Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 364 Crisis Public Relations

Just after 6:30 that day, Song Lan followed the address posted on the official website of the rescuer and waited in the temporary live broadcast room of Oberna-Lionheart. He had never been so active when watching the live broadcast in 2020.

However, after 2166, Song Lan almost never had contact with live broadcasts again.

It’s not because the live broadcast industry is in recession now. On the contrary, its technology is simply too powerful. The widespread use of holographic technology not only allows viewers to experience the thrills of the game immersively when watching live broadcasts, but also allows them to When you go to the dance area, you see the anchor dancing in front of you.

The booming development of holographic technology has given audiences the opportunity to shake hands with virtual idols at home.

What shocked him even more was that in 2166, there was no such thing as side ball. Both the anchor and the audience were very sincere in playing straight ball in the live broadcast.

However, Song Lan is a person who knows how to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

When he learned that the current live broadcast technology was powerful, he thought of how he accidentally clicked into some dance live broadcast room and happened to be bumped into by Lu Xiang.

The scene that followed might be too bloody, which made him quit the habit of watching live broadcasts very simply.

After watching the live broadcast for a long time, the barrage atmosphere immediately made him feel at home.

Less than half an hour before the live broadcast started, the barrage had already gone black and started cursing. When I clicked in, I saw that almost all of them were trumpets that had been registered recently. This grand occasion made Song Lan feel like she had returned to 2020.

It seems that the barrages of every era are the same.

Song Lan also registered a trumpet account.

He originally planned to use his special skills to set the rhythm based on Oberna's live broadcast content by taking quotes out of context and using strange and strange methods. However, after arriving in the live broadcast room, he discovered that he had made a shocking mistake - compared with the crowd sentiment He was so civilized in his angry barrage that it seemed incompatible with the environment of the live broadcast room.

Seeing the barrages scrolling, Lu Xiang, who was watching a live broadcast for the first time, couldn't help but frowned, Has the environment for these comments always been so bad?

With the Internet and nicknames as cover, some comments have become a bit unsightly.

It was not that she wanted to clear Oberna's name, but she felt that these barrages might corrupt Song Lan and have a negative impact on his mental health.

No, it's because Oberna is guilty of public outrage.

Song Lan helped Lu Xiang popularize some common knowledge as a veteran. He was good at seeing the essence through phenomena. “What the barrage really wanted to scold him for was not his act of destroying the prosthetic hospital, but his company’s lackeys and Fu The identity of the minions of the Ste family.”

For a long time in the past, the Foster family has kept District 17 in dire straits.

The direct result of this is that when the topic of the Foster family comes up, the enthusiastic netizens in District 17 will adopt the strategy of putting aside the facts and going up to criticize a few words before talking about it.

This trend is well displayed in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Actually, in other live broadcast rooms, the barrage atmosphere is still very harmonious.

For example?

Lu Xiang was full of curiosity about his blind spots in knowledge.

For example, dance live broadcast rooms are usually dominated by compliments. It may be the most harmonious place for discussion in the online world. People who have never met each other will affectionately call each other good brother, and there is almost no insult to the anchor in the live broadcast room. problems, they are grateful to the anchors for their silent efforts and call them Bodhisattvas.


Lu Xiang didn't believe it. Although she didn't usually watch live broadcasts, she had been exposed to the Internet. Based on her understanding of the Internet, more than 90% of public discussion venues that did not use real-name systems would be full of abuse and insults. It was difficult for her to imagine that people on the Internet The holy land described by Song Lan still exists.

She has always been a person full of action.

She glanced at the time and saw that there were nearly twenty minutes before the live broadcast started. Lu Xiang didn't want to stay in this live broadcast room full of abuse, so she opened the holographic theater at home and returned to the homepage of the live broadcast website. With his eyes gradually stiffening, he clicked on the dance area.

Before Song Lan stopped, she clicked directly into the most popular live broadcast room.

The exciting music instantly filled the entire living room.

As Song Lan said, the barrage environment in this live broadcast room is incredibly harmonious.

People who have never met each other call each other good brothers and exchange the intelligence and resources they have with each other. They are willing to selflessly share these resources with unknown people in front of the screen, and those who have received gifts will often say something. A good man has a safe life.

An ordinary live broadcast room has purified the impetuous atmosphere on the Internet today.

It breaks down class barriers and makes everyone who comes to the live broadcast room become comrades with a common goal.

The only fly in the ointment was that the breasts of the female anchor were dancing so hard that it hurt Lu Xiang's eyes.

The lightness of her clothing is highly consistent with that of Pink Lady, and she often touches the audience's heartstrings with her eyes and other micro-expressions.

Lu Xiang exited the live broadcast room.

The living room returned to silence, but it was more like the silence before the storm.

Song Lan.

After an unknown amount of time, Song Lan heard an emotionless voice from the right, Do you usually like to watch this when you are alone?

Lu Xiang remembered that this live broadcast software was one of the functions of the holographic home theater, and she had never checked the browsing history on it.

She lacked the spirit of entertainment and did not expect that such a form of entertainment existed in the world. From Song Lan's remarks just now, it seemed that he knew about it very well.

As soon as I saw it, I could tell that I had communicated with the good brothers in the barrage many times.

Is such that.

Song Lan coughed slightly and said, Don't you see that this website has a live broadcast homepage?


Lu Xiang returned to the home page, nodded expressionlessly, and waited patiently for his next chapter.

This homepage often pushes some content, and people sometimes click on it due to some unexpected and irresistible factors.

However, the content on the homepage is the result of big data screening. Only if you look at this often will similar content be recommended.

Although Lu Xiang doesn’t understand live broadcasting, she understands big data.

In the field of hackers, it is often necessary to filter data through big data. This is the topic she discusses most often with Dr. Bai Zhu.

Ah, oh, um, is that so? There is such a thing. Big data is so amazing!

You're avoiding the problem.

Lu Xiang's eyes were sharp. She had rich interrogation experience, and she knew Song Lan's little thoughts very well at the moment. Let me ask you, do you like to see these?

Song Lan knew that when Lu Xiang repeated the same question twice, it proved that she really cared about the answer to the question.

It's okay, you can say whatever you want.

Song Lan felt that Lu Xiang was too cunning and was using language traps to make him take it lightly.

I don't usually read it, but you can check the records.

so close.

Fortunately, he was usually open-minded and would not change his name when he was walking or sitting down. Even if Lu Xiang was not at home after working overtime, he did not click in to take a look.

That's it...

Lu Xiang looked at the holographic home theater thoughtfully.

She really wanted to know the answer to the question just now, because she was thinking about a question just now, That one looks quite easy to learn. I was thinking that if you like it, I can show it to you.

She has even been on the battlefield, isn't it easy to learn how to dance?

But if you're not interested, forget it.

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