Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 334 Be careful of the man in black

Special operations teams are always the most efficient.

It only took them less than twenty minutes to complete the assembly procession and quickly arrived at this small town, which was an hour's drive away from the compound.

When the hover car was like a dark cloud, the gang members in the town were boiling.

The roar above their heads seemed to sound the clarion call of war. The reason why they gathered here was to prepare for a war that would break out sooner or later with the law enforcement system of District 17, but this day came earlier than they imagined. Some are even more surprising.

A former gang leader gave a speech in front of a large enemy.

They may have been enemies once, but now, only by uniting everyone in the town can they survive this crisis.

They destroyed our home and left us homeless and reduced to this!

The powerful speech aroused everyone's emotions, But even so, they are still unwilling to let us go, and want to kill us all. This time we will never give in, even if we fight to the last soldier, we will kill them all. The last bullet must be used to defend our last dignity!

The gang members in the square were all moved, and they responded to the speaker's inspiration with practical actions.

Checking the weapon and loading it, his eyes were full of determination, just like a veteran who was about to go to the battlefield.

Just then, someone brought bad news.

Lu Xiang is here too!

These five short words stopped everyone's movements, and for a moment everyone's eyes were focused on the speaker.

So what if Lu Xiang is here?

The speaker looked up at the hover car passing over his head, his voice not weakening at all, as if he was deliberately defying the law enforcement or this absurd fate, Gather all the armaments together!

He focused his eyes and gave the order, Send them all to the law enforcers and strive for a reduced sentence!

As he said, what can Lu Xiang do?

No matter how cruel she is, she is still a law enforcer. Since she is a law enforcer, she must act in accordance with the law. Facing a group of prisoners who surrender and voluntarily hand over their weapons, the law enforcer must protect their basic human rights!

This sentence immediately caused an uproar in the crowd. They responded to the call one after another. Some even raised the white flag that had been prepared long ago. Before the special operations team jumped off the hover vehicle, they raised the white flag to the sky. On the flagpole in the town square.

They flexibly and strategically adjusted the slogan Fight to the death with the law enforcers to Those who understand the current affairs are heroes.

This speech deeply touched Valian and others who were watching the excitement on the top floor of the office building. They thought that there would be a bloody battle in the town, and they all made tactical plans to outflank the gang members from the rear, but they did not expect that Before they could take action, these people fell down on their own initiative.

The speed of falling may be faster than that of a person touching porcelain.

It turns out that the people living in dire straits are gang members.

They still have merit.

Unlike several others, Song Lan greatly appreciated the speaker's adaptability. It seems that there is a reason why they have survived to this day.

Lu Xiang confiscated the arms handed over by the gang members, and ten minutes later arrived alone on the roof of the office building.

Of course she knew that these former gang members were gathered in this small town, but the prison in the outer suburbs was already full and could not accommodate so many criminals. The application for expanding the prison had been submitted, although it was quickly approved by the new mayor. It requires a long process of review and approval, but it will take about half a year to actually implement it.

Is this the scammer you mentioned?

Lu Xiang carefully inspected the body, and the development of the matter was beyond everyone's imagination.

She felt more and more that Song Lan might have the physique of a broom star. Although he kept saying that he loved peace, wherever he went or died, even an ordinary fraud case could be implicated. A murder case.

Judging from the condition of the body, it was sudden death.

Lu Xiang said, Some diseases or inferior daily-use implants may cause this result.

Until now, people are still dying every day in District 17.

At least in terms of the way he died, there was nothing special about this fraudster.

But an hour before we came here, he was still chatting with us. I suspect someone had been here in the meantime.

Valian told the result of his reasoning.

Unfortunately, the building was in disrepair, the power system had long been paralyzed, and the monitoring equipment were old antiques that couldn't be started. They couldn't find any substantial evidence at all.

People die like this every day, Lu Xiang said. Reasoning is like chasing a ghost that doesn't exist. It always makes me ignore the simplest and clearest possibilities.

Director, are you saying that he really just died unexpectedly?

This is what the body tells us.

Hearing this, Valian and others were thoughtful. They looked carefully at the corpse on the sofa that seemed not to have expected death at all. They always felt that this result was a bit unacceptable.

But intellectually, they have to admit that this is indeed one of many possibilities.

There are indeed people in this world who die unexpectedly and suddenly when they imagine that they are about to reach the peak of their lives. The absurdist tragedians like to focus on such people.

The only one who saw through the truth was Song Lan, who looked like a melon-eater, but was actually Lu Xiang's boyfriend.

Although he didn't like reasoning and couldn't be bothered to waste his brain cells on a dead fraudster, he knew Lu Xiang and could tell right away that she had just lied.

If Lu Xiang really thinks so, she will often give a clear answer of yes or no. Whenever she gives an ambiguous answer after making nonsense like just now, it means that she is lying.

Song Lan, who realized this, did not expose the other party, but cooperated with Lu Xiang, Maybe he suffered from some kind of chronic disease. Everything will come to light after the autopsy report comes out. Since the fraudster is dead, , you should go back first, I will stay and hand over to Captain Doug.

After pushing away Walian and others, Song Lan confirmed that the footsteps were far away, locked the door, and then said, Why did you lie to them?

because this.

Lu Xiang handed over a note, When I was collecting the arms just now, someone deliberately mixed it in and handed it to me.

There was only one short line on the note:

Watch out for the man in black.

This man in black is the man in black you mentioned last time?

Song Lan immediately remembered that after the mysterious psychic organization appeared, Lu Xiang had warned him to be careful of the man in black coming to his door.

This seems to be their approach.

Lu Xiang glanced at the corpse of the fraudster and said, Once you get involved with those people, it will probably not end well.

Then should I avoid it too?

As an ordinary citizen, Song Lan immediately realized the danger of this matter.

Turn the note over and look at it.

He dubiously did so, but when he saw the four words on the back of the note, he took a breath of cold air.

——Enthusiastic citizens.

who is it?

Who impersonated him to cause trouble for the Men in Black organization?

Thanks to Despicable Me 233 for the 100 starting coins!

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