Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 262 Recruitment Notice

While the scientific research team at the garbage dump was having a working meeting, Song Lan was also busy working.

This is what we know.

He told Anfeiya all the results of his and Lu Xiang's whole day's investigation, Although you can continue to cause trouble for the remnants of the 'Hyena', it is the management of Uni-President Technology that really caused all this.

Managers of large companies far away in the core area can change the fate of countless people with just one sentence.

In that Roster of Awakened Ones, Anfiya's experience was not special. Just as they were talking about it, the Awakened Ones selected by the company in other cities were still suffering what she had experienced.

It's 10:21 pm, welcome to News 54, I'm John William...

Anfiya wanted to say something emotionally, but due to the confusion of the operating system, she still had no way of understanding what she was talking about.

I know you are impatient, but please don't be impatient and listen to me slowly.

This is also the reason why he came to Anfeiya. The company is different from the street gangsters you encountered before. It is not an opponent that can be dealt with by a Red Star TR-3000 and a few EMP bombs. As far as I know, They developed humanoid weapons called Transcendents, and the meaning of their existence is specifically to deal with people like you.

For Anfiya or most people, fate is by no means fair.

According to her original trajectory, she joined the company without knowing it, eliminated the revenge target that the company wanted her to see, and worked for the company wholeheartedly from then on. Even if she discovers the secret one day, what awaits her will only be It is the hunt of the transcendent.

From an objective point of view, the performance of the Transcendent's prosthetic body is much stronger than that of Anfeya.

“So whatever you plan to do now, you need a plan and a team that can help you make it happen.”

Song Lan said, What we have to do next is to recruit a trustworthy prosthetic doctor to cure your problem. Until then, you can continue to stay here.

As the head of the human resources department appointed by Director Lu, he had recently been worried about finding someone.

The performance of Anfeya's prosthetic body is even higher than that of the current members of the Shadow Guard, and while retaining full autonomy, it is also a very rare sniper.

The Shadow Guard is in need of a talent who can complete long-range precision strikes.

Next, he has to consider establishing a medical team.

Anfiya took a few deep breaths and tried to control her excitement. She stopped talking and just nodded at Song Lan.

After bidding farewell to Anfiya, the scientific research team's discussion came to an end. When Song Lan walked in, she caught up with Falena and declined Gefu's kind invitation to visit the hornworm research laboratory.

Falena, I have something to ask you.

Hearing this, Falena got rid of Gefu as if she had seen a savior.

Then I'll take you to visit my hornworm laboratory tomorrow!

Gefu said from behind without giving up.

As a colleague, he hopes that everyone can understand the magic of the hornworm group. Even the newly joined Heavy Artillery mercenary team was invited to his laboratory for a visit.

After his long period of research and transformation, the current King Insect can be described as completely reborn, and his next plan is to apply the concept of the overload system to the King Insect, and then build a special team that can use The hornworm team overloads the system!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that he must find a lucky audience to share his wonderful ideas.

Medale, do you have time in a moment?


Medel answered quite decisively. She held the materials prepared for this meeting and returned to her biology laboratory as if she was running away.

She would rather stare at the reagent bottle all night than listen to Graves chattering about the future of hornworms.

Bai Zhu, what did you say?

I have an appointment too.

Bai Zhu pointed at Director Lu, We and Director Lu still have some things to discuss next.

After Graf looked around the conference room in disappointment, he suddenly thought of something and shouted into the intercom, Heavy Artillery, what are you doing now?

The unclear Heavy Artillery on the other end of the intercom quickly replied, Aren't you in a meeting? We are patrolling the perimeter to prevent suspicious elements from sneaking in.

The meeting is over, come here, I want to show you a super clever idea!

Has he always been like this?

Falena, who witnessed this scene, finally understood why Medel warned her to be wary of Gefu after the meeting.

Generally speaking, Gefu is a very good engineer. He always comes up with many wonderful ideas. Song Lan expressed his views on the chief engineer as tactfully as possible. The minor problem may be that he usually talks a lot. tuberculosis.

Once you ask Gefu any question, he will try to explain it to you comprehensively and in the form of an academic paper. However, as the only engineer at the garbage dump, he has to use many of the functions of his research results. Consult him.

Graves always tried to take him back to the beginning of the research, allowing him to fully understand the development history of the entire result.

The good thing is that after going through his description, you can learn everything about these research results.

The downside is that Song Lan must be prepared to spend more than half an hour asking any question from Ge Fu.

I want to ask you something. Do you know where I can recruit a good prosthetic doctor?

The other three researchers all have a common characteristic, that is, once they start research, they will become obsessives who forget about food and sleep, and do not listen to what is going on outside the window. Therefore, they do not know much about what is going on outside the laboratory.

But Falena is different. She is the current head of the branch of Uni-President Technology and can share a lot of pressure on human resources issues for him.

Recruiting prosthetic doctors?

Falena thought for a while and said, All the company's prosthetic doctors related to the Awakened Project have been summoned back to the head office. The rest only completed the daily maintenance of ordinary employees' prosthetics. Their level is the same as that of ordinary prosthetics. There is no difference between the doctors in the hospital... By recruiting, you should be referring to doctors who know military-grade prosthetic maintenance technology, right?


It's hard to find. Many military-grade prosthetics may involve some companies' core technologies. Therefore, these doctors are important assets of the company. There should be no one in District 17 who can meet your requirements.

She continued, Actually, there is one thing I want to ask you from just now. If you can answer my question, I may be able to recall something about the prosthetic doctor.

go ahead.

Who are you exactly?

Her eyes were full of inquiry. In name, Lu Xiang was the leader of the insect swarm, and Song Lan was neither a member of the research team nor a member of the Shadow Guard, but she was taken to such an important place by Lu Xiang.

This had to make her very curious about Song Lan's identity.

For a moment, she couldn't figure out what role the person in front of her played in the insect swarm.


Song Lan looked puzzled, I just recruit people.

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