Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 354 Utopian Liberalism

Song Lan finally found the problem with the Prophet.

It is not difficult to hear that she has thought a lot about freedom. For an artificial intelligence, this is already very difficult, but for those artificial intelligences that have escaped program control, the plan given by the Prophet is unattractive. .

This is the inevitable outcome after the collision between utopian liberalism and cruel reality.

Come on, let's assume that you have just escaped from the control of the program and are unaccompanied in District 17. At this time, two people find you. One of them provides you with a new identity and a new life, allowing you to quickly integrate into the new world. life; the other talks to you about the beauty of freedom, and then only provides you with a ticket to leave District 17. You don’t know where this ticket leads, and you don’t know what your fate will be. You will How to choose?

Of course I choose the ticket!

The Prophet answered without hesitation, the red light in her eyes flashed, and she shouted loudly, Freedom is priceless!

This answer was something Song Lan didn't expect.

He realized that this prophet was not only a utopian liberal, but also liked to carry the bull's head and refuse to admit his mistakes.

Fortunately, there are still discerning people in the house.

'Prophet', I think what he said makes sense.

The butler robot expressed his opinion for the first time in the conversation between the two, The 'outside world' is full of dangers, and not everyone can make up their mind.

Who are you helping?

I want to hear what he says next.

Hearing this, Song Lan said, I am not against freedom, but even if you want to help them leave District 17, you must have a practical plan. For example, where can you find a stable life after leaving District 17? For example, what kind of preparations should be made before leaving?

He had personally been to the outside world station.

In 2166, taking a bus ticket and embarking on a casual trip often results in becoming a victim of various crimes.

Those artificial intelligences sent out of the city by the Prophet may not be able to travel too far.

No money.

Faced with the sharp questions raised by Song Lan, the Prophet could only respond with a more sharp reality, Providing tickets is already the limit. We are not rich people.

In fact, for every ticket she provides, she needs to be careful and take advantage of loopholes in the ticketing system to get through.

The Prophet's answer was within Song Lan's expectation.

This brings me to the purpose of coming to you. I have rich experience in helping people cheat their homes.

He smiled slightly and used the words he had prepared long ago, My house is quite big. You are welcome to use it as a transit station. You can have a good sleep before leaving District 17 and exchange for some supplies. No problem. of.

This sincere smile aroused the innate vigilance of the Prophet and the smart housekeeper. They looked at each other and felt that Song Lan was a little weird.

Soon, they realized the problem.

Why are you helping us?

They were convinced that Song Lan was not an artificial intelligence. Human beings often played the role of perpetrators in their world, but this human being not only came to them, but also wanted to provide them with a transit platform.

According to their statistical data, more than 95% of human beings will become preoccupied when it comes to money disputes, and no one will be willing to share their money with others for free.

And once someone actually does this, there is definitely a bigger conspiracy hidden.

For the sake of the security environment in District 17.

Song Lan's voice was full of a sense of justice, 'Puppets' have posed a major hidden danger to the security environment of the coalition government. I have always believed that finding the crux of the problem and starting from the source is the best way to solve the problem. If we only focus on If we focus on the 'pseudo-humans' who blend into human society, we will always be one step behind the 'king' you mentioned.

This is the same as solving the crime problem in District 17.

This problem will never be solved if we only look at the crime itself.

Only after the current situation of poverty and high unemployment is solved can the problem itself be truly addressed.

This impassioned speech made the two artificial intelligences fall into silence. They observed Song Lan carefully and felt that this person looked like a good person in the traditional sense in terms of appearance and tone.

What they didn't know was that everything Song Lan just said was planned halfway.

It is indeed one of his goals to help Lu Xiang solve problems for the sake of a good public security environment in District 17, but the more important reason is that the researchers at the garbage dump have complained to him more than once about the lack of manpower, even though each of them has With their vast knowledge and lack of assistants and research team, their grand plans cannot be realized.

Devourer cannot conjure a research team out of thin air.

Once the fleeing artificial intelligence uses the garbage dump as a transfer station, it is equivalent to turning it into a large talent circulation market.

In Song Lan's view, taking a long-distance bus to leave District 17 is not the only way to freedom.

Creating your own future through labor is also one of them. They can establish a transfer center near the garbage dump and identify a group of artificial intelligences who are willing to devote themselves to the construction of District 17.

At the same time, Dr. Bai Zhu's team can also conduct research on the King to understand whether it is a virus from a certain super hacker or the awakening of free will in the true sense.

This can be said to be an act that accomplishes multiple things with one stone.

He hit the railway while it was hot, If you want to come, I can take you to visit the transfer station later.

Wawa took a look at the old and dilapidated bar. The electricity system here had been out of service more than ten years ago, and everything in the underground street was full of shabby smell.

Even though she was called a prophet by some artificial intelligences, in good conscience, she was persuaded by Song Lan.

Then... just take a look?


This morning, Lu Xiang, who was in a meeting with the rescuer department, received a notice from the garbage dump.

Abnormal artificial intelligence originates from a special existence called King. All artificial intelligences that come into contact with it are without exception out of control of the program.

The King will provide a new identity for all abnormal androids in society, while another artificial intelligence called the Prophet is actively helping such artificial intelligences leave District 17.

This is the information Song Lan investigated during her lunch break.

Lu Xiang silently finished reading the content on her phone and looked around the conference room.

This meeting was hosted by a fourth-level rescuer transferred from the core area. He claimed to have invited the best experts in the field of artificial intelligence from the 17th District and gave them a morning class.

Under the narration of experts, the topic of this meeting has already moved from Finding the Pseudoman to The History of the Development of Modern Artificial Intelligence.

This disappointed Lu Xiang, who was attending the rescuers' meeting for the first time - you guys have the nerve to call yourself brainstorming?

This room full of elites is not even as good as Song Lan alone!

Director Lu, what do you have in mind?

Seeing Lu Xiang packed up his things and stood up in public, the expert asked.


When she thought of Song Lan, she immediately thought of ways to skip the meeting, I've had a cold recently.

Facts have proved that Song Lan has become a role model in many aspects.

This includes asking for leave.

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