Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 547 Gambling

At the same time, the office building of the Ragus Foundation in District 17.

A girl who looked gentle and quiet was sitting in the corner of a large conference room. She seemed to sense something and wanted to write something in her notebook. However, when the tip of the pen was about to touch the notebook, her pupils suddenly flashed. Shrinking, his body trembled involuntarily.

This scene did not escape Qi He's eyes.

He stopped what he was doing, temporarily turned his attention away from the various evaluation materials sent by the department, and glanced at his watch.

Time flies so fast. I didn't expect it to be at this time.

His time has been almost occupied by work these days. The headquarters attaches great importance to the investment in District 17. Their future plan is to establish a new business empire in this city closest to the void. This is both huge and huge. Risks are also unprecedented opportunities.

He pretended to be casual and said, Director Lu and Section Chief Song should have met with that person by now, right?

Although he very considerately concealed the directional title, the literary girl still inevitably trembled a few times. Even a vague title could evoke the fear deep in her heart. The painful memory has become a condition. reflection.

Judging from the results, the education at Wisteria Academy is undoubtedly successful.

Even though they had already removed the electric shock harness from the child, as long as those memories were recalled, her body would succumb to the company's orders.

This student leader who once sounded the clarion call of rebellion has now become a docile lamb.

They have indeed cultivated a rare talent for the company and the foundation. Her ability gives the company an advantage in business negotiations or various games in the council.

If you want to write, just write.

Qi He glanced at the blank page on his notebook.

This is the ability called History of Time. It can almost rewrite cause and effect. What makes him feel strange is that this ability seems to be exactly the opposite of fatalism.

As long as the conditions in the objective world have the possibility of realizing the result, then the result written in the notebook will definitely be realized.

Once upon a time, this child spent several years at Wisteria Academy and created all the conditions for change to be realized. However, something unexpected happened during the activation of his ability.

As a punishment for failed changes, this ability became an important tool in the development of the Lagus Foundation.

When the risk in venture capital is completely eliminated, the world will only leave them with the outcome of success.

Don't worry, no matter what you write on it today, I won't tell anyone. This is a reward for your serious work.

Qi He smiled, but suddenly changed the topic, But you should also know that no matter what you write about the matter over there, it will not be realized in the end, right?

The literary girl's face turned pale. She stared at the notebook for a long time, and finally closed it.

The demonic voice kept echoing in her mind, making her realize that struggling was just replaying the painful memories of the past.

This was an expected result, but Qi He frowned.

He had to lament once again that the education at Wisteria Academy was so effective that so many years had passed since the changes that year, and those things that had happened were still imprinted on the girl's instincts.

Even though he hired the most senior psychiatrist in his own name, there was nothing he could do about the girl's current situation.

The psychiatrist believes that unless her memory of her student days is completely lost, Wisteria Academy will always control her like an invisible shackle.

What made Qi He even more irritated was the girl's next move.

After she closed the notebook, she turned her seeking attention to herself.

Then, let me tell you something you don't know. This involves the foundation's investment strategy for District 17... Do you know why the foundation puts its future development strategy in an unknown new thing like the void? Above?

The girl shook her head blankly.

She is more accustomed to a life of following instructions, and thinking is often a painful process for her.

Qi He leaned on the office chair. He once asked himself the same question.

Although this plan strategy was originally proposed by him, he did not expect that the foundation's decision-makers would unanimously approve this plan and prepare the corresponding investment plan in such a short period of time.

Are they for those creatures of the void that have recently become popular among the upper class?

Or do you want to explore the truth about unknown creatures?

Qi He gradually overturned these thoughts. The auction house is only one of the industries of the company. After all, what Void Creation brings is just a small profit. The headquarters has not sent any real investigators. All the They all prefer to leave the investigation work to the Void Investigation Bureau that appears out of nowhere.

And all they have to do is spend a lot of money to buy information.

“It wasn’t until that person’s opinion that I realized another possibility.”

He hid the principal's name as that person. He never expected that the principal, who had nothing to do with District 17, would be the most important supporter of this plan. The reason why he supported this plan was simple and clear - he Firmly believe that the void is real.

Void is just the name that people in District 17 call those unknown areas and creatures.

The principal is accustomed to calling it the upper world.

He seems to believe that this is the birthplace of psychic abilities, and all his current research is trying to reach that deeper world that has never been explored by humans.

Qi He remembered that the principal found him alone after the meeting that day. Because of the void issue, this person who almost never expressed his position in meetings dragged him for a long time, but in fact, they had never supported this for the same purpose. plan.

This topic may also be related to you. It is said that that person is pursuing the ultimate path of psychics. According to the theory he proposed, once he truly touches that world, he will completely break away from the category of human beings and become another form. life form.

Having said this, Qi He smiled self-deprecatingly, And I have given him all the conditions to support him in completing the ceremony, so you'd better not treat me as a good person.

He looked at the girl.

He rarely expresses his true thoughts.

At the end of the day, he's a businessman, and for a businessman, it's a win-win.

No one can predict the direction of this trial.

Whatever the outcome of this dispute, I will be the beneficiary.

…will they win?

After a long time, the literary girl finally made a voice, and her voice was always very soft.

have no idea.

Eyes facing each other.

For businessmen, their lives have always been in an environment where risks and opportunities coexist, and this time is no exception. Moreover, he personally delivered this huge risk to the principal.

Qi He had a hunch that the outcome of this bet would be announced soon.

He saw a flash of disappointment in the girl's eyes.

His voice dropped. I hope they win.

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