Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 464 Jasmine

Early the next morning, the two went to the hospital as agreed and borrowed a wheelchair from the nurse.

In response to the call of the Ragus Foundation, the college allowed students to visit the exhibition hall today. There were many students on campus, but few people were seen when they arrived at the exhibition hall.

Most students took advantage of this rare opportunity to travel together to discuss the upcoming Daystar Cup.

For them, nothing is more important than getting a good place in the competition.

For this exhibition, the Ragus Foundation has been preparing for a long time. They have produced corresponding pictures and entries for most of the void creature entries they have recently investigated. They also seem to have discovered the website maintained by Father Bruno. Most of the content is taken directly from the Internet.

Most of the people who came to visit the exhibition were teachers or special correspondents from some important departments.

Many of them knew Hannah, and as soon as they saw her, they came up to greet her. Lu Xiang, as the new three-star rescuer, also became a key target of conversation, while the famous detective Song Lan was left out. aside.

Looking at the crowd forming a circle in front of him, Song Lan felt that it was outrageous. He now seriously doubted the purpose of these people coming to the exhibition.

The three of them were originally walking side by side, Lu Xiang was pushing Hannah's wheelchair, and he was walking beside Lu Xiang. But now, he was squeezed ten meters away by the crowd that kept coming forward.

An exhibition turned into a fan meeting because of the arrival of these people.

I heard that you are a detective?

Nearly ten minutes after arriving at the exhibition hall, Song Lan was accosted by passers-by for the first time. The person who accosted him was a woman who looked less than thirty years old. The white coat she was wearing was open, revealing the nanometer she was wearing. Tight combat uniform.

Song Lan has seen this style of combat uniform many times on the Internet. It has powerful functions. In addition to being used by the coalition government combat troops, it will also be used in many other situations.

The woman is tall and has long blue-purple gradient hair that hangs down to her chest. She wears a pair of glasses that look like a combat measuring instrument on the bridge of her nose. She is dressed in a high-tech style.

Song Lan immediately realized that the woman in front of her was definitely a ruthless character.

With her bright hair color, unique dress, and unusual eye color, every feature of hers fits Song Lan's definition of a ruthless character.

I'm not really a detective, I just love research.

Song Lan said modestly.

The woman smiled slightly, That's just right. What do you think of what happened recently?

What are you referring to?

Alien ruins.

Can this be said?

Song Lan looked around, her voice lowered a bit unconsciously, and she looked nervous - as a detective who loves research, he was suddenly asked about his views on recent events by a stranger dressed in exaggerated clothes, so he became vigilant. is the most normal reaction.

Is there anything you can't say?

If I say the wrong thing, I'm afraid that some men in black will rush out on the way home, put me into a car, and force me to a deserted place to silence me... There are so many people here, but it's not What a great place to talk.”

The woman didn't seem to expect that Song Lan would say that. She was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on her face became even bigger, It doesn't matter, just tell me, I guarantee that no man in black will rush out and kidnap you.

Who are you, what guarantee do you have, and what is your purpose?

While speaking, Song Lan glanced anxiously in the direction of the crowd.

They probably won't be able to hear your cry for help for a while, or let's put it this way, if you don't tell me, I will knock you unconscious and drag you into the car, and take you to an isolated place... The woman The human animal blinked harmlessly, and after a while, she laughed out loud, You are so interesting. No wonder that girl Hannah likes to chat with you.

Do you know Hannah?

I know her parents and have watched her grow up. Don't worry, I won't embarrass her friends.

As she spoke, the woman reached into the inner pocket of her clothes and took out an object covertly.

The exquisite medal reflects brilliant light, with six stars surrounding the sacred gun-shield emblem.

The medal is specially made and has lifelike petals wrapped around it.

Song Lan's pupils shrank, You are...!


The woman quickly put away the medal and made a silent gesture to Song Lan.

Only then did Song Lan notice a strange sight. With the woman's strange dress, no one of the visitors coming and going in the exhibition hall paid any attention to her body. If the woman hadn't used some kind of cover-up method, , Song Lan must stand up and criticize everyone - you simply have no respect for the gold content of the nano-tight combat suit!

You can call me Jasmine...how about it? Do you believe that I'm not a bad person now? I don't have any bad intentions, I'm just curious about your views on alien ruins.

Song Lan perfectly performed the entanglement of a young man facing this situation. After a moment of silence, he finally made up his mind, covered his mouth with his hand, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, I think what people on the Internet are saying is wrong. Those are not relics left by aliens.

Oh? What do you say?

I saw someone photographing the scene inside the building. Although it looks very special, if you look closely, you can see that with our current level of technology, we can completely build such a building.

Then what about the statue inside? How should we explain it?

It is possible that the facilities inside were damaged due to some unexpected circumstances, causing the force field used to maintain its invisibility to fail. I have read relevant scientific magazines before, and the article introducing the invisibility force field in that issue said that based on our The current technology can completely make a certain neighborhood invisible.”

Facing the questions from the six-star rescuer in front of her, Song Lan showed off her professional qualities as a detective.

Do not believe rumors, do not pass rumors.

I also found eyewitnesses who said that when the building collapsed, they saw a person wearing a black trench coat, a top hat and a mask. In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared.

Who do you think that is?

According to the clues I investigated, the dress they described is strikingly similar to the 'enthusiastic citizen', so I suspect that the 'enthusiastic citizen' is not actually dead.

Song Lan took a deep breath and reasoned out an important conclusion, So I guess that the criminals who destroyed the building are probably 'enthusiastic citizens'!

Jasmine's eyes flashed with a strange color. After she composed herself, she said, You are indeed a famous detective. This is a very interesting reasoning. This is the first time I have heard such a statement.

This is of course a lie.

One of their purposes in coming to District 7 was to find enthusiastic citizens. Because of this, they couldn't let the news leak out.

But she didn't expect that Hannah's friend turned out to be a real detective and deduced the truth from various clues on the Internet.

What she didn't expect was that Song Lan just used a detective-like reasoning tone to tell the information that the coalition government had already known.

He is also very knowledgeable about nonsense literature.

You know Hannah's parents and you are a six-star rescuer, so there is something I want to tell you.

What's up?

Under the influence of the atmosphere, Jasmine also subconsciously cooperated with Song Lan in lowering her voice and leaning her head towards him.

If I am killed, the murderer must be a 'concerned citizen'.

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