Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 400 Regional Characteristics Trade

On this day, all the employees at the garbage dump finally understood that District 17 will always be your home is not a simple slogan.

First of all, if you break something at home, you have to repair it yourself.

After a series of recent incidents involving the void, the financial problems of the 17th District have become even more tense. The foggy weather that occurs every three days and the encounters of Oberna and other rescuers in the 17th District are like urban legends. The news quickly spread throughout every city in the coalition government, which directly caused most companies to reduce their business in the 17th District.

At this juncture, within a month, the train platform was destroyed and the Yungang Biopharmaceutical fleet was attacked, which made the company panic. According to the latest statistics, a large number of company employees have already raised concerns about Apply to work in other districts.

To sum up, the general environment is not good, very bad.

According to Lu Xiang, when they reported the case to the superiors today, the new mayor covered his chest with his hands and could not relax for a long time.

So, we have to buy some regional specialty products.

Since Lu Xiang was working overtime and unable to attend this Void Paradise meeting, he could only chair the meeting on his behalf.

Regional specialty products?

Everyone was thoughtful, and they each thought about the characteristics of District 17. It is located in a border city and has not developed economically all year round. If it must be related to its characteristics...

How's the market for street gangsters now? Are they worth anything?

Medel, who paid little attention to economic issues, asked. In the past, District 17 was most famous for its sky-high crime rate. If you randomly picked ten people on the street, at least seven of them would have been involved in gangs. .

Maybe they could round up street gangsters and package them up to sell to organizations interested in them?

That's obviously not what I meant when I said characteristics!

In order to prevent Madele from bringing the topic to the human trafficking industry, Song Lan corrected her, I was referring to the void. After these two incidents, I realized that there are many problems with our current practices.

Although their users all got a good experience, in order to let the customers be immersed in the scene, he and Xiaotun had to come to the scene in advance every time. The number of overtime work this month had already exceeded the sky, which made Song Lan He realized that if he continued like this, he would die suddenly at work sooner or later.

More importantly, there is no financial reward for their efforts.

The most critical problem is that Void Paradise does not have a fixed place. The absence of a fixed place means that customers are always in an extremely unstable state, leaving them with no energy to consider other issues.

The appearance of Big Carrot Head inspired Song Lan.

For ordinary citizens, Void can have various meanings, and reselling Void's local products can indeed open up a trade form that only belongs to the 17th District.

Now I would like to invite our Comrade Gefu to talk about his thoughts.

Song Lan was the first to applaud enthusiastically. Gefu had already prepared for the speech at the meeting. Amidst the warm applause, he cleared his throat, stood up and lifted his pants. After confirming that the elastic belt was in good condition, he bent down and put it in place. An object as tall as a person climbed onto their makeshift rostrum.

This was a huge white bug that looked like a silkworm baby. Its silky carapace looked soft, and Gefu's hand holding it sank into its flesh.

I call this creature a cuddle bug. It is a creature directly split from the Devourer. Its greatest effect is that when you want to sleep, it emits nerve-paralyzing gas, allowing insomniacs to quickly fall asleep. Sleep, in addition, it feels very soft, and when you hold it, it will massage you with its slender tentacles to relieve the fatigue of the whole day. What's more exquisite is that I also give it a An alarm clock system is designed that can wake you up from sleep at a predetermined time.

In fact, after learning about the deeds of Big Carrot Head, Gefu has been designing souvenirs for Void Paradise these days. After a lot of hard work, this product that combines pillows, alarm clocks, and sleeping pills was interviewed. Its appearance Cute and powerful, Graf firmly believes that the cuddle bug will increase people's love for insects and set off a trend in the market.

As one of the employees who can stay up late the best at the garbage dump, he leads by example. He has been sleeping with a hugger every day for the past few days. After a few days, the dark circles under his eyes have disappeared and he feels much more energetic.

We can mass-produce Embraceworms and sell them to 'adventurers' and companies.

In this era of 2166, when everyone is about to be overwhelmed, he believes that this product is the sleep aid product that people dream of.

That's a good idea.

Madele's eyes lit up. She recalled the time when she worked in the company. Although she looked glamorous, the pressure every day was so great that she needed anti-fatigue drugs to survive. She often couldn't sleep, and sometimes she just couldn't sleep. Even sleeping pills may not work.

At that time, she lacked such an all-in-one sleep aid product, and she showed strong interest in it, You can give me one as a gift after the meeting.

Song Lan's face froze. He was about to say that Gefu's design, as always, was a little out of touch with normal people's aesthetics, but he didn't expect that most people in the conference room had a strong interest in this product.

He suddenly realized that everyone here had the experience of working overtime until late at night, finally getting home but having trouble sleeping due to work pressure, but having to get up early the next morning to go to a meeting.

He is the only one who sleeps better than anyone else every day and almost never brings work stress home.

After falling in love, he no longer had to worry that one day he would be kicked out of the law enforcement team by Lu Xiang because of his work attitude.

The current situation is that as a salty fish, he accidentally entered the meeting between King Juan and Workaholic.

Ahem, thank you Comrade Gefu for sharing.

As the host, after Gefu finished introducing the new product, he had to start hosting again, This is what I call a product with void characteristics. Of course, this is just a sample. In the future, we will expand the product library and bring it to consumers. A better shopping experience, but before that, we still need to solve a problem - we need to create a safe foothold in the void, and only after the surrounding environment stabilizes, customers can shop with confidence.

On this issue, Mr. Mouse once again brought guidance to the insect swarm.

Do you still remember the town where 'Rat' lived after he came to District 17?

The town has a special geographical location. They nominally belong to the 17th District, but they are located on the outskirts. After the law enforcement officers swept around, the remaining gang members finally realized that there was no place for them in the 17th District. Those who left the city left the city, and those who should return to their hometowns returned to their hometowns. A month later, the town was deserted. The original residents heard that there was a murder in the town, and they were gloomy, so they all moved away as soon as possible.

It's perfect to use it as a safe zone.

But only the land boundary is not enough, and the first batch of residents must live in the town before it can operate.

We can recruit some volunteers through the website to live in the town, let them settle there as the first residents of Void Paradise, and gradually develop the town into an important trading place.

Thanks to Turtle Dove and Not a Pigeon for the 1,500 starting coins!

Thanks to book friend 20220213230448207 for the 100 starting coins!

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