Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 345 Escape from District 17!

The deceased was an employee of Kolo Film and Television. His daily job was to role-play in the business park in District 17. The bear-headed man is one of the villains in the Kolo universe.

The Crime Analysis Section quickly identified Xiong Tou's exact identity.

Judging from past information, the deceased had no criminal record and was a hard-working migrant worker. Colleagues at the company said that his goal in life was to save enough money for his wife and then buy a house of his own in District 17.

This is a standard company man, and there are many like him in District 17.

It is worth noting that Xiong Tou did not go to Koro Film and Television Media immediately today to report that he had a waist problem due to long-term overtime work. He took half a day off today and went to the hospital where they were located for a check-up. Xiong Tou’s attending physician Sheng said that he is currently considering a lumbar implant surgery to improve the condition of his lumbar intervertebral discs.

After the examination, Xiongtou left the hospital, but they did not return to the company to work. Instead, they appeared in Central Lake Park, which was completely opposite to the direction of Kolo Film and Television Media.

The prosthetic doctor said that the deceased was a frequent visitor to their place.

Lu Xiang called up Xiong Tou's cases in this prosthetic hospital. In addition to lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation, migraines and other diseases that most company people have, there were also mentions in the cases a few years ago. He once carried out head chip implantation technology and signed a 20-year work reimbursement agreement with Kolo Film and Television Media.

This chip has greatly improved Xiong Tou’s memory and computing power. In the words of Kolo Film and Television Media, the chip can help him better understand most of the company’s film and television images and allow them to create more vivid images. Play.

Another head chip implantation technology.

The corporate people mentioned by Offee who negotiated with Selbot on behalf of the Council had also implanted similar chips. This shows that MI7 uses these chips to control these unrelated substitutes. They work hard.

However, these investigations led them to a new clue.

The vast majority of people affected by abilities today have one thing in common - they have all been to this hospital.

It's still possible that the MI7 agent is still in the hospital at this moment, or even right under their noses.

This allows agents to know their movements immediately.

Supervisor, I don't know whether to say something or not...

After the special meeting about the deceased, Chief Snake finally swallowed and asked a question that all the law enforcement officers who attended the meeting wanted to ask, Can you eat this fried chicken leg?

He didn't know how the supervisor was able to hold a meeting with fried chicken legs for them in a serious manner. What was even more outrageous was that the supervisor also developed special uses for fried chicken legs, such as using them to replace laser pointers. Pointing at the writing board.

This caused many of them to desert because of the fried chicken legs.


Lu Xiang's rejection was straightforward.

But, I don't understand.

You don't need to understand, you just need to know that it's important to me.


After the meeting ended and the law enforcers returned to their respective posts, and she was the only one left in the room, she dialed Song Lan's phone and asked, How's it going over there?

The ticket has been purchased, and the train will arrive at the station in a quarter of an hour.

This is a high-speed train leading to the twelfth country. After the border trade line returned to the hands of the 17th District government, they actively promoted the construction of the magnetic rail line.

Once on board this train, Rat will leave District 17 and return to the base camp of the Eschenweg Army.

This time, he seemed determined to leave District 17.

However, the poor mouse didn't know that his every move at the moment was under their surveillance. The passengers around him who seemed to be waiting for the train were actually members of the Shadow Guard. Before the mouse came to the platform, they The passengers were evacuated.

The agents of MI7 will try their best to prevent the rats from leaving the city. This is their best chance to understand the void.

After taking his seat, Mouse checked the ticket time several times. This seemingly meaningless repetitive behavior made him feel slightly at ease.

At least in 2166, he no longer needs to go to the platform to buy tickets. He can easily finalize his itinerary to leave District 17 through his mobile phone. Although he failed to gloriously complete the mission entrusted to him by the resistance army, he still kept Qingshan and was not afraid of losing it. Firewood, the prerequisite for understanding the void is to be alive.

Rat feels that his value alive is definitely greater than dead, and he believes he can reach a consensus with his brothers and sisters in the resistance on this matter.

While waiting anxiously, the roar of the train reached his ears.

For the first time in his life, Mouse realized that freedom can be measured in time. For example, right now, the train will arrive at the station in 3 minutes, and the electronic screen shows that the train will stop on the platform for 30 minutes, which means 33 minutes. After that, he can leave this place of right and wrong.

The roar of the train was getting closer and closer to him, and the wind blew on the platform, letting him smell the breath of freedom.

His heart beat violently, and he stared at the approaching train until it deviated from its original trajectory, and the sound of traveling on the rails turned into a deafening noise, and the flow of time seemed to slow down, making Mouse felt that everything in front of him had turned into a big scene created with exaggerated special effects in those blockbusters.

The train carriage flew out and smashed a hole in the wall of the platform.

The flames caused the temperature inside the platform to rise sharply. Mouse sat blankly on the chair in the waiting room, watching the debris scattered in the collision and explosion hit the people around him.

The passengers waiting for the train with him fell to the ground, and their blood fainted slowly on the ground.

Mouse felt as if he had become the luckiest person in this station, as the debris that fell like weapons avoided him.

He didn't know how long the noise around him lasted. When everything stopped, there was no one left standing in the station.

Then, a figure walked out from the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

The figure was panting, looking like he'd been through a high-intensity exercise session, and he was wearing a cosplay hood that resembled a bear's head.

Finally caught up...

The visitor breathed a sigh of relief. He calmed down before continuing, Mr. Rat, welcome to District 17. No... you are welcome back to the coalition government. I hope you can stay here for a while longer. time.

I reject.

Rat struck preemptively. He clutched the murder weapon that he had taken away from the scene in the morning. The murder weapon still had the blood stains of the last person who attacked him.

However, this time, before he could raise his arm, an invisible force snatched the dagger from his hand.

The dagger was nailed to the wall behind him in a way that defied the laws of physics.

The man wearing a clown hood said to him, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation.

Today is the last day of October, and according to rumors, the comments and character cards of Starting Point will be resumed tomorrow.

I took a break this month to adjust. Thanks to your support, I have gradually completed the initial small goal of publishing this book. Starting from tomorrow, I will resume the rhythm of 3-4 updates a day!

come on!

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