Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 515 January 7 (Part 2)

Antlers Bell has been focusing on alarm clocks for thirty years, providing a guarantee for lazy people that they will never be late.

In the bedroom late at night, Lu Xiang was holding her mobile phone. The advertisements on the screen deeply attracted her attention. The sound of even breathing came from her side, and the mobile phone screen became the only light source in the bedroom.

This is definitely the most unique advertisement she has seen this year, and it makes people unable to take their eyes away once they see it.

The picture accompanying the advertisement is of a smiling middle-aged man, who looks like a boss or something like that. There is also a line of small words floating on the picture:

The boss no longer has to worry about me being late. Choose Antler Bell and become an excellent company employee from today on! 』

For some reason, the conversation last night suddenly appeared in Lu Xiang's mind. Song Lan gave her some serious knowledge on how to become a bad woman.

The complex and troublesome way to unlock the alarm on the ad page touched her heartstrings, and put a wicked smile on her face as she prepared to play a prank.

But she quickly realized something and stopped smiling seriously.

Fortunately, Song Lan's sleep quality is always very good. He will never wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and find himself snickering contrary to his serious personality.

Lu Xiang turned over, made sure Song Lan was motionless, and got out of bed quietly.

For top students who graduate from Daystar College, stealth technology is a basic skill.

She came to the bedside, unlocked her phone with Song Lan's index finger, and downloaded this portable alarm clock that was said to satisfy the most severe boss of the coalition government into his phone. The date on the phone screen told her that tomorrow was her day off, but As a bad woman, she prepared a morning plan for Song Lan with a smile.

The first alarm starts at 6:03, and in the next hour, Song Lan will be reminded repeatedly by the alarm.

Almost as soon as she set the alarm, a message from the rescue department was sent to her phone.

Lu Xiang looked at the sudden overtime text message and a smirk froze on her face. At this moment, she actually experienced the feeling of evil being rewarded.

She pursed her lips and was mostly frustrated. She was secretly embarrassed for a while before replying with the word received in the same tone as usual.

Then, of course, he fell asleep and put the quilt over his head.

A text message from the rescuer department mentioned that a mysterious big man would come to District 17 tomorrow, and the department asked her to be prepared and on call at any time.

Same day, 6:00.

Song Lan opened her eyes suddenly and abnormally.

The inexplicable sense of crisis turned into a nightmare, giving him an early warning, and almost as soon as he opened his eyes, his hand reflexively reached for the mobile phone on the bedside table.

These were all consecutive actions he took before he woke up. When he finally came to his senses, the phone was already in his hand.

A series of alarm clocks on the screen answer the source of the sense of crisis.

Someone wants to harm him!

Today was obviously a day off, but Lu Xiang set ten alarm clocks in the next hour to urge him to get up. And judging from the introduction of the software, this was no ordinary alarm software at all. The unlocking password was extremely complex. Although Lu Xiang thoughtfully placed her preset password on the bedside table, entering the password to unlock the alarm clock meant that he was completely awake.

The plan of drifting back to sleep must have come to nothing.

In all conscience, Song Lan already regretted giving Lu Xiang the knowledge on how to become a bad woman.

Alerted by the premonition of crisis, he unlocked the first alarm in advance, at least avoiding being woken up by a noisy sound early in the morning.


Why did he wake up so early today?

Walking into the living room, Song Lan couldn't help but wonder about this biological clock that was completely inconsistent with the rules of his daily life.

Rather than a sense of crisis, it was more like an instinctive reaction from knowing in advance that he would be awakened by a noisy alarm in his sleep.

But his attention was soon diverted by the note Lu Xiang left on the dining table.

The cute emoticons on the note reminded him of Lu Xiang's expression on him. Breakfast was steaming sweet soy milk and sandwiches, which he usually liked. No matter how new things were, Lu Xiang's learning ability All outstanding.

She has initially grasped the essence of a bad woman.

Song Lan held the sandwich and attributed his previous doubts to his vague dreams. He had dreamed that he got up in the morning, washed up and got dressed, but suddenly woke up on the way to work by bike, and then he was horrified to find that he was still Lying in bed.

Some people call such dreams precognitive dreams, and they claim to have dreamed about what will happen in the future.

In this regard, experts from the Access to Science program explained that sometimes when dreams are too similar to real-life situations, people often mistakenly think they are dreaming about the future, but in fact it is just a very common illusion.

Taking a sip of the sweet soy milk in the bowl, Song Lan used the remaining sleepiness to start thinking about life early in the morning on her rest day.

Thinking about it this way, I did think of something serious.

In response to Mr. Killer's remarks yesterday, Lu Xiang prepared documents from the insurance company. As long as these documents are properly used, he might be able to find out the client who hired Mr. Killer behind the scenes.

But, why do all these ideas feel inexplicably familiar, as if they have been experienced before?

Is this also a side effect of precognitive dreams?

No matter what, he still sent the text message and informed the other party that he had found the documents in the safe in Lu Xiang's bedroom according to the original plan.

After a moment, he received a reply from Mr. Killer:

I'm in some trouble, be careful with the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau

I will find an opportunity to meet you after the trouble is solved. Remember, I will use other means of contact then. If someone replies to you via text message, it proves that they managed to get my phone.

Two replies in a row, pointing directly at the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau.

Song Lan was not surprised at all by this fact. Instead, he felt worried about Mr. Killer's current situation. He remembered that Hannah mentioned her work at the Prosthetic Hospital. Now that he thought about it, in addition to chasing In addition to Angre-Saffron, there are also some agents who are rushing to deal with the aftermath.

Now that Mr. Killer made himself wait for his contact, he had the whole day free today.

What to do?

He was lost in thought again.

On the coffee table in the living room is a collector's edition of The Sponge and the Starfish that Lu Xiang bought online. This not only reminds him of his childhood, but is also a great way to pass the time.

However, at the same time, another voice emerged from deep in his heart.

Maybe he can't do anything today.

Because, next there will be a knock on the apartment door.


Why did he suddenly have such weird ideas?

Almost at the same time, reality showed a weirder side than thoughts and dreams, and there was a knock on the door of the apartment where there had never been visitors.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong——

Hello, we are agents from the Abnormal Case Investigation Bureau. Is Mr. Song Lan at home?

A stranger asked outside the door.

Song Lan looked at the window.

Not long after, a small eyeball drone slowly appeared in his sight.

Thanks to Banxiange for the 500 starting coins!

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