Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 497 The Killer’s Code

Hard work pays off.

Song Lan insisted on riding to and from work every day and passed through at least three deserted alleys on the way to get off work. In the evening, a white van finally arrived at the entrance of the alley, with several people wearing masks on their faces. The man jumped out of the car, pointed his rifle at his head fiercely, and told him to get in the car.

After getting in the car, a familiar cloth bag covered Song Lan's head.

The kidnapper didn't say a word, and the van drove at high speed for nearly forty minutes before stopping.

Several people pushed him to get out of the car, and then came the handover ceremony. The kidnapper and someone faced each other more than ten meters apart. Both sides were speechless. After about a few minutes, the pressure on his shoulders disappeared. There was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

This group of heavily armed robbers met their end, which also shows that they and the person they handed over were not a group of people, but temporarily hired thugs.

Song Lan couldn't help but feel sorry for this group of kidnappers who died young. They didn't even have time to report their names, and they missed the 17th District Crime Hall of Fame forever.

But what he had to admit was that this group of temporarily hired kidnappers were indeed a bit amateurish. Although they covered their faces with masks, they did not cover up their voices. With the voice synthesis technology of 2166, as long as their voices were known, They can be picked out from the vast sea of ​​people very quickly.

Unless they plan to go back to their hometown to get married after finishing this job.

Lu Xiang should have received the email we sent.

It was obvious that the person being handed over was much more experienced than the kidnappers. His voice had been altered and sounded like a mechanical synthesis.

But Song Lan could still hear the confusion in his words.

Song Lan's arrival seemed to exceed his expectations, causing him to fall into confusion for a while.

The person in charge murmured to himself, What on earth is she planning?

After receiving the threatening email, Song Lan's life changed significantly. His actions became much more unrestrained. Not only did he ride to and from work alone, he also took the initiative to pass through some hidden alleys, almost Come and kidnap me were written on his face.

Normal people would wonder if this was a trap set by Lu Xiang when they saw this scene.

Using Song Lan as bait, a dragnet was set up to eliminate the kidnappers as soon as they appeared.

He originally thought so, so he hired some desperadoes at a high price and asked them to try Lu Xiang's trap. However, something unexpected happened to him again.

This group of kidnappers did not encounter a trap, but instead kidnapped Song Lan here with great ease.

Is this a bluff?

As soon as Song Lan was escorted to the small dark room, the man immediately took off Song Lan's shirt.

What are you doing? Men and women can't kiss each other!

Song Lan was shocked and almost killed the kidnapper by mistake.

Don't move, I want to check if you have a tracking device on you.

The man stopped Song Lan, his voice full of anger, and he emphasized in a trembling voice, I have no interest in men!

However, the inspection results disappointed him again. He searched Song Lan's entire body and could not find any monitoring and tracking equipment. According to the information they investigated, Song Lan was a rare original human with zero degree of prosthetic modification. , even daily-use prostheses are not involved.

He has never been to the prosthetic hospital in the past few days and has no chance to install the built-in tracking device.

That is to say...

Was Song Lan really tied up here so easily, and even after he sent a threatening text message?

Is your relationship with Lu Xiang in crisis?

The person in charge had to consider other possibilities. Could it be that Lu Xiang had long been tired of Song Lan and wanted to use this opportunity to get rid of him as a dragster? This does make sense logically. Although Song Lan is a good person in daily life, his lack of fighting skills has repeatedly become Lu Xiang's weakness.

As for Lu Xiang, she is now a Samsung rescuer and a popular person in the eyes of many companies in the core area. With her conditions, she can find a boyfriend who is much better than Song Lan.

But in this case, using Song Lan to threaten Lu Xiang would become meaningless.

However, Song Lan overturned this speculation, That's nonsense. I have a good relationship with my supervisor.

Don't be fooled by appearances. I have experience in this. The world of companies is much more complicated than you think.

The handover person sat across from Song Lan. He used his many years of experience as a killer to analyze it for Song Lan, Has Lu Xiang done anything weird recently, such as suddenly buying you a large amount of insurance? I used to I have taken on many similar jobs, and they will entrust me to kill the other party to obtain a large amount of wealth after purchasing a huge amount of insurance.

For a professional killer, disguising death as an accident is a basic skill.

Is there such a thing?

The world is much more complicated than you think. If everything goes well, she can at least get this number.

The handover person made a 3 sign with his finger.

Which number? I can't see right now.

Thirty million watts, this is the client's final benefit from my last transaction.

This was also a test for Song Lan. After confirming that the other party could not see at the moment, the person who handed over the hand felt a lot more relieved. At the same time, he also doubted whether Lu Xiang had deliberately designed to send Song Lan to death. After all, his daily route of action They don't look very smart.

The handover person's words also made Song Lan fall into deep thought.

He couldn't understand why the conversation was developing in an increasingly weird direction. This professional killer was actually trying to comfort him in a subtle way not to be deceived by a bad woman. Such a sympathetic performance made him feel a little uncomfortable. I had the nerve to take action against the other party.

The handover person continued this topic, As long as she has this money, she can quit her job as the head of the law enforcement department and go to live in the core area. Our intelligence shows that you have been to the 7th District. Think about it carefully, and Compared to District 17, it’s not an exaggeration to describe it as paradise. No one wants to stay in this small place forever filled with crime and poverty. As long as a person makes the right choice once in his life, he can be reborn. .”

I understand the logic, but can you think carefully about your client first?

Song Lan saw it in her eyes and felt anxious in her heart.

Nearly ten minutes have passed since arriving in the small dark room, but the person who took over the job didn't seem to have the slightest intention of contacting the employer.

Others are still waiting for your good news to threaten Lu Xiang into giving up the investigation!

Just when the two were at an impasse due to their own ideas, the arrival of a third person broke the delicate pattern.

First there was a heart-wrenching sound coming from above his head.

The moment the person in charge looked up, the chandelier suspended above their heads suddenly fell straight down.


At this critical moment, he suddenly exerted force and knocked Song Lan and the chair aside.

Thanks to book friend 20220306105853296 for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to the master, I realized the 1500 starting coins for the reward!

Thanks to Wild Mutian Polygonum for the 1,500 starting coins!

Thanks to Saddidi Tudou for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to 24624 for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to DaShopee for the 1,000 starting coins!

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