Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 583 I will never betray the leader

The words of the commander of the Third Army made Song Lan immediately think of Father Egger who fled overnight. At this moment, the fate of Antigon seemed to indicate the future of the swarm.

The Barossa Group seems to be very good at using such means to get his enemies into internal fighting, thereby reaping the benefits. And for the second-in-command whose power is second only to the leader of the swarm, they may give An exchange that is hard to refuse, but who is Song Lan?


He was resolute, Even if I, Song Lan, die, die outside, or jump from here, there is no way I can betray the leader!

He cocked his neck and looked like a soldier who could not be killed or humiliated.

This scene reminded him of what happened to those forefathers. He decided to learn from those martyrs and kill without giving a nod. Song Lan was already prepared for the negotiation to break down, and he bravely...killed the entire Barossa Group of Antigon. Preparations for elite annihilation.

Antigon is a great place.

No matter what happens here that is difficult to explain with common sense, the blame will eventually fall on Luna.

But this is the first floor.

The commander of the Third Army was stunned by Song Lan's violent reaction. It took him a long time to reply, We don't intend to let you betray the swarm. We just said that Lu Xiang is a ruthless and cruel person based on the intelligence we obtained in the neutral country. A bloody, stubborn tyrant who makes it almost impossible to negotiate.”

Just wait a moment.

Hearing this, Song Lan had to ask the other party to pause for a moment. He felt that Lu Xiang's reputation in the outside world seemed to be getting more and more outrageous. A few months ago, she was only cruel and bloodthirsty, but now she has become cold out of thin air. The two buffs are Ruthless and Stubborn.

According to this trend, it is very likely that in the near future, when people talk about Lu Xiang again, they may not even dare to call her by her name, and can only refer to her with titles such as mysterious person.

Therefore, before proceeding to the next step of negotiations, he must know which little black men have been spreading rumors behind his back.

Where did you get this information?

The Legion has its own means for us to obtain intelligence.

In this way, if you tell me his name, I will seriously consider the content of your next negotiation.

'Rat', one of the cadres in Eschenweg's army, has fought against you many times and survived. The information he gave should be true and credible.

Song Lan didn't expect that she would hear their old friend's name on such an occasion.

Since the last MI7 incident, the rat has fled to the outside world and his whereabouts have been unknown ever since. However, due to a series of reasons caused by voids and shadows, the financial management products they focused on investing in suffered a huge loss. The bounty has not increased much, and the anxious coalition government seems to have no idea of ​​catching the rat alive for a while.

Then, as agreed, let's enter the negotiation process.

Seeing that Song Lan did not refute, the commander of the Third Army assumed that he had acquiesced in the information provided to them by Rat, who had strongly advised them not to have anything to do with Lu Xiang.

First of all, Mr. Song Lan, what do you think of the 'Father God' described in the teachings of the Lunar Eclipse Sect? From Canzarel to Antigon, you have seen the miracles of the Moon God twice. This is an opportunity that even the most devout Lunar Eclipse Cult believers have never had.”

You want to tell us that God does not actually exist. This may be a trick of Archbishop Heliface?

Song Lan followed her words and said.

In fact, he didn't know whether the Father God described by the Lunar Eclipse Cultists existed. Originally, as an atheist, he should resolutely resist this baseless belief, but considering the complexity of the world, As well as the interpretation of folklore by the former principal of Wisteria Academy, he felt that the Father God believed in by the Lunar Eclipse Sect may also be a life form that has completed ascension.

But no matter what, the Barossa Group is definitely a staunch atheist. For this reason, they once launched the most tragic civil war in the history of the Third Neutral Kingdom with the Eclipse Sect.

I happened to read the history of the Business and Religion War. Regardless of whether the Moon God exists or not, they have canceled your legal status in the third neutral country in this way.

That was a long time ago.

The commander of the Third Army shook his head, After that, we briefly cooperated with the Lunar Eclipse Cult, and even provided them with the genetic technology we had. The 'Death Angels' were the first batch to successfully survive. The genetic creations that came down from us all benefited from the precious data they provided for our birth, but... that is not the real purpose of our cooperation with the Lunar Eclipse Sect. After putting aside the past prejudices, we tried to use an objective perspective Let’s look at Luna and use the technology at our disposal to find out if it really existed.”

Song Lan listened very carefully. He felt that the amount of information itself was enough to show the sincerity of the Barossa Group.

But in other words, after hearing so much inside information, if they still give a refusal answer, then one of them and the Barossa Group is destined to not be able to walk out of Antigon alive.

In exchange for genetic technology, the Lunar Eclipse Cult has provided us with dozens of samples that failed in the selection of saints for research...Aren't you curious? Almost one-third of the Lunar Eclipse Cult believers have become spiritual beings. People with ability, this number should be very different from the statistics of the coalition government.

The commander of the Third Army did not give up on this point. She continued, This is also the reason why we are curious, so that for a long time we suspected that the moon god they described was real. However, in an accident In a research accident, we discovered a terrible fact. In the accident, due to a malfunction of the machine, a finger of the saint candidate was cut off during the sampling process. We immediately terminated the research and sent him to the hospital. Sent for gene therapy...

However, when the researchers returned to the sampling room, they discovered that the severed finger was missing. They immediately called up the monitoring system and found that the saint candidate's finger 'came alive' and ran out on its own. The sample container jumped into the ventilation duct, and when we found it along the blood stains in the ventilation duct, the finger also launched an attack on the guards.

After the commander of the Third Army said that, there was a long silence in the interrogation room.

Song Lan imagined the scene where his broken finger disappeared, and his powerful imagination made him panic.

The commander of the Third Army also promptly revealed the final results of their research.

——That is not psychic energy, but a parasitic method that looks like psychic energy but is invisible. Researchers are convinced that some kind of self-aware parasite is parasitic on these saint candidates. This makes them appear as powerful as psychics...and this consciousness is slowly turning them into some kind of creature we don't know.

Thanks to Ejia for the 100 starting coins!

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