Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 219 The gangster eats the gangster

As the hover car slowly landed, Song Lan once again arrived at the outside world station closest to District 17.

It's just different from the last time they traveled. At this moment, armored vehicles were parked in front of the hotel. Several gunmen leaning on the vehicles carrying heavy machine guns and dressed in punk style showed their emotions after seeing them. He looked like a big fat sheep.

The armored vehicle has a red spider pattern printed on it, which is probably the same as the Barossa Group's Guns and Roses mark, a symbol of a certain force.

Judging from the fearful eyes the residents of the station looked at these gunmen, Song Lan guessed that these people were not ordinary group performers.

After a few people entered the door, a burly man with open hands and a mohawk who occupied the entire bench glanced at them, spat in disappointment, and muttered, I thought I could do it this time. I saw a pretty girl in the city.

The director did not introduce the identities of the people. He just silently set up the drone for filming.

One thing is that the crew does not plan to notify the auditioning actors in advance.

The extras who negotiated business with them during the second official audition were actually local real crime gangs.


From smuggling to human trafficking, and even arms sales, they are involved. They are one of the few authorized retailers by the Barossa Group. At this moment, the tall man sitting on the bench with his legs crossed, arrogantly, He is the second in command of the Starscream Group.

Inviting these people to act as an extra will cost a lot of money.

The benefits are obvious. If your legs are frightened when you see these real criminals, it means that this is not the person they are looking for.

In the director's view, Starscream's second-in-command is undoubtedly a good touchstone. Only by suppressing this domineering villain in his aura can he truly assume the identity of the underground emperor of District 17.

After Song Lan looked around, he roughly guessed what the director was thinking.

However, his mood now is extremely heavy.

Why is it that after the Scarecrow died and the Barossa Group withdrew, a criminal group that had never been heard of appeared again?

It is not difficult to see that the residents of the inn were deeply affected.

The new mayor Aureliano has already begun to take over the border trade lines. The last thing they want to see is these criminal organizations that disrupt the situation.

It's a good thing that Lu Xiang didn't come to visit the class as a family member, otherwise no one in this room would be able to escape today.

let's start.

The director said that he felt that the less time Song Lan was given to prepare, the better he could see his quality.

He watched from the corner of the room as Song Lan sat opposite the second in command under the malicious gaze of the Starscream gunman. At least from the current point of view, Song Lan was still calm, at least his legs did not shake under the pressure of the gunman's gaze in this room. soft.

The rifle placed on the table by the second-in-command is a real thing. As an arms dealer, Starscream's equipment is also top-notch.

After receiving the instruction, Song Lan followed the script and asked, Have you brought the goods?


The second-in-command raised his eyebrows, I didn't see where the goods were. I only saw a fair and tender young man. Why, is your dream to become an actor?


Why didn't this person follow the script?

According to the description in the script, the next step should be the plot of inspection.

Song Lan looked back at the director, but the latter didn't mean to stop, but gave him a look that said, You can do whatever you want.

Free play?

This look made Song Lan want to pick up the gun placed second hand on the table and hit the director's head hard to make him wake up a little.

This person's lines just now obviously have nothing to do with Getting Goods. The topic involves something other than the script, and it also contains elements of personal attack.

Song Lan didn't like to quarrel with others, especially with the criminal groups in front of him.

Why are you still here after the Barossa Group withdrew?

Since the current conversation has exceeded the content of the script, he simply asked some meaningful questions.

Hearing this, everyone in the room was startled by this question. Even the second-in-command was stunned for a long time before he said, Hey, I didn't expect you to be so lenient. Not only do we have to stay here. Let’s go, we plan to use this place as a temporary base.”

I don't recommend you do this. Now the seventeenth district government is taking over the border trade line.

The seventeenth district government?

The second-in-command grinned, revealing his big gold teeth, with letters engraved near the front teeth, You mean the new mayor who can't even afford decent security personnel?

After hearing this, Song Lan finally understood something.

He thought that the death of the Scarecrow and the retreat of the Barossa Group would bring some self-awareness to the criminals active on the border.

Smart people will evacuate the area upon seeing this, or simply find a legal mercenary job.

But things don't always develop in the direction he expects. There are always some fools in this world who can't figure out the situation, and it's obvious that the person in front of him is one of them.

I'm just stating the fact that your good days are coming to an end.

What did you say?

In Song Lan's view, another characteristic of a fool is that he can't control his emotions and is always irritable and irritable. However, the tall man in front of him fulfilled all the characteristics of a fool. When he disagreed with her, he stretched out his hand to the table. on the gun.

This is not an act, but a sign of genuine anger.

The second-in-command knew that this was technically an act, and what the other party just said might just be lines that he came up with during free play, but it rubbed them the wrong way.

Because of the withdrawal of the Barossa Group, he had differences with his brothers and leaders, so much so that they were about to break up.

He believed that he should take advantage of the current opportunity to control the arms trading market in one fell swoop. However, faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the leader got cold feet and started thinking about developing in other areas.

And now, a useless audition actor has the guts to say that their good days are over.

I advise you not to do this.

However, just when the second-in-command was about to touch the rifle, the man on the other side spoke again, If you dare to touch that gun, you will be dead.

Can't move.

The second-in-command's hand froze. Even though he could touch the handle of the gun just by stretching out his hand, when he met Song Lan's eyes, he couldn't move at all as if he had been hit by a restraining spell.

He gritted his teeth, but he could not break the restraints of the immobilization spell no matter what, and wherever he could see, all his subordinates seemed to be trapped in place.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Beads of sweat fell from the forehead of the second-in-command. He tried to open his mouth several times, but in the end he couldn't even utter a word.

I suddenly changed my mind.

Song Lan's peripheral vision glanced at Su Li, who was standing not far away with his arms folded across his chest. The latter walked towards the second-in-command knowingly.

Even if you don't touch that gun today, don't even think about going back.

What was also heard was the muffled sound of his head hitting the table.

The violent impact caused the table to split in half, and a few drops of blood splashed onto Song Lan's white shirt.

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