Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 572 A famous detective once said

In fact, Song Lan didn't care about the victory of this war or the fate of the coalition government.

Even if he hadn't met Lu Xiang in District 17, he might have gone to another city to live a new life on the eve of the war.

On this point, Lu Xiang was not wrong about him.

Even if the war spread to the territory of the coalition government, it would not have any impact on him.

This is the biggest difference between him and Lu Xiang.

Although Lu Xiang also witnessed the dark side of the coalition government with his own eyes. The never-ending internal fighting made this country, like any civilization in history, inevitably begin to decline after experiencing extreme prosperity. Daystar College Her experience made her always unconsciously think about issues from the perspective of the coalition government.

Regarding this empire, she is actually the same as these expeditionary troops who have embarked on the journey. Although there are many dissatisfactions in daily life, she still has a strong sense of belonging.

But Song Lan was different.

You can find a comfortable bed and a place to rest comfortably anywhere in the world.

He originally thought that this was a side effect of traveling, which made him feel no sense of belonging to this strange world, but after experiencing so many events, he changed his view.

If the memory echo caused by travel is a side effect of the change in the timeline, if the ascension theory of the principal of Wisteria Academy is real...then in what way will the upper life form he described Watching the world?

He seemed to have found the answer to this question from the insect swarm.

He was more curious about this new ethnic group that he had grew up with.

It’s like a florist admiring a bud emerging from the ground, wondering how it will grow in this complex and turbulent world.

But now, Song Lan has truly realized the benefits brought by the insect swarm.

The reason why he had time to wander outside was because they were on the backs of the Transport Team at the moment, which was a transport unit hatched by Devourer for long-distance transportation. In the process of mutation and evolution of the insect swarm, Song Lan couldn't help but appreciate Gefu's carefulness.

This seemingly crazy scientific geek always pays attention to the most detailed aspects of user experience.

The back of the Transport Team has a soft cushion, which can provide passengers with a comfortable experience during long journeys.

But in fact, the Transport Team is a ferocious and violent giant creature.

Its body is more than ten meters long, and it is covered with a hard biological carapace except the back. According to the data evaluation given by Medel, an individual in the transport team can use its ivory comparable to that of an ice field mammoth. Mechanized troops such as tanks and war mechas.

In front of this behemoth, the wild mutants that attacked them could only end up being crushed.

Night Heron, who was also riding on the Transport Team, said nothing.

After a night's rest, she had a completely new understanding of Lu Xiang and the insect clan she led. It was this subversive understanding that caused her to fall into conflicting emotions.

The instinct imprinted in her genetic sequence made her realize that this was an extremely dangerous group, and also made her want to drive the entire insect swarm out of the territory of the third neutral country.

The mission of the Church’s “Angel of Death” is to resolutely fulfill the mission entrusted to them by the Archbishop, and her mission on this journey is to bring the participants of the Ending Sacrifice to the scene of this ceremony. However, before last night, she There was never any doubt that the Archbishop would be the ultimate victor of the festival.

However, after witnessing the swarm of insects decimating the mutants in the entire city, Night Heron's firm belief was shaken.

What they invited might be an unprecedented enemy.

The three of them each had their own ideas, and there was almost no dialogue along the way.

In the long silence, the outline of the city named Antigon appeared at the end of the road. It was both the capital of the Third Neutral Country and a military fortress established after the Lunar Eclipse Cult's mine got out of control.

The Lunar Eclipse Sect has been fighting against the mutants emerging from the mine for a long time. In order to avoid being attacked by wild mutants, Song Lan disbanded the transportation team before approaching the city. These behemoths leaned down, Putting the three people on the ground, Song Lan gently patted the big guy's head, and it happily escaped into the ground and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The church wars were equally brutal.

The closer we got to Antigon, the stronger the smell of blood filled the air.

Both sides of the road were filled with broken corpses left by the cultists when they retreated. Those who had not been eaten up by the mutants had also become one of them, wandering aimlessly outside the city wall like a walking zombie. .

The three of them arrived at Antigon in the afternoon. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the city. Stationed on the defensive building were a group of believers wearing gray robes with their heads hidden in cloaks. This made them accustomed to seeing exoskeletons Armed with armor, genetically modified warriors, and war machines, Song Lan felt as if she had suddenly returned to the Middle Ages.

The way these cultists fight is intriguing. They are equipped with firearm-like weapons, but the bullets fired from the guns are not bullets, but beams similar to the materialization of psychic energy.

These beams are extremely effective against mutants, at least much more effective than the electromagnetic rifles provided by the coalition government to the expeditionary force.

The corpses of mutants piled up like mountains under the fortifications. Even so, there was still a steady stream of mutants approaching here every day.

The garrison recognized Night Heron, and after working with Night Heron to clear out the last batch of mutants, they opened a secret passage to the interior of Antigon, urging the three of them to come in as soon as possible.

Song Lan originally thought that Archbishop Hriphis would receive them in person, but since they entered the city, they were arranged to stay in a hotel.

The current war situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable to the Lunar Eclipse Sect. What is even worse is that the loss of control of the mine has caused huge differences within the Lunar Eclipse Sect for the first time. The archbishop is busy dealing with the internal affairs of the church and has no intention of meeting outsiders like them. .

But on the other hand, Heliface did not think that this was a cruel chicken game. As soon as they stepped into Antigon, they formed an elite assassination team to eradicate them. A competitor in the festival.

Everywhere you go, you see infighting.

After entering the room arranged for them by the church, Song Lan leaned back on the sofa comfortably.

Why do people hurt each other?

This is destined to be an eternal mystery.

They were discussing who was responsible for the mine getting out of control.

Ye Heron looked worried and lacked energy.

While fighting against the mutants emerging from the mine, the believers urgently need to bring the culprits who caused all this to justice.

Seeing the little girl's sad look, Song Lan introduced her experience to Ye Lu.

After all, he can be considered a detective.

When we encounter this kind of problem, we can use the elimination method to solve the problem.


Some brightness returned to Ye Heron's eyes.

After getting along with her for the past few days, she realized that Song Lan was not only a superb cook, but also had a wealth of knowledge.

No wonder he became the most valued person among the insects by Lu Xiang.

The famous detective Sherlock Holmes once said that if all impossible situations are eliminated, no matter how unbelievable the remainder is, it is the truth.

But...how to do it specifically?

Yelu tilted her head. She didn't know who Holmes was, and she had no idea about the elimination method mentioned by Song Lan.

First of all, we can help you eliminate two wrong answers.

Song Lan crossed her arms over her chest and said in a determined tone, This matter could not have been done by me or Lu Xiang. When the 'mine' got out of control, we were all in District 17 and have sufficient alibi.

Happy Lantern Festival to everyone!

Seventy-six of the small theater:

It was early morning on a Sunday, a certain day in a certain year and a certain month.

In the next few days, Lu Xiangyou learned more about the customs of the Spring Festival.

For example, during the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, people have the tradition of eating Yuanxiao, a magical food with white dumplings filled with sweet sesame fillings.

She is very receptive to new things, especially new foods.

Why don't you eat?

Lu Xiang asked curiously while chewing glutinous rice balls.

I don't really like sweets.

Song Lan sat opposite Lu Xiang, folded his hands to support his chin, and answered truthfully.

For him, holiday customs are not actually important. Being able to stay at home and rest is what he cares about most.


Lu Xiang nodded, then frowned, Hey, why do these glutinous rice balls have a strange smell? Did you put something strange in it?

How can it be?

Song Lan looked unbelieving. He would not be fooled by such a poor reason.

But Lu Xiang once again showed her amazing explosive power. She suddenly came to Song Lan and held Song Lan's face in her hands.

It just smells weird, try it yourself!

With the latter's shocked eyes, he put the sweet sesame filling into his mouth.

There's no weird smell!

After feeling the strange feeling in his mouth for a long time, Song Lan finally said, now his mouth also tastes like sesame filling.

A fox-like smile appeared on Lu Xiang's face, and she said lightly, Oh, I must have made a mistake.

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