thought he was back?

After he finished sorting out his words, he looked out through the cat's eyes and saw that the person who appeared at the door was really an acquaintance.


Samsung's savior is also a newcomer that Kolo Film and Television Media is trying to make famous.

Recently, Su Li always appeared on the morning, noon and evening news in District 17 in various ways. He guessed that the other party's agent bribed the news station in District 17, and conducted a high-intensity investigation on his recent heroic deeds. According to reports, when Song Lan watches TV every day, he will suddenly see this face facing the camera with a sunny smile.

The most bizarre part is that every time Su Li finishes fighting crime, he pretends to do good deeds without leaving his name behind. However, he often happens to be discovered by passers-by or journalists, so he helplessly accepts interviews or interviews. It's a group photo.

He has been busy building mechanized Zerg recently, and the enthusiastic citizen action has been put on hold for the time being. Therefore, under the intense bombardment of the media, Su Li became another celebrity in District 17.

Thanks to the publicity of concerned people, more and more people support Su Li in playing the role of enthusiastic citizen, and even the 17th District has a fan group that has begun to take shape.

In fact, when Song Lan saw the person outside the cat's eye clearly, she didn't really want to open the door for him.

Su Li outside the door still maintained his iconic smile, but for some reason, Song Lan felt that when viewed from a close distance, the smile always felt a little scary. It seemed like it was due to some kind of mechanized program rather than Real feelings.

Moreover, Su Li's eyes looked a little hollow at the moment, somewhat similar to the drug addicts he had seen in the bureau before.

But in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Song Lan forced out a smile and opened the door.

After all, Su Li was a Samsung rescuer, so it would be easy for him to use force to break open the security door of his new home.


When opening the door, Song Lan deliberately pretended to be surprised. He paused for two or three seconds, carefully observed Su Li, and then said in an unbelievable tone, Aren't you Su Li? I know you, Samsung Rescue He is the great hero of District 17.

Hearing what Song Lan said, Su Li's expression suddenly became much kinder. He said modestly, No, no, I just did my job as a rescuer. As he said that, Su Li pointed to the hidden door on the left side. security door, I live next door to you and am your neighbor.

The good news is that Su Li didn't recognize him.

That's such a coincidence. I just moved in here. Do you want to come in for a drink?

Song Lan invited warmly.

The first time he saw Su Li, he had a slight prediction of the future.

In the future, Su Li declined the invitation and returned to his apartment without having much interaction with him.

Next time, I'm just here to say hello to you. Neighbors can look after each other in the future.


Song Lan only heard these two words, and he always felt that Su Li was a little too deliberate. He always looked towards his room when he spoke.

The combination of these inconsistent details always made Song Lan feel a little fussy.

This Su Li made a special trip to knock on the door of his apartment just to say hello to him?

In fact, the two of them just exchanged a few words and then went back to their respective homes.

What kind of medicine is this Su Li selling in the gourd?

This greeting was a bit too mechanical, as if it was to complete some kind of task.

With such curiosity, Song Lan extended her spiritual power to the next door.

Then, the First Law of Psionics came into effect again - whenever he tried to use his psychic powers to perceive the world, he would encounter unexpected and terrifying scenes.

After sensing the scene next door, Song Lan finally understood the reason why Su Li was so weird.

At this moment, in addition to Su Li, there was a young girl next door who looked to be in her twenties. The girl wore heavy makeup and dressed in a particularly cool style, but these were not the most critical points.

The key is that this girl in her twenties has her eyes widened at this moment, as if her eyeballs are about to be squeezed out of their sockets. Her mouth is open, her tongue is stretched out very long, and her eyes have lost focus.

What caused this was obviously the obvious pinch marks on her neck.

On the coffee table in the living room were several white pills of unknown origin, one of which had only half of it left. After returning to the room, Su Li sat absent-mindedly opposite the corpse, staring at the other person with dull eyes.

After a while, he picked up the half of the pill like a man possessed and swallowed it in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, Su Li showed a heartfelt sense of satisfaction.

What is all this about?

On the first day he moved in, a murder occurred next door.

And the murderer is most likely Mr. Su Li, the Samsung rescuer.

Song Lan's heartbeat increased, and now he was like an ordinary citizen who accidentally entered a crime scene.

He understood why Su Li knocked on his door, and glanced inside from time to time - just now, the other party might have been seriously considering whether to silence him as well.

so close!

Song Lan was frightened for a while.

The situation just now can only be described as a critical moment.

He was almost

He was about to be forced to kill Su Li and then sink his body to the bottom of the lake to reunite with Mr. Killer.

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