Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 405 Working People

When all the biopharmaceutical companies of the United Government were trying to find a way to find the whereabouts of the wind chime, no one could think of this six -star candidate to sit on a chair and enjoy the results of her hard work with satisfaction -in her In front of it is a pile of wood, and in the deep pit not far away is the guardian spirit that exposed half of his body.

The prototype of the fish pond is already there, and the next step is to fill the water and sprinkle the fish seedlings.

头戴安全帽的宋岚手里拿着平板,上面是虚空农场的规划图,人工智能已经自主完成了农场建设、规划等知识,在陆湘的积极运作下,再过几天,就会有一Seeds and livestock were sent here.

For people living in 2166, agriculture has become a strange skill.

Since the popularization of nutritional injection, the joint government's agriculture and animal husbandry have begun to reduce tactics on a large area. These areas have been replaced by factories of the military industry and biopharmaceutical industries. Now all kinds of ingredients have become luxury goods. To order, you also need to pay a lot of transportation costs.

It is not a big family, and it cannot support the cost of daily diet.

Song Lan, as a foreign man, does not know how to replace traditional food with nutritional injections, and then use factories to replace the economic effects brought by agriculture. However, from the perspective of the method of hiding eggs in their external nutritional injections, these companies There is a strong process of motivation to promote the popularization of nutritional injections.

This discovery is very scary, which means that they can inject these mechanical worms that can control people's thinking at any time into most of them.

At that time, the bottom people will completely become the number of votes to them in the eyes of behind the scenes, or to control the tools of public opinion. According to this momentum, it will develop for about more than ten years. It is black and black, and under the control of the mechanical worm, the people at the bottom will only agree with the brain.

So the more time to this, the more natural and non -rigorous ingredients.

This is also the new farm slogan proposed by Song Lan.

I am the first time to do farm work, and I have only seen in the science books in the family before.

Seeing Song Lan walking towards herself, Feng Ling's face blushed and said, It's really interesting to cut the tree, more interesting than cutting people!

It is indeed a six -star candidate, and it is so unique to describe interesting ways.

Looking at the wood full of woods, Song Lan sincerely sighed the strength of the six -star alternate -the wind chime alone, she was able to be a fully automated logging team. After learning that she needed a lot of wood in the morning In a cup of water, I picked up the knife and walked towards the forest alone.

Facts have proved that sword extraction in 2166 is still useful.

At least it is very convenient to cut the trees. Traditional logging workers are not as good as swordsmen who can pull swords!

Song Lan felt that the people of the Feng Bell did not find the scene of their unique learning, which led to the fall of the family. It would be better to one day. If they opened a logging company, they could even grab business with artificial intelligence.

The action of Guardian Spirit was even more exaggerated. On this morning, she dug a artificial lake outline directly on the right side of the farm.

Strictly speaking, along the town all the way to the east, they have now left the boundaries of the United Government, but because the area is remote, there is only Gobi Beach in the past. Over time, it became a wasteland.

It is exactly the wasteland, which is more suitable for them to build a farm here.

As for Song Lan, he has not been idle all morning. In order to accelerate the infrastructure of the farm, he continues to use his ability all morning to help artificial intelligence quickly produce the basic tools of the farm.

This is also a test of continuing and precise operational operation.

Fortunately, after helping Princess Lieyang take out the parasite, Song Lan realized the importance of precision operation and never stopped exercise.

If there is a panel, he thinks he can reach the evaluation of more than B.

This can produce a huge consumption for his spirit. He has never splurked the spiritual power like today, and the consumed spiritual energy will even account for one thousandth of the total. The last meal of lunch will sleep well, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to make up.

Song Lan sat on the bench next to the wind chime, and the wind chime handed a bottle of mineral water that helped to open.

He permeated, leaning on the back of the chair, and admiring artificial intelligence and Gong Bee through the fog to settle in the farm built by the outline.

Gong Bee is a new individual who has hatched after learning about Song Lan's request.

Their movement speed is fast, and the strength can quickly move heavy materials. Their gene sequences are also written into the mantis part. The forelimbs can not only be used to carry heavy objects, but also clearly remove pests in the wheat field.

They couldn't get a large number of mechanized agricultural equipment, but the magical gene sequence of worms solved this problem.

In this regard, the devourer proudly stated that the evolution of the insects surpassed the machinery again.

These workers' bees can complete the work of pouring, insects and other work without anyone manipulating driving.

And single soldiers' combat capabilities are definitely much better than tractors.

This feeling is wonderful.

Feng Ling said that she had been sitting here after fighting the wood back to the farm, watching the process of building a little bit of construction, which made her feel happy. This was never before when she was in the family.


Although his psychic powers were overloaded, Song Lan put his fatigue behind him. He felt that this was the correct way to use his psychic powers.

Do some development, and soon you will be able to taste the products of your own farm. Isn't this more meaningful than talking to others from the bottom of your heart?

This morning, they witnessed the completion of the first farm in District 17, and personally participated in the construction process. He believed that this would be a highlight in the chronicles of the swarm.

The water in the plastic bottle is clear and translucent, which seems to represent their mood at this time.

As an ordinary citizen of District 17, he felt that their lives were getting better and better.

But when he thought of digging out his heart and lungs, his heart also felt a little melancholy in this fullness and satisfaction - it's a pity that Mr. Chai Ke, who died young, will never see such good days again.

“When can I raise fish?”

The wind chime cheerfully interrupted Song Lan's memory. Song Lan was deeply moved to stop living in the past and focus on the present.

Wind Chime seems to be very interested in fish farming, and has been talking about fish ponds and fish farming from time to time since last night.

You can keep it after filling it with water after a while.

Okay, I want to take a look every day.

The atmosphere of the conversation was harmonious. This scene was like two workers who had been working all day talking about life under the setting sun, facing the results of their hard work throughout the day.

Until, in order to continue the topic, Song Lan asked an inappropriate question, What kind of fish do you plan to raise?

Killer Whale!

The wind chime's usual astonishing words once again touched Song Lan's heart, successfully making him shake the hand holding the plastic bottle and spit out the sip of water he just drank several meters away.

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