Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 455 Escape, Saffron

Under the influence of alcohol, Song Lan slept soundly. When he opened his eyes, the sun was shining brightly outside the window.

Lu Xiang said that he had been sleeping since he returned to his room yesterday, but Song Lan felt like he had slept for two or three days.

After waking up, the entire world line seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Angre-Saffron pleaded guilty and was escorted to the first district before dawn. What awaited him would be a prison sentence of up to forty years; Agent Hannah was in prison after attending a class reunion Later, he encountered an accident on the way home. While he was on the phone, he was hit by a giant billboard that fell down. He was pronounced dead by the Prosthetic Hospital in the middle of the night.

This is from Baizhu, but it's not important now.

Lu Xiang handed his mobile phone to Song Lan.

These are the images intercepted by Dr. Bai Zhu after he cracked the abnormal androids. The camera system built into the cafe's androids captured the images at that time.

The cause of death of the assistant teacher was roughly the same as they guessed. After handing the glass beads to the android, the abnormal android did not let him go. Then Angre rushed into the room and broke the door of the employee lounge. The only one and them It is speculated that the person who made the discrepancy was the person who knocked out Angre.

In the video, Hannah walks into the screen.

She stunned Angre with a silenced pistol loaded with tranquilizer bombs, then carefully arranged the scene and took away the glass beads and the assistant's luggage.


As the last person with knowledge of this case, she must die.

The masterminds behind these incidents all stem from the higher-ups above the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau that Hannah mentioned yesterday while drunk.

I see.

Song Lan rubbed her sore forehead, turned off the video, and handed the phone back.



I hope you can perjure yourself when the time comes.

What perjury?

I've been with you all day today and haven't been anywhere.


AM, 11:07am.

The train has already left District 7, and there are endless wastelands on both sides of the road.

The winter sun was still dazzling. Angre Saffron, who was wearing bracelets and shackles, was sitting in the corner. The light penetrating through the car window made him unable to open his eyes. The colleague in charge of the escort operation was next door, playing with something. It’s a boring mobile game just listening to the sound.

Before dark today, he will be escorted back to Area 1. After some simple handovers, he will be sent to a prison that is known to hold serious criminals and is known as the most impregnable prison in the coalition government.

The remaining few hours may very well be the last peaceful moments of his life.

But at least, at the end of the story, he finally found the truth.

The real enemy is not the top company executives, family leaders, or members of the Council as he imagined. It is not a specific person, but fate.

Even if his spirit and consciousness want to fight against fate, his body will eventually violate the control of consciousness and surrender to fate.

After a brief struggle, he still followed the path of fate.

Damn! What a rubbish game!

The scolding of the colleague sitting next to him made Angre deeply understand that the joys and sorrows between people are not the same. However, for a puppet controlled by fate, ignorance may be happiness, which will help him enjoy it as much as he can. Have fun with the game.

Why does AI move faster?

The colleague was scolding him while he was playing, and his fingers were beating rapidly on the screen of his mobile phone, but he could not prevent his failure.

Because this game obviously has bugs.

The enemy moved so fast that it was as if he was having a seizure, and later it became even more outrageous, to the point where he was instantly killed at the beginning.

Bad review!

He angrily quit the game and logged into the official website. The boring escort time was enough for him to write a long article to scold the game producer to death.

One star rolls thickly!

The next moment, his angry expression suddenly froze on his face, replaced by shock and panic.

Because he found a familiar ID in the comment area.

That was his own ID, and he had very thoughtfully left a one-star negative review in the comment area.


When exactly did he complete the scoring?

Colleagues stared at the comment time.

Right now, just now.

When he was planning to give the game a one-star review, his action was already completed.

Angre felt something strange in his colleague. He had a premonition of something. From the moment the other person clamored to give a negative review, he suddenly looked at the electronic watch in the carriage. He was sure that he had read it correctly. For a moment, the time It jumped back two minutes.

He has seen this kind of vision more than once from the confidential documents of the Investigation Bureau, and in the known records, every time a vision occurs, it means...


The sound of someone opening the door of the train compartment scared his colleague and threw his cell phone to the ground. He instinctively drew his gun and looked at the person coming in from the rear of the car in horror.


No, no, Angre was still beside him, his hands and feet bound by restraints.

So who is this person in front of me who is dressed up almost in the same mold as Angre?

How did you get here?

The gun-wielding detective couldn't help but tremble and questioned the other party.

He was convinced that before the train started, they carefully searched every car of the train and only started the train after ensuring safety.

Ride a bike.

The man who wore a mask and was almost the same as Angre spoke.

What nonsense.

How is it possible to catch up with a high-speed train on a bicycle?

The agent pulled the trigger and emptied a magazine of bullets without hesitation.

The bullet had an excellent effect. The person who boarded the train like a ghost disappeared without a trace, as if he had never existed.

The agent gasped for breath, and after calming down, he glared angrily at the prisoner beside him, Angre, is this all your fault...

The questioning ended abruptly.

Disappearing together with the ghost was the prisoner beside him.

The alarm sounded throughout the train, and the high-speed train stopped midway. Agents from the Bureau of Investigation searched the entire train, but only came to an incredible conclusion.

Someone boarded the speeding train and kidnapped Angre before their eyes.

There's no point in doing this.

Angre, who was lying on the grass, was not at all happy about the aftermath. He didn't know how he suddenly appeared here, but his current position allowed him to see only the blue sky.

You can't fight an enemy that doesn't even exist.

You have 10 minutes.

The voice coming from under the mask sounded somewhat similar to his, Then, you can start to escape.

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