Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 502 Veteran

While Song Lan and Lu Xiang were discussing bad women, an emergency meeting far away in District 1 was coming to an end.

The atmosphere in the venue was solemn. The director of the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau and the head of the rescuer department attended this meeting.

However, these usually superior managers were scolded and speechless by the old man sitting at the head.

The holographic projection projected a series of names and photos corresponding to each name.

Beers, Jolena, Executioner X, Deng Lun, T...

No one here was unfamiliar with these names.

Beers, an inconspicuous company person, took advantage of loopholes in the system to almost bring down three large companies; Jolene, a newcomer to the border city network supervision department, took advantage of her authority to destroy the coalition government's border network barriers during her tenure. For a time, a large amount of outside information flowed into the coalition government; executioner Kidnapped under tight security measures; Deng Lun and T, this pair of mercenary masters and apprentices once climbed to the roof of the Lion Heart Military Technology Building and destroyed the entire building with tactical nuclear bombs.

What they have in common is that before they did these amazing things, they were all little people who would not be noticed at all.

They were just numbers in the eyes of the council, but they behaved in extremely restless and unforgivable ways.

What guides them behind the scenes is justice.

It claims to be so self-proclaimed, and until now, no one knows what its real name is or how it was born. Everything about it is a mystery.

And now, among these names, Angre Saffron may be added.

A former three-star rescuer and a fringe figure in the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau. Before the incident in District 7, there was no possibility that this name would appear in the Council's sight.

An old man with white hair sat at the chairman's seat of the meeting. There was no pupil in his left eye, only the white of his eye was left. Shocking scars spanned the left half of his face. He was wearing a military uniform and had a scar on his chest. Countless medals, just these medals that symbolize honor are enough to make everyone else in the venue breathless.

He was a veteran of the Third War and had been present in every foreign war since the establishment of the Coalition Government.

At this moment, this veteran who has experienced countless wars is looking at the image reflected by the projection, and his right hand gently brushes the scar on his left face.

This was a parting gift from Justice to him. To this day, whenever he thinks of these names, the scar still aches.

In fact, on the day he was injured, the Council provided him with a variety of top-notch treatment options.

The damaged skin can be implanted with epidermis, and the blind left eye can also be replaced with a more convenient prosthetic eye. However, he refused all treatment options, leaving this ugly scar on his face forever. .

For him, this is not only a mark left by the war, but also an invisible link between him and justice.

Just like now, he vaguely sensed the other party's existence far away in the first area. At this moment, the fate of the entire world was focused on a young man named Angre Saffron.

This veteran never believed in fate when he was young, and he never thought that in his old age, he would become more and more prone to random thoughts.

Perhaps this is the bond between Justice and him. Although there is no direct evidence, his intuition makes him convinced that Justice is coming for him this time.

No need to say anything more.

After a long time, the veteran said, I have to go to District 17.

He made a decision.

If fate really exists, now is the time to face each other calmly.

A strong premonition guided him, and the secrets that he had not known in the past would gradually emerge before his eyes.

But, Lord Longinus, the prosthetic doctor said your body is no longer suitable for fighting.

There are now two six-star rescuers in District 17, and we have also sent a large number of additional manpower. The situation is under our control.

Our detectives have found out about Angre's whereabouts. As long as we give us a few more days, we can arrest him!

If you feel it is necessary, we can try to convince the council to continue sending six-star rescuers to support.

The veteran's decision broke the dead silence at the venue, and all the silent people tried to persuade each other.

They are all people who have come through the Third War and have witnessed the long development trajectory of the coalition government. In their minds, Longinus exists like a beacon. Even the name itself is new. The people of the world gave him the name according to the ancient books of the old world.

For a long time, Longinus was synonymous with power, and they would feel at ease as long as he was in charge.

However, no matter how powerful a warrior is, he still belongs to the human category. The sacred name in the classics cannot give this veteran eternal life.

They also rely on the achievements of biopharmaceutical companies to appreciate today's scenery with their own eyes.

After all, human beings cannot resist the baptism of time, and every soldier will grow old one day.

And now is undoubtedly the worst time to attack - even laymen like them can easily make more rational judgments than Longinus.

Six-star rescuers are our most important assets. Don't treat them as consumables that can be replaced at any time.

Longinus stopped everyone.

He had heard about a series of recent events and was seriously dissatisfied with the commanders who conducted the relevant deployments.

Just because of errors in intelligence, the coalition government lost Huang Gu in vain. Although their intelligence personnel worked hard to bring Huang Gu's body back to the core city, the lack of the central chip made it difficult for him to regain consciousness in a short period of time.

What’s even more sad is that the people in front of me are still repeating these mistakes.

Easily send six-star rescuers into areas lacking intelligence support, plunging them into dangerous encounters.

This is by no means the way they have fought for a long time.

Angre Saffron is not the point. Even if we defeat him, others will appear.

The majestic voice filled the venue with silence.

The senators had different expressions. They realized that the veteran had made a decision. He knew his physical condition better than anyone else.

This will most likely be the last important decision he makes in his life.

We regard them as demons, but after so many years, do you know how they were born?

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