Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 270 Literal Translators

So, if you look at the moon now...

Well, it turned into eyes.

Lu Xiang nodded.

Since nightfall, an eye hanging in the night sky has replaced the moon. It looks like a snake's pupil. Whenever you look at it, you will have the feeling that the moon is watching you.

The day Oleg and his team first arrived in the town, two team members suddenly went insane while studying the full moon. They controlled the exoskeleton armor to fight each other. One of them even activated the self-destruction device and was hugged to the other party. Exploded to pieces.

People who are mentally contaminated can develop intense aggression and believe that this is how the town's residents are being driven crazy.

It seems this is not an illusion.

Song Lan said suddenly, but after staring at the moon for so long, no other voice came to his mind.

After a while, Lu Xiang asked again, How do you feel?

My eyes are a little sore.

...Go down, Oleg and the others are waiting for us downstairs.

When the two put on the exoskeleton armor and returned downstairs, they discovered that Oleg and his team members were all fully armed, and even Oleg had entered the Commander IV.

The atmosphere became a little tense.

Obviously everyone is working towards a common goal, but the scene looks like a gang fight.

Don't get me wrong, these are just some insurance measures.

Oleg explained.

This explanation is actually no different from I'm ready to blow you all up.

However, after experiencing his subordinates killing each other after being mentally contaminated, and blowing each other to pieces with self-destruction attacks, Song Lan felt that this was nothing.

This team was able to survive for nearly a month in the town where the source of the infection was located without any support, all because of Oleg's caution.

Under the cautious gaze of the medical team members, Song Lan took the lead in walking out of the stadium door and walked into the night.

The cool breeze outside the door blew in, and the bright moonlight shone on the two of them.

He looked up at the eyes in the night sky, and their eyes interacted again.

You should say something.

On the contrary, Song Lan took the initiative to come up with this idea in his mind. This feeling of being stared at without saying a word made him always feel that he had suffered some kind of cold violence.

Unfortunately, the wild Devourer still ignored him.

The two sides stayed in a stalemate in the night for a quarter of an hour - according to the records of the first night, the two team members began to get sick ten minutes after studying this strange moon. They deliberately waited for another five minutes and found that Song Everything is business as usual for Lan and Lu Xiang.

It seems that your counter force field is indeed effective.

Oleg breathed a sigh of relief and said, Come back, let's design a plan to enter the pothole tomorrow.

We're going in tonight.


Oleg was startled, Night is the most active time for the Mother. There may be other monsters hiding in the potholes - didn't I tell you? The defense of the exoskeleton armor is vulnerable to the acid of those mutated creatures. It’s not enough to see under the liquid.”

This is exactly why we went to explore the potholes, Song Lan said. Only when it is awake can we collect more data.

He suspected that the main reason why Andrew found nothing but murals after breaking in for half an hour last time was that all the mutated creatures in the pit had gone to sleep.

Song Lan did not intend to leave Oleg a chance to argue with him, and headed directly towards the pothole.

His current mood may be more exciting than the mutated creatures and wild devourers in the potholes. The hatching of flying mutated creatures alone exceeded his expectations. Flying troops are of great strategic significance on the frontal battlefield. In modern warfare, who Whoever controls the sky has the right to speak.

Not long after entering the pit, the two discovered the murals that Andrew had mentioned before. Andrew only recorded the information he thought was important and brought back the existence of the Mother.

But in fact, these murals seem to record a complete story.

It's necrosis.

The well-informed Lu Xiang quickly understood the meaning of the murals. She also understood why the people in the potholes had been living a life close to that of primitive tribes. People are thrown here to fend for themselves.”

Is this some kind of infectious disease?

Song Lan didn't know much about medical terminology.

This is a very common infectious disease in third countries. It is speculated that it seems to be related to excessive radiation. The skin of people suffering from this disease will fester and ulcerate in a short time. Although they will not die suddenly in a short time, they will have a very serious risk. It is highly contagious, so people in small towns throw people suffering from this disease into potholes to die.

The first half of the mural tells the story of how patients infected with necrosis were thrown here.

The people in the town didn't even provide them with nutritional injections, apparently wanting them to die quickly in the potholes.

It's just that the people in the town didn't expect that there was a Devourer hidden deep in the pit. After contact with the Devourer, the patients infected with necrosis miraculously recovered. They believed that this was a gift from the gods to them. Enze therefore founded a sect and has been living in seclusion underground. What they regard as a god is a huge egg-shaped creature... What is that look in your eyes?

I just suddenly felt that you, supervisor, are really awesome.

Song Lan sincerely admired that he really admired Lu Xiang for being able to sort out the entire story from such a scrawled mural. He was worthy of being a criminal investigator.

Isn't it obvious?

Lu Xiang spoke the basic terminology of a top student in a calm tone.

Song Lan still remembers that when he asked his deskmate math problems in high school and college, the other person would use the word obviously to skip some steps that he couldn't understand at all.

This made him doubt his identity as an intellectual hero.

Then how do you interpret it?

Lu Xiang asked back. She was also curious about Song Lan's thoughts, and secretly considered whether she had missed something, so that she missed some details, which led to herself and Song Lan coming to completely different conclusions.

I'm a literalist.

Literal translation school?

Well, it's probably just a direct analysis based on the content on the mural.

Song Lan stretched out the metal arm of the exoskeleton armor and pointed to the mural on the wall, One day, a group of unlucky adventurers accidentally fell into this cave. The cave was dark and complicated. They couldn't find their way back. When they were hungry, When the trapped adventurers thought they were about to reveal their existence, they found an oversized egg, so they made a fire and roasted the egg, and they all survived in the end.

What kind of children's book is this?

Lu Xiang stumbled, and she couldn't help but regret her self-reflection just now.

She felt that Song Lan's storytelling skills were as disastrous as his naming skills.

And before she could correct the other person, someone had already done so.

The speeding arrow accurately hit Song Lan's butt, but under the protection of the exoskeleton armor, the arrow did not cause any damage.

You are not allowed to slander our old gods!

In the darkness, the angry shouts of the sneak attackers came out.

Thanks to Mian丨Yang for the 100 starting coins!

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