Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 440 Lu Xiang and Venus

The hover car slowly landed in the parking lot of the school district. The luxury cars here were as abundant as a large car show, and most of them belonged to students.

Although students with no background like Lu Xiang occasionally appear in the school, the vast majority of those who are qualified to study here are from middle-class families or above. According to statistics from the Seventh District ten years ago, students without company or family backgrounds It only accounts for 2.3% of the total population in schools.

Song Lan thinks this is an overall problem of uneven distribution of educational resources. In fact, most children in non-core urban areas generally have very low education levels. They often start wandering on the streets soon after they become mature. There is no compulsory education in 2166. Under the huge gap between rich and poor, ordinary families prefer faster ways to get money.

As Lu Xiang said, District 7 is more like an ivory tower, a completely different world from the outside.

Looking up, you can see the very conspicuous sign in the school:

Daystar Comprehensive College.

Students wearing the same uniforms travel between school districts, and they live a fulfilling life every day.

Lu Xiang was once one of them. She explained to Song Lan based on her own experience, In addition to the major courses in each semester, the school has also begun to offer dozens of elective courses, and each course will provide corresponding of learning points, which is how most students earn points.”

Her daily classes are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Saturday, and she has a half-day off on Sunday. During the free time, she has to prepare for school activities.

Large-scale school events are the fastest way to earn points. As long as you can win the top three in an event, it can be worth the points of several elective courses.

The two of them had not taken a few steps when a student suddenly stopped in surprise and came over, Senior Lu Xiang, you must be Senior Lu Xiang!

In school, Lu Xiang was as famous as ever.

Fortunately, the students looked at her with admiration from the bottom of their hearts, rather than fear and fear. The name of Cruel Lu Xiang did not spread here.

At the student's almost begging invitation, Lu Xiang reluctantly agreed to her invitation and went to the actual training ground.

As soon as they entered the door, the students' friends were waiting at the venue. In order to see Lu Xiang, they all skipped this afternoon's classes.

When Lu Xiang answered questions for these newly admitted students, Song Lan learned from the posters at the actual training ground why the students admired her so much:

Registration for the 112th Daystar Cup is now open! 》

This is a promotional poster. After Song Lan read the recruitment content, he learned that this may be one of the most watched events at Daystar College every year. Each registered team is composed of five people and participates in this actual battle in a team-based manner. Simulation events are divided into two categories. One is a 5-on-5 battle mode, and the other is a battle royale mode that puts all teams into a large simulated city.

On the walls of the actual battlefield, information about the champions of each year's Day Star Cup competition and the best players are posted.

The format of the past few years was surprisingly uniform. Lu Xiang's fierce photos were posted everywhere for the best players. This was in sharp contrast to the previous best player selections where a hundred flowers bloomed. The last time he was selected as the best player for several consecutive years students go back ten years.

Song Lan finally understood where Lu Xiang got so many student points. Others were here to compete, but she was the only one here to manage money.

Prosthetics and psychic abilities are prohibited in this competition. Although physically modified students have a slight advantage, they are also subject to strict restrictions.

Lu Xiang finished answering the students' questions at some point and came behind Song Lan, In the actual training ground, there is the concept of blood volume. Once the blood volume is emptied, you will be eliminated. The main test of the Morning Star Cup is the students. For the utilization of various weapons and environments.”

That's really your home court.

Song Lan has often realized how powerful Lu Xiang is. Even with psychic powers banned, even he is no match for Lu Xiang.

Just now those juniors signed up for the Morning Star Cup competition and asked for some tips on the competition.

She suddenly remembered something and said, I think you are actually quite suitable for the second event. If you were my opponent at the same time, you might put me in a tough fight.

In District 17, they experienced a very simplified actual combat simulation system at the simulation shooting range. Song Lan single-handedly changed the environment of the shooting range in District 17, turning it from a mode of shooting and heroic charging to one of patience and In this insidious competition, Leng Tou Qing, who now likes to charge, could not survive for more than a minute. In the end, it was almost a game between Lao Liu.

A few days ago, when she was surfing the Internet, she happened to see the citizens of District 17 complaining about some despicable person who had ruined the atmosphere.

Lu Xiang felt that the battle royale-style urban battlefield was very suitable for Song Lan. If he had really gone to school at Daystar, he might have become a master tactician.

Under the actual combat simulation, she was confident to confront anyone head-on, but she was afraid of guys like Song Lan who could blend in with the surrounding environment.

I actually have no talent or interest in shooting.

Song Lan waved her hand.

Since arriving in 2166, he decided to change his mind and stay away from all virtual games.

He is very self-aware, and he deeply understands that his self-control is weak, and in today's highly developed holographic technology, games are much more exciting than in 2020. In order to avoid being unable to control his money, Song Lan adopted the method of cutting off desires ——As long as he doesn’t play, no one can cheat him out of money.

The effect of this is immediate. He now doesn't stay up late, has a regular schedule, is full of energy every day, and has a lot of spare money left every month, so he can eat whatever he wants.

He thinks this is the life an office worker should have.

I guess there are many places in this school where your photos are posted.

Not much.

Lu Xiang shook his head modestly, I have many activities and competitions and I don't have time to participate. Especially when I was about to graduate in the next two years, I missed several classes to prepare for the Daystar Cup competition, and there are things I'm not good at. Contest.

what match?

Song Lan asked curiously. He remembered that Lu Xiang was not only the first-ranked graduate in the 111th class, but she also achieved the amazing feat of ranking first in every subject.

For such a nearly perfect other people's child, is there anything he's not good at?

Yes, a big eating competition.

When Lu Xiang mentioned this competition, there was a bit of resentment in his voice, I signed up for every session, but I didn't get a good ranking until graduation.

This became an eternal regret in her campus life.

Song Lan staggered, Is there a competition for this thing?

Based on his understanding of Lu Xiang, although she likes food very much, her appetite is definitely not exaggerated. When they first met, she would sometimes get stomachaches after eating too much, and she would curl up on the sofa and not want to get up.


Lu Xiang said, I have submitted several suggestions that physical transformation students and ordinary students should have separate competitions, but they were all rejected in the end.

This fully demonstrates that Daystar College is an open and transparent place where power cannot be used for personal gain.

Not even the student council chief.

Thanks for the 100 starting coins for the reward of No Book for a Day!

Small Theater Fifty-eight:

A certain day of a certain year, a certain day, a Sunday, in the evening.

The plane carrying coalition government investigators passed through the clouds and landed slowly in the fog-shrouded city.

This city still retains its former outline, but in fact it has long been swallowed up by pollution and emptiness. This kind of emptiness, silence and unknown seems to have traveled to another world.

Unseen by anyone else on the street, we were greeted by a few members of the advance investigation team.

The old version of the map said that this was once a city with a large population and was also one of the important border trade centers of the coalition government.

The war changed this prosperous city into what it is now.

Even through the gas mask, it seems that the remaining smoke in the city can be smelled.

Our range of activities is very limited. If we go deeper, there may be void creatures.

Members of the advance investigation team said that the last group of team members who conducted in-depth investigations had been out of contact for three days.

Hope they're okay.

The captain of the advance investigation team looked so haggard that it was hard to imagine that he had once been a five-star rescuer from the coalition government.

You set up the camp here, and we'll go take a look at the outskirts.

We saw Minister Song put on exploration equipment and gave us instructions.

Please be careful with it.

The captain reminded him, We are facing a group of fanatical believers who call themselves the Polluter Sect. Many people in the investigation team have been converted into believers.

——Excerpted from the investigation log of the advance team

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