Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 243 Love life, beware of old six

Why do you feel so excited?

Having been with Lu Xiang for a long time, Song Lan can judge the other person's mood at the moment by the tone of his voice.

Although she deliberately maintained a calm appearance, nothing could escape Song Lan's eyes.

Because those who like to do this are usually street gangsters or gang members.

The joy of their dominance is to bully ordinary citizens and appreciate their angry but helpless looks. They have one thing in common, that is, they cannot afford to lose.

If you lose in the virtual shooting range, you have to regain your place in reality.

Gang fights often occurred in this weapons store in the city center, and some citizens who were lucky enough to win were shot to death.

This was all too common in District 17. Before they used hornworms for investigation, many ordinary citizens were still killed by gunfire every day.

And when that time comes, I will take them back to the police station for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Song Lan remembered that one of Lu Xiang's past hobbies was fishing, which seemed to be her unique way of relieving stress.

However, for the criminals who are bombed, this will be a double blow to the mind and body - they will lose the game and their life, and they may even lose arms and legs in the process of provoking trouble.

According to Song Lan's observation, Lu Xiang is very ruthless against the criminals who are stubbornly resisting, almost always attacking with one move to defeat the enemy. However, in the general environment of 2166, perhaps this kind of injury is common for criminals. .

Okay, I'll help you.

After learning about Lu Xiang's purpose, he spoke.

It's much easier to piss people off than to shoot them.

After the two took the challenger position, the audience saw an unprecedented way to use the virtual shooting range - every time they started, Song Lan would buy a powerful spray gun for close combat in the virtual store. or simply equipped with a saber.

Most customers use the virtual shooting range to test guns, so even when they face an opponent they can't beat, they are more inclined to spar with the opponent. However, Song Lan is completely different. This person never spars with the gun and can always win. Perfectly integrated with boxes, trees, stones and other decorations in the environment.

Take a shot when the passing enemy is caught off guard.

Knife him, knife him, knife, knife, knife! Okay!

The audience cheered loudly. Song Lan provided them with a new perspective, so much so that they didn't even care about Lu Xiang's skills and focused all their attention on Song Lan alone. Whenever someone died under the knife, , they were all as excited as if they were celebrating the New Year.

Thinking of how these domineering gangsters treated them just now, the audience felt that Song Lan had made them feel bad.


When the game was over, the defender took off his equipment and immediately threw the equipment seat angrily, stood up and cursed.

Why are there such idiots in this shooting range? They have turned a hard-core real shooting game into a horror game, so much so that they now have a psychological shadow on obstacles such as boxes and stones, fearing that they will suddenly rush out from behind when passing by. A man came out and wiped his neck.

Get up!

Several angry street gangsters drew their guns and walked toward the opposite cubicle menacingly.

However, the moment they kicked open the door, an elbow hit them on the bridge of their noses. The force of the blow directly made the face of the person walking in the front dent. He lay on his back on the ground. Blood flowed down his face, and the white ceiling made him feel dazed.

The street gangster didn't see clearly who attacked him, and only one thought remained in his mind.

How come there is also Lao Liu in reality?

Before he could warn his companions, gunshots, fighting sounds, and screams caused by twisted joints came from the corridor. Almost immediately, six gun-wielding street gangsters were lying on the ground, wailing.

When the six companions outside saw this, they immediately turned around and fled.

Lu Xiang clapped his hands and called the law enforcement department, There are six street gangsters at the virtual shooting range in the city center who are causing trouble. A few people are here to take them back.

After the gangster was taken away, the virtual shooting range returned to its previous order.

On this day, Director Lu's image in the hearts of the citizens became even taller. This is the best interpretation of being deeply involved in life and active on the front line of fighting crime.

However, after the two people left surrounded by the enthusiasm of the citizens, an evil trend appeared in the virtual shooting range.

Among the participants, there emerged a group of despicable villains who liked trolling and saber-daggers, and hid behind various circumstances. Their sudden stabs scared many citizens to the point where they could not recover for a long time.

See, I've been told that I'm a master in actual combat.

Song Lan said proudly after walking out of the weapons store.

The morning sun shone on the two of them, and they watched the armored hover vehicle that brought the six gangsters back to the station slowly drive into the distance.

The best way to solve the problem of insufficient hit rate is to shoot the opponent in the face. If that doesn't work, use a knife.

He felt that the street gangsters in 2166 were too naive. At first glance, they had never been beaten by Lao Liu and wandered around without even searching. As a Lao Liu scholar, Song Lan had to give them a lesson in person. class.

Lu Xiang was speechless for a moment. Although Song Lan's approach seriously deviated from the original intention of the shooting training, he did make the gangsters so angry in actual combat that someone pulled out a gun as soon as the game ended.

She originally thought that Song Lan was cheating, so she spent one game not far away from him to monitor him, and then she came to only one conclusion - this guy was really good at hiding, and his patience was second to none.

That's why the street gangsters fell for Song Lan in the end even though they knew there were people behind some bunkers.

In this way, the shooting training course is completed, right?

Song Lan stretched.

It's a beautiful idea. Lu Xiang said, shattering his fantasy, You just proved that you are a despicable... sinister person. The shooting training will continue, and there will be a driving training course later, but that's it for today. I just want to go back and interrogate those street gangsters just now.

Under the pursuit and interception of the Hornworm Investigation Team, the criminals in District 17 had no room for survival, and they all hid in the dark.

Judging from the behavior of the few people who arrogantly drew their guns in public just now, they are probably members of a certain gang. Maybe they can use these people to find out where other criminals are hiding.

The Hornworm Detective Team can usually only identify ongoing crimes. Once the criminals hide or pretend to be good guys, they will be ignored. This is also the drawback of insufficient intelligence.

Recently, the bureau has received some reports.

Compared with previous crime types, these cases are more secretive and professional, and the criminals can often escape the scene before the hornworm investigation team arrives.

Captain Doug and Chief Snake suspected that these surviving gangs may have provided professional training to the remnants.

Not long after, Lu Xiang's hover car landed in front of the two of them.

Let's go, I'll give you a ride.

I'm feeling a bit unwell today, so I may not be able to update on time. Sorry.

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