Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 289 Between the Stars

Song Lan had never gone to church or held a service. All she knew about the church and theology was limited to movies and TV shows, which did mention the method and process of confession.

Among them, the one he had the most contact with was the consultation section of a certain cyber nun.

In a small dark room, through the baffle, she confessed her deepest sins to the clergy and begged God for forgiveness. In that program, Song Lan realized that she often appeared to be different from those people because she was not perverted enough. The penitents were out of place.

He came to the location provided by Lu Xiang with great expectation.

Log Church, No. 123, Julu Street, North District.

He decided to explore the difference between the clergy of 2166 and 2020.

Indeed, as Lu Xiang said, this church has been abandoned for a long time. The courtyard is overgrown with weeds. From a distance, the entire church gives people a gloomy feeling. When night falls, most passersby will stay away from this place. Seventeen There are many weird legends about log churches circulating in the district.

But in fact, before the monks from the third country entered the church, it was a large meeting place for homeless people. Lu Xiang said that most of the horrible and strange stories were made up by homeless people. On the one hand, they had nothing to do, and on the other hand, they did not want anyone. occupy their living space.

After the Lunar Eclipse Sect moved in, all the idlers were kicked out.

Hello, I heard that this is the Lunar Eclipse Sect.

Arriving at the door of the church, Song Lan took the initiative to talk to the believers at the door, I saw the advertisement you posted. To be honest, my recent life has been terrible. I didn't sleep a wink all night because of work yesterday. This day is really unbearable.”

plz follow me.

Believers wearing gray and white nun uniforms greeted Song Lan.

After they published the advertisement, the church received a steady stream of visitors, but the reasons why they came here were almost all based on the same mold, and they could all be summed up as life is unsatisfactory.

But come to think of it.

How many people can live happily in a place like District 17?

Father Bruno will show you the way.

At least, the nun of the Lunar Eclipse Cult treated them well. She guided Song Lan to the waiting area.

There were more people coming to pray than Song Lan imagined. There were benches lined up in the waiting area, and there were several people before him. When he arrived at the waiting area, someone happened to come out of a place similar to a confessional.

However, the Lunar Eclipse Cult calls this soundproofed small room the Star Room.

The expression on the face of the person who came out was in sharp contrast to the people waiting. His eyes were bright, as if all the burdens had been lifted and he was ready to face his new life.

This person is a member of a gang.

As a law enforcer, Song Lan recognized the gang tattoo on the opponent's neck at a glance, and he also had a pistol on his waist.

He's here to collect protection money.

The slovenly-looking middle-aged man next to Song Lan whispered, He didn't look like this when he came in.

He witnessed the whole process of the gangster breaking into the Star Room with his gun drawn. When he broke in, he shouted at the clergy in the church to hand over all the money, as if he had taken illegal drugs.

No one knows what Father Bruno said to him in the astrology room to turn a violent gang member into what he is now.

Song Lan responded, This shows that the church does have two brushes.

I see you are so young, why would you want to come here?

The sloppy middle-aged man continued the conversation.

Work is not going well.

Song Lan without changing her expression gave the reason that 99% of ordinary citizens in District 17 would give, What about you?

My job is gone and my wife ran away with someone.

The man's tone was mixed with a sense of powerlessness and exhaustion about life, I heard that there is some help here, so I came to try my luck.

In the next quarter of an hour, Song Lan witnessed with her own eyes the entire process of the Lunar Eclipse Religion changing a person.

The slovenly middle-aged man who spoke to him had been in for less than five minutes. He didn't know what Father Bruno said to him inside, but when he came out, his whole person looked completely new. He even asked him when he passed by. He gave a thumbs up gesture.

In less than five minutes, a middle-aged man who has lost hope in life can rekindle his passion. This Father Bruno...

He must have mastered the ultimate secret of Mouth Escape.

He also tried to comfort the middle-aged man when talking to him, but it failed to have any positive effect.

With the idea of ​​mutual learning and communication, Song Lan walked into the star room at the greeting of the clergy. Different from the small dark room in his inherent impression, the room was lit up by a dark blue halo, and holographic imaging technology was used around the room. A starry sky is constructed, making people feel like they are among the stars.

Are they enlightening those people through profound topics such as the end of the universe?

Just when Song Lan came up with such an idea, some thoughts that did not belong to him broke into his brain.

“Open your heart to the moon and the stars.”

So said the whisper in my head.

This sudden thought is somewhat similar to the last time he tried to communicate with Devourer, but it is much more singular. It is like some kind of command set in advance, repeated in your mind until You follow its will.

Song Lan immediately understood why the people who had entered this room before left became enlightened.

This is not an escape at all, but a rewriting of thinking that comes from the will of the mother.

Medel said that in the absence of alpha blockers, ordinary people are simply not able to resist the mother's will. She also pointed out that he is an alien who can communicate with the Devourer without the need for blockers.

According to the records of Yunzang Biopharmaceuticals, even those interference-type psychics who are proficient in thought rewriting are unable to resist the invasion of maternal consciousness.

After understanding this, Song Lan was disappointed.

He expected this to be a seminar on mouth evasion skills, but he didn't expect that the other party would use such direct and brutal methods.

This is tantamount to compulsory integration of citizens.

I knew you would come.

Father Bruno's voice came from the other end of the barrier, Instead of looking for you, it would be better for you to come to me.

This is obviously not the kind of language one would use to treat ordinary prayers.

They believe that the person they are really looking for is the person who has learned about the influence of the Lunar Eclipse Sect on ordinary citizens and who can avoid the influence of maternal thinking.

They seemed to have realized that the mother's thinking did not work, so they deduced Song Lan's identity and the purpose of this trip, So, where do we start?

Father Bruno said, Let's start with the fact that you stole our things from our land... Crescent Moon, where is it now?

Thanks to me, Hao Shuai, for the 1,500 starting coins!

Thanks to Kai Shakai for the 100 starting coins!

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