Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 329 Embrace the Void

Song Lan is a person who will never do anything if he can do it.

In fact, if the situation allowed, he would not even think about BB, it would be better to lie down and rest.

Unfortunately, reality often does not come true.

But because of this, he deeply understood the limitations of the skill of Mouth Escape. From the moment Verdo walked through the door, it was destined that this negotiation would eventually end in failure. If both parties could reach a consensus, then Verdo would Duo simply wouldn't have been locked up in jail for more than a decade.

Today's negotiation environment is much worse than in the past.

First of all, this is in front of outsiders like the Eschenweg Army and all of Artyom's subordinates. No matter how reasonable and touching Verdo's words are, Artyom can only go to the dark side.

In front of all his subordinates and outsiders, admit that he took the wrong direction?

Judging from what Song Lan observed in this city, that was impossible.

So, this is how you break up the fight?

Lu Xiang couldn't help but ask. Song Lan's way of thinking was wild and unconstrained, and he could always come up with some unexpected ideas. Anyone who saw Song Lan's appearance at this moment would subconsciously think that he was going to start a war. .

Standing at the energy center of the fourth neutral country, he looked like he wanted to completely destroy the center and plunge the country into darkness.

She felt that this was in line with Song Lan's temperament, but the latter repeatedly emphasized that this was the only way to break up the fight.

Before the conversation could continue, Artyom rushed over with his men, along with cadres from the Eschenweg Army and the Resistance Army.

In this country, only the sun could make Artyom come here regardless of the cost.

Due to the sudden incident, no one could care about the confidentiality agreement. Everyone who saw the true face of The Sun for the first time was shocked by the scene in front of them. The entire energy center was like a glass dome. Under their feet, there was An unknown energy source as bright as the sun.

It is this unknown energy that maintains all operations of the Fourth Neutral Country in the underground world.

Boris, what are you going to do?

Artyom asked coldly, forcing Song Lan into the darkness, but in the end he was unable to cross the barrier built by the sun and was completely blocked at the other end.

In the fourth neutral country, no one will be unfamiliar with the name Boris.

The head of the intelligence department, who is also the person most trusted by Artyom for more than ten years, has full authority to eliminate the remnants of the Verdot party and strictly investigate all reactionaries who want to live on the ground. Boris has full authority to handle it. In Artyom's army, his status cannot be overstated by one person.

But now, his most trusted lieutenant, who was also injured in the attack and should have been recuperating in the hospital, came to the energy center.


Boris was thoughtful in front of the console, and his possessed look made everyone present feel palpitations. Yes, this is indeed me, but it is not my real name.

His gaze left everyone and moved to the sun under the dome.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked the rebels happened - they clearly saw that this sophisticated energy facility seemed to be infected by some kind of virus, and unknown substances such as granulation grew in the corners and under Boris's feet, and appeared to the naked eye. The visible speed spread rapidly outward.

They slowly converged towards the dazzling energy, and even inorganic matter without any life at all became the soil on which it relied for survival.

The first to react was Ashe.

She had seen this infection back in her days at the Barossa Group.

However, the ice failed to stop the spreading infection. Boris stood there without moving at all, letting the ice pick penetrate his heart.

Behind the flesh and bones, instead of the heart and other organs, what caught everyone's eyes was an extremely horrifying eye. It seemed to be peering into the world through Boris's body, almost as the ice pick penetrated his body. In an instant, the hole left was repaired with new flesh and blood tissue.

You are from the Barossa Group...who are you?

Eschenvig asked warily.

Barossa Group? Oh, yes, that is indeed one of the ways I use to observe the world.

Boris's voice changed, as if coming from a very far away place, misty and ethereal, but clearly reaching everyone's ears. This feeling was like talking to some kind of power that did not exist here. , I remember you. We met once outside the Sixth Country. In addition to you, there was a strange and interesting individual chasing us at that time. Perhaps he realized my existence earlier than you. .”

The next words made Eschenweg's pupils shrink.

Although the outside world and the coalition government believe that he defeated Desolate Bones, only those who experienced that night personally know the truth of the matter.

When they regrouped and rushed to the scene, the chip in Huang Gu's head had been removed.

What made them even more frightened was that although there were scorch marks left by satellite weapons at the scene, they could not find any traces left by another person. Therefore, the most likely situation was that there were not even desolate bones. Before he was aware of it, the other party had already approached him and removed the chip from his head.

This idea was confirmed at this moment, and what followed was a kind of fear of the unknown.

The infection spread faster and faster, and the entire energy control room was shrouded in proliferating sarcoma, and even the brilliance of the sun was obscured.

The opponents' resurrection from the dead, Verdo's escape from prison, and everything that happened today seemed to be scripts written in advance by the people in front of them.

Who are you anyway?

Intuition told Eschenweg that the person in front of him did not belong to any force they knew, but was some kind of existence beyond their current knowledge.

My name is Narud, and I serve the Lord of the Void.

Disembodied sounds spread in the room, and everyone stood frozen in place, as if trying to digest this new term that they had never heard of. It didn't sound like a real force, but more like It is a god in a certain religious belief.

Void Sect...

Has there ever been such a sect in this world?

The Day of Annihilation is coming, and eventually, everyone will return to the embrace of the void.

For a moment, a reflection appeared behind Boris.

It was a creature they had never seen before. It looked like a human being and some kind of insect. It existed somewhere in this world, looking down at everyone present with condescending eyes.

Judging from the only information they currently have, even Narud, who claims to be a servant in the void, can easily defeat the humanoid weapons developed by the coalition government.

By then...

The carpet covered the ground, completely blocking the sun from the other side.

——Your fire will eventually be extinguished.

Thanks to Good Night Meng for the 100 starting coins!

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