Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 472 Master, what do you do?

You don't need to be so nervous. I guess my abilities should be recorded in that manual.

Hearing this, Jasmine paused.

The meeting between her and her companion did not seem to escape his eyes.

Someone in the ward took action one step ahead of her. The air in front of her was twisted together. A brief note broke through the darkness. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The twisted air penetrated the shadow's body and was on her body. Dense holes were left behind.

The next moment, all the holes were connected together, tearing her body into pieces.

The ink spattered like blood, and the ceiling, walls, and floor were instantly stained black with ink. As the notes dissipated, the ward fell silent. There were still only Isabel and Jasmine in the ward, and the attacker never showed up.

Oops, I was killed by you.

After a moment, the shadow's voice sounded from Jasmine's feet.

There was no anger at being attacked, but a playful and smiling tone.

And at the moment when the shadow exploded, Jasmine finally understood the other party's state - what appeared in front of them was not a projection of psychic energy, but a projection of delta consciousness. As the manual said, her physical body was already there. It was wiped out in a hunting operation, and all that was left was pure consciousness.

In other words, none of the attack methods they knew were effective.

Her body can be transformed into any form at will and attached to any object. Even if the entire school hospital is leveled, it will not be able to damage it at all.

Perhaps from the moment of death, δ transformed from a human into some unknown existence.

This was unlike any mission they had ever flown before.

They know nothing about these things that escaped from the alien ruins. The coalition government cannot give them accurate information, and it is impossible for them to conduct targeted deployments.

Unknown encounters mean danger.

Why don't you consider my proposal? I believe I can provide you with a satisfactory condition.

The figure made of shadow emerged from the ground and stood in front of her.

In an instant, fluorescence and darkness intertwined, bursting out with dazzling light, and even Isabel, who fell into a deep sleep, could not help but frown.

Just the moment the psychic energy collided, the walls of the ward were covered with cracks, and then the walls and pillars let out a crumbling scream.

Maybe in three seconds or less, the whole building will collapse.

Jasmine had never seen such powerful spiritual energy. For a moment, she felt that the whole world was pressing down on her, and under the baptism of this black wave, she was like a lonely boat drifting in the waves.

This time, she finally saw the shadow's face clearly.

Under the shroud of darkness, she bore a resemblance to the girl in the photo in the brochure.

It's just that she is much more lively now than the expressionless look in the photo. δ smiled at her, and her slightly fanatical eyes once made her wonder if there was some personal grudge between herself and the other party.

But in terms of time and place, it is impossible for them to intersect.

According to the information from her companions, she was only 3 years old when Experimental Subject δ was eliminated, and δ never passed through her city during her escape.

The school hospital is crumbling, and to make matters worse, there are cracks in the psychic barrier.

A wisp of black water droplets came in, leaving a cold touch on her forehead.

A strange feeling came over me.

She quickly understood the other party's purpose - she wanted to explore her own memory!

This is also one of the ways to use interference psychic energy. For those extremely vicious and tough-talking criminals, they use this method to spy on each other's memories.

It's almost reaching its limit. If you continue to resist, this building will collapse.

δ reminded her gently.

This reminder distracted Jasmine, and her momentary absence immediately caused more cracks in the barrier, and more water droplets got in through the gaps.

Another note sounded.

However, this time, δ's body was not torn back to the ink state, and the holes in his body were repaired in the blink of an eye.

Then, her smile solidified on her face.

Instead, there was an incredulous expression.

Interesting, really interesting. I didn't expect people like you to exist.

Jasmine found an opening, and the cracks in the barrier were restored at a speed visible to the naked eye. She gritted her teeth and knocked out the spiritual energy that swept her away. The scattered spiritual energy did not pursue it, but penetrated into every part of the building. In the crack, it was during the repair process that she sensed another creepy psychic energy.

It exists in every gap of the building, like a hand holding them tightly in the palm of the hand.

This may also be the main reason why the school hospital did not collapse in the aftermath of the psychic collision. If she hadn't been trying her best to repair the damaged parts of the building, she might not have even noticed that besides them, there was a third psychic being working. Watch here.

δ was about to say something, but he noticed the panic in Jasmine's eyes.

Even when she was at a disadvantage just now, she had never shown such an expression. She noticed the gap that was being quickly repaired, and hurriedly penetrated the psychic energy deeper into the place.

Immediately afterwards, the same expression as Jasmine appeared on her face, but her expression was shrouded in shadow, and Jasmine did not notice the change in δ's face.

Listen to me, this is a misunderstanding.

Just when Jasmine was thinking about finding another source of psychic energy, δ not far away suddenly started talking nonsense. She even raised her hands above her head in a weird way to show her harmlessness.

The black tide receded rapidly.

Jasmine clearly saw that δ's gaze avoided her and kept wandering around the room, muttering, I'm leaving now!

δThe sudden change only intensified her inner panic.

For a moment, she couldn't think of anything that could make Delta, who was already almost invincible, so panicked.

Could it be that there is a being much more powerful than δ in that alien ruins?

δ did not leave Jasmine a chance to ask questions. She merged with the declining black wave and disappeared without a trace.

The palpitating feeling made δ unable to pay attention to the interesting discovery, and there was only one thought left in her mind.

Leave the city.

However, the details she saw while escaping aggravated the panic in her heart - the branches blown by the evening wind stopped swinging, the falling leaves stopped in mid-air, and the clouds in the night sky also froze.

Then it was her turn.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot overcome the constraints of time.

A somewhat familiar voice caught up to her.

Please stay!

When time stopped and resumed its flow, she was also dragged to the ground by a force.

A familiar figure blocked her way.

She had seen this figure before when the Colossus was torn apart and the cage holding them gradually collapsed.

A black trench coat hid his features.

But for them, psychic ability is more convenient to distinguish each other's identity than appearance.

The visitor was only one step away from her. The voice coming from under the dance mask sounded a little excited and asked a question that left δ confused.

——Master, what do you do?

I almost overslept, but finally caught up!

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