Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 458 Lights Out

You mean, it's fate that makes me come here?

Song Lan looked confused.

As a person who never believed in fatalism, he believed that this was the result of the joint efforts of Professor Miles, teaching assistant, Angre Saffron, and Hannah. Their struggle against fate gave him the opportunity to find the truth.

As for the struggle for the identity of the guardian that destiny instilled in his mind, he never paid attention to it.

Everything is fate, you, and everything around you.

It's fooling you.

Don't believe it.

It's sad that he is just a slightly more powerful psychic, but he regards himself as the master of his destiny.

This time, Song Lan heard other voices, some were angry, some were ridiculing, and they all came from the throne, among the stars above the head of the colossus. The voices seemed endless and became a little noisy. The voice of the colossus was quickly drowned out.

Regardless of whether it was the giant statue or the evil thing he mentioned, the voice reached directly into his mind.

Song Lan didn't like this way of communication.

But they don't seem to believe you and call you a liar.

Song Lan reported the personal attacks on the Colossus by the evil beings on the spot. The Colossus wanted him to be a sharp blade to execute its will, and he hoped that the Colossus would have a fight with the creatures that existed in the shadows above his head to see them. Who is more powerful among them?

If necessary, he can temporarily serve as Captain of Dragonfly, providing them with a platform for an absolutely fair and just contest.

However, his words caused both parties to fall into silence.

After a brief silence, the voice of the colossus suddenly spread like a bomb in Song Lan's head, You can hear them!

Because the sound was too loud, it suppressed all the noise, and the noisy voices all fell silent upon seeing this.

Although they continued to physically attack the Colossus, judging from the results, they seemed to be very afraid of the existence of the Colossus.

good very good!

The majestic and sacred voice of the Colossus added some joy, and the enthusiasm from the scientific researchers seemed to surge into its program, You are very talented, I will polish you into a weapon capable of killing all evil spirits. Sharp blade!”

Use psychic powers?

Psychic? Of course not.

The starlight shining on Song Lan became bright and dazzling, What I entrust to you is the power to control and even change your destiny!

This time, Song Lan finally noticed some changes.

This feeling made him somewhat familiar. He had had a similar feeling when he was studying psychic powers. At this critical moment, his good friend Rat became an important reference.

This was the case when he used disturbing psychic powers to control Rat to attack Pero in order to avoid showing up.

Colossus seemed to think that this was a power that was superior to spiritual energy and powerful enough to control all things in the world and even destiny. His tone became more and more enthusiastic, telling Song Lan about this thing that he thought was new.


Theoretically speaking, isn't this how interference-type psychic energy is used?

As long as you understand the principles, even a three-year-old child can easily get started.

But in order to live up to Colossus' kindness, Song Lan could only cooperate with him.

As a communicator, he clearly realizes that when a person tries to tell someone about a very new thing, he gets the response Didn't this thing already exist? or The three-year-old kid next door All children know it! This kind of reply will bring such a severe blow to the narrator.

The whole world will become ruthless and cold, which is very likely to make the other person suffer from depression or embark on the road of crime when they are frustrated.

Unfortunately, his kindness failed to reach Colossus.

Because the contrast between his spiritual energy and the color of the colossus was a bit strong, the brilliance shining on him from the starry sky instantly sank into the black hole at his feet. Not only that, the holy halo became the source of the black hole Nutrients caused it to begin to spread rapidly around.

Like a stream, it reached the ankles and submerged the ground. However, the black hole did not stop there. It couldn't wait to attack the stairs leading to the throne.

Some strange familiar feelings emerged deep in Song Lan's heart.

He remembered that when he was at the Barossa Group branch, for a moment, his psychic powers seemed to come alive.

But this time, what evoked this feeling was not the roaring colossus on the throne, but the shadow above the colossus' head.

He looked up at the monsters lurking in the stars, and the monsters were also looking at him.

The sharp roar from the colossus interrupted the gaze between them, and also brought Song Lan back to reality from this wonderful feeling.

——What on earth are you?

This was obviously a very impolite question. In the eyes of the Colossus, he seemed to have been deprived of his qualifications as a human being.

There were roars one after another above his head, and weapons that Song Lan had never seen before poked their heads out of the stars.

The colossus swept across the steps with flashing red light, and the weapons above its head sprayed a bright halo. The target of the glory was not Song Lan, but the steps in front of him. The starlight burned like a flame, forming a A natural chasm blocked the rolling black wave under the steps.

You can't even take half a step up this level, this is your fate!

Before she finished speaking, Song Lan's outstretched right foot stepped across the burning starlight. All the brilliance dimmed at this moment, and it quickly merged with the surrounding black hole.

When he took the second step, the shaft wheels controlling the weapons above began to rotate rapidly. They turned their guns at the same time and pointed at the colossus on the throne.

See, fatalism is not credible.

Song Lan felt much more at ease.

Facts have proved that god does not exist, and that the person sitting on the throne is just a powerful psychic who thinks he can control destiny.

The huge body of the colossus restricted his movements, allowing him to stay in place when facing Song Lan who was climbing up the stairs step by step.

Perhaps, the person who designed the Colossus never thought of letting Him leave here from the beginning.

Don't come here!

After realizing that his ability could not stop Song Lan, Colossus seemed to have changed his strategy and resorted to noise tactics.

The throne and steps shook with his roar.

This still failed to stop Song Lan from moving forward. His movements were not fast and looked no different from ordinary people climbing stairs.

But the black wave that surged behind him and climbed to the end of the stairs with him separated him from the identity of ordinary people.

When Song Lan came to the Colossus, he more clearly appreciated the god created by Professor Miles. The god finally stopped roaring and gave him a moment of peace.

Don't be nervous, you are the god who controls your destiny.

Song Lan's hand gently rested on the body of the colossus, and all she felt was the temperatureless touch of metal.

And the black wave also climbed up his body and poured into the body of the colossus along his arms.

The last trace of starlight was extinguished, leaving only endless darkness around.

In the depths of darkness, those who climb the stairs question their fate.

--What are you afraid of?

Small Theater Sixty-Five:

Tuesday morning on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

Lu Xiang had always been tolerant of Song Lan, but there was one thing he couldn't stand.

As early as in District 17, she vowed to be irreconcilable with Xianyu.

She may be the first person to realize the dangers of the Salted Fish Virus. This virus not only makes a person lose his fighting spirit, but also spreads rapidly among the crowd. People infected with the Salted Fish Virus will form gangs, and will also Become more united than ever!

The witty Lu Xiang has already understood everything.

Nowadays, all departments from top to bottom have become Song Lan's good brothers. She feels that it won't be long before the virus will spread into the council and the council members will also become salted fish.

In order to warn people who are caught in the salty fish virus crisis,

In order to prevent the Council from becoming the puppet of the Salted Fish Lord,

In order to rid their department of the title of least popular department next month,

Lu Xiang decided to write a 30,000-word academic paper to explain the dangers of salted fish:

Salted fish virus was first discovered in...

She had just typed half a line when a text message alert sounded on her phone:

I tried some new dishes for lunch, would you like to come back and try them? 』

Hey, salted fish!

Lu Xiang sneered, this guy not only skipped work himself, but now encouraged her to skip work too!

Her index finger quickly flicked on the phone screen a few times, and she responded with a sense of justice:

I'll be right back, don't finish eating! 』

After exiting the document, shutting down the computer, and placing a Do Not Disturb sign on the table, Lu Xiang left the department with a graceful step.

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