Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 592 Living People

Lu Xiang once heard someone say that when people fall rapidly, they will instinctively grab the objects around them.

She now used actual actions to prove that this statement was true and reliable. The direct consequence was that Song Lan's shoes were lost in a battle.

And no matter how powerful Song Lan was, she couldn't conjure a shoe out of thin air in this situation.

When I get back, I'll buy you a new pair of shoes... You can choose whatever you want, no matter how expensive they are!

Lu Xiang knew he was wrong and quickly added another sentence.

She could only learn her lesson. If she encountered this situation again next time, she would try to grab a little higher, changing from grabbing her ankles to grabbing Song Lan's trouser legs.

I think it's not a question of whether to buy new shoes or not.

Song Lan looked down at his right foot, which was missing a shoe. The chain reaction of this incident was that he accidentally tore his socks when he landed on the ground.

The war was about to begin, and the way he looked with one foot bare was very disrespectful to the archbishop and the consciousness he was about to encounter.

A scream interrupted the conversation between the two.

The two of them looked around and saw an object waving its hands in mid-air under the red clouds that was falling rapidly. It seemed that because it could not adapt to this sudden change, Ye Heron forgot that he could fly for a while.

They also saw Ye Heron's loud voice, and the genetic modification seemed to have strengthened her voice as well.

It wasn't until Ye Heron was about to fall to the ground that she flapped her bat-like wings and landed next to the two of them in an extremely embarrassed posture. After landing, she sat down on the ground in shock. , gasping for air, his chest heaving violently.

Being in a pool of blood was tantamount to torture for her.

In addition to worrying that she would become a stinking angel of death, countless thoughts and whispers that were not her own emerged in her mind during the dive. Under the influence of those whispers, all the unpleasant memories of the past were erased. All gradually emerged.

During that not-so-long process, she relived how she was selected by the church, injected with unknown drugs, and then sent into the mine by the nuns, and those vague experiences became particularly clear. .

For example, she remembered her family for the first time - she had a blank concept of home for many years before that, and her memory seemed to only start after she was sent into the mine.

Those memories reminded her that she was not cultivated from a laboratory vessel, or popped out of a stone. She once had a happy family in a small border village in the third neutral country. , although the village is suffering from radiation pollution and most people's life span is very short, her parents are an optimistic couple.

They are all members of the Lunar Eclipse Sect, the lowest class. They may never interact with the core members of the church in their entire lives, and they may never leave the village in their entire lives.

Until one day, a majestic priest came to the village.

The priest found her parents and several other children, and they talked all night long. In the end, her parents watched with reluctance as she and the other children left the village with the priest.

Since then, she has no memory of her parents, so much so that Ye Lu once thought that she and her sisters had jumped out of rocks.

Then, those whispers reminded her of some details that she had forgotten.

For example, she later heard the news of the destruction of the village one day - this was not a rare thing for the people of the Third Neutral Country and the Lunar Eclipse Sect. Most of them had been fighting against the Third Neutrals their entire lives. To contend with the disasters left by the three wars, villages are infected by radiation and mutations every year, and survivors who have left home work together to rebuild new homes.

It was early afternoon when I heard the news.

As the death angel beside the Archbishop, she happened to hear the report from the chief of the Mutant Defense Force. Although they had dispatched troops as soon as possible, when they arrived, the residents of the village were still under the influence of the virus and mutation. In order to prevent the mutation from spreading, they had to burn down the village.

Ye Lu didn't know why she remembered these trivial memories, but when those fragments were intertwined, she felt unprecedented loneliness.

Then, those whispers inspired her.

They seemed to be calling her to return to the embrace of Father God, so that all the unpleasant and sad past would be baptized. This made her temporarily forget about the sight that was occupied by blood red, and the warm feeling was like returning to In its infancy, it dispelled the loneliness and made the night heron want to continue.

Just when she wanted to close her eyes and let herself rest for a while, harsh curses appeared in those gentle whispers.

The angry curse sounded very familiar to her.

Ye Lu had to open her eyes wide again. Even though her eyes were filled with blood red, she still saw two figures passing by.

But compared with the kind and gentle image in his memory, his parents' expressions suddenly became angry and distorted.

They were looking at her with angry eyes and yelling at her to get out of this place.

Ye Heron felt a little aggrieved.

She felt as if she had been kicked out of home again.

Then, she passed through the blood-red clouds and found that she was high in the sky for some reason.

She told Lu Xiang and Song Lan what she had seen in the blood pool. She was so exhausted physically and mentally that she sat on the ground and didn't want to get up.

Your parents saved you.

The hill-like steel giant had joined the team again at some point. At this moment, he was lowering his head, looking down at her with the helmet covered by the exoskeleton armor, and the emotion in his voice was also covered by the mechanical synthesized sound.

This may be the method used by genetic warriors to hide their emotions.

For a group of people who have devoted themselves to the battlefield from the moment they were born, personal emotions will only become a stumbling block.

In your words, it is a call from 'Father God'. Once you respond to it, those believers who have become aberrated structures will be your fate.

The commander of the First Army tried his best to explain in a language that Ye Heron could understand.

Because just now, he also went through the same process.

And in their doctrine, it is pollution from another conscious body. These pollutions are written in their genetic sequences, and sooner or later, they may usher in an outbreak.

He seemed to understand why the cultists were unable to resist the effects of pollution.

What attacks him is not the conscious body, but the most vulnerable side in their own hearts.

You should be lucky. Only those with a sense of steel can resist those voices.

The words of the commander of the First Army still sounded cold to the point of being inhumane. He took another deep look at Ye Lu, then turned around and faced the distance of this barren world, The war will continue, stay alive. People are destined to continue on.

This is like advice to the three of them, and also like a reminder to myself.

He tightened his grip on the kinetic chain saw, which was the only partner he could trust on the battlefield.

At the same time, he also showed the back of his exoskeleton armor in front of the three people.

The emblem of Guns and Roses on the dark gold metal coating was covered by the proliferation of flesh and blood branches, and an upright eye was attached to his back.

The scarlet pupils like pools of blood were staring at them.

Thanks to the stars flying in the universe for the 500 starting coins!

I had something to do this afternoon and I went out. I was a little tired and overslept when I came back. Today’s update is a little late, sorry!

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