Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 426 The Residues of Imagination

For an ordinary office worker, being called up at one o'clock in the morning is very painful.

Song Lan had been lying on the bed in a daze since being woken up by Madele, but for some unknown reason, he, who had always had a high quality of sleep, had trouble sleeping tonight.

Maybe it was because of the sharp drop in temperature after the beginning of winter. Even though he was wrapped in a quilt, he still felt that the room was getting colder and colder. It was so cold that every time he was about to fall asleep, a gust of cold wind came from nowhere to dispel it. drowsiness.

For most of the night, he remained in a stalemate with his insomnia, until after an unknown amount of time, other noises suddenly came from the room.

Half asleep, he seemed to hear the sound of moving a stool.

The voice got closer and closer to him, and finally seemed to stop in front of his bed.

Song Lan's eyes narrowed impatiently.

It seemed to be a woman in white clothes. The woman was less than half a meter away from him at the moment. She was sitting on a chair, her hair as dry as straw hanging down, and a pair of scarlet pupils looming between her bangs.

At this moment, the woman was looking at him with hateful eyes.

Her fingers on her legs seemed to be completing a gouging motion, looking full of aggression.

When he woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly saw such a scene, it would be enough to scare anyone out of their wits. However, Song Lan on the bed did not scream. He calmed down and looked at the woman in white for a long time.

The person he is now is no longer the person he used to be.

Rather, he was an office worker who had been tortured by insomnia for half the night, and knew clearly that he would get up early tomorrow morning to inspect the farm next door.

The woman in white stared at him for a long time. She suddenly grinned, revealing her fangs, and stretched out her hands to pinch Song Lan's neck.

It's really cold today, so I'm going to give you a suggestion.

Song Lan tightened the quilt again, Before I twist your head off, I suggest you go back and forth from there.

The ferocious smile of the woman in white suddenly froze on her face, and the hands reaching for Song Lan's neck paused, and then quickly retracted.

The chill subsided and a warm feeling returned to the house.

The woman in white seemed to have adopted Song Lan's suggestion and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She slept until the next day when the wind chime came to visit. Recently, she was actively traveling between the town and the farm every day because she wanted to record the evolution of sardines into great white sharks.

When the two came to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, they found that Big Carrot Head and others were already waiting here. The seven of them all looked a lot more haggard. When they saw Song Lan and Feng Ling coming out, they swarmed up and said nervously, Something's wrong. The hotel is haunted!

All of them had a rough sleep yesterday. After nightfall, the room became extremely cold. Although they were very sleepy, they could not fall asleep. Just when they were half asleep, they heard the sound of objects moving in the room. Then a ferocious-looking woman in white appeared beside the bed, glaring at them with eyes full of hatred.

Big Carrot Head thought he had a nightmare, but this morning he and others found out that they all had the same nightmare last night and saw the same woman in white. Laziji also mentioned that he had tried to resist. But his body was out of his control and he couldn't move.

Although he is still conscious, his body seems to be dormant and unable to move.

After much hesitation, Emily told them about her private contact with the director of Haixing Technology, who also clearly mentioned a woman in white in the communication.

As a result, all of them saw each other that night.

Song Lan counted the times when several people saw the woman in white, and it was almost always between 4 and 5 in the morning. After that, the woman in white disappeared, and they finally fell asleep. It was already 7 o'clock when they woke up.

If everyone else hadn't seen the same ghost, they would have thought they were just having a nightmare.

At this time, Song Lan's eyes widened, and a trace of fear surged into his heart.

In this case, he probably also witnessed the woman in white around 4 o'clock. Doesn't this mean...

He only slept for less than three hours! ?

This horrifying discovery immediately made him feel weak all over, and he felt a headache and fever, and the sleepiness that tormented him was suddenly magnified infinitely.

Today is the day when the female ghost in white is mad at me.

But life has to go on. Even if he only sleeps for less than three hours at night, office workers still have to clock in on time the next day. After leaving a sentence of leave it to us to investigate, he and Feng Chie set off to the next door. farm road.

After leaving the town, he asked, So, you also saw the woman in white last night?

did not see it.

The wind chime shook its head.

Yesterday she slept as deeply as ever and slept until dawn. But Xiaohe (guardian spirit) mentioned this matter. She was eaten by Xiaohe not long after she appeared.

A simple conversation made Song Lan intuitively realize the power of the summoner profession. Even after falling asleep, he could maintain high efficiency in clearing monsters independently.

In order to ensure the quality of his sleep, he considered whether to change his profession to a summoner.

However, Song Lan also immediately confirmed that there was probably more than one female ghost in white, and she might not even be real.

Immediately, he issued a fierce criticism to Devourer.

Finding ways to increase the scary atmosphere in the town is worthy of recognition, but it should not disturb people's dreams. However, Devourer was very aggrieved and said that the white figure was not made by him, and other people in the garbage dump knew nothing about it. Dr. Bai Zhu even bluntly stated that the figures seen by Haixing Technology staff were images synthesized by a virus. When they conducted observations, the virus program would pop up some of her homemade horrific images.

No matter how powerful the current technology is, it is impossible to turn fiction into reality.

It wasn't until Father Bruno learned about this that he came up with another theory.

He believed that the woman in white did not originally exist, but just like the void and the fog, it was a monster that was spawned after more and more people believed in it.

Even the Lunar Eclipse Cult still has many areas that have not been thoroughly researched. While gaining spiritual power through faith, it also inevitably spawns some by-products.

Good wishes make people powerful, and evil thoughts give birth to corresponding twisted monsters.

In the third neutral country, the Lunar Eclipse Sect has set up a confession room, which is actually a bottomless abandoned mine. One of the daily tasks of the priests is to lock some monsters that are difficult to destroy into the mine. So far, The mine has become a dead area where ordinary people cannot survive. Anyone who accidentally enters it will be tortured to death by monsters.

And this female ghost in white is most likely the first monster that was born out of the virus designed by Dr. Bai Zhu that is not controlled by the insect swarm.

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