Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 597 Join the glorious evolution

The Archbishop of the Lunar Eclipse Sect and the Commander of the First Legion of the Barossa Group. Both of these two people cheered and echoed. Perhaps they themselves never realized that they had been fighting for their whole lives, and they had just become some people who wanted to make fun of them. Cricket.

But now, under the influence of consciousness, they noticed their real enemy-the insect swarm.

In the giant pit, the two old enemies stopped fighting briefly and placed their primary targets on him and Lu Xiang.

This scene is far from Song Lan's original plan.

It is not difficult to eliminate two cricket, but for those upper-level consciousness bodies, this is nothing. As long as they are willing, they can hold the second, third or even more cricket fighting competitions at any time. The whole world is very important to them. It's like a huge playground.

Before Hriphis and the commander of the First Army could react, psychic energy controlled their bodies and lifted them into the air.

This is an irresistible force. Under the suppression of psychic energy, they cannot even move a finger.

And they clearly felt that spiritual energy was penetrating into their bodies. The unknown made them widen their eyes. They never thought that the power of the Queen of the Insects was so powerful that it was beyond human power. They couldn't help but suspect that the other party had already completed the ceremony. The finished product.

At the same time, those whispers that occurred on the night of the sudden change in Antigon also appeared in Song Lan's mind again.

This time, the whispers were much clearer.

It was a call that came from nowhere, calling them to return to the embrace of Father God.

Then he saw the true scene of Purgatory clearly.

It was a world made entirely of flesh and blood. Different from the vast universe he had seen before, he felt more like he was in the body of some kind of creature, and this strange world had been swallowed into its belly.

The world opened its eyes to him.

Another unprecedented strong consciousness swept over, and the entire world belonged to the same consciousness and voice. It urged any life and consciousness that arrived here to integrate with it.

Song Lan suddenly understood the process of ascension that belonged to Helleface and others.

Different from throwing away the physical body and using spiritual energy and consciousness to reach the upper space, this is a process of integration.

They will eventually become part of this world of flesh and blood, just like everything shown in the Devourer's consciousness. In the end, even their thoughts will be closely integrated with this world. The consciousness he feels at the moment itself is the product of countless fusions.

He had no way of knowing how many other people or creatures had arrived here before, but now, they had all become the same existence, maintaining a high degree of unity in their thinking, and making the same sound.

You don't belong here!

After looking at each other for a moment, the chatter filling Song Lan's mind stopped.

The whole world became restless, and his arrival seemed to cause a rejection reaction. He could feel extremely strong hostility from his conscious body. This hostility went beyond personal grudges and was more like a program written in the genetic sequence. .

The existence of the conscious body confirmed Song Lan's initial guess.

There is more than one upper space in this world. This is a promotion path that is completely different from theirs. Unknown to him, there are other upper-level life forms that are harvesting their believers.

But in fact, he didn't really come here.

Everything he saw at the moment was the shadow existing in the bodies of Hriphis and the First Army Commander, which was the true face of the evil gene considered by the Barossa Group.

Then he was banished from this world.

Because the bridge connecting his consciousness and the upper world has changed, the moment they discovered his existence, the consciousness aggregate immediately terminated the cricket-fighting competition. They seemed to no longer be obsessed with getting from Hellface to the First World. Legion commanders compete to find the strongest cricket.

Both of their bodies mutated at the same time.

The screams instantly turned into howls like wild beasts, and their bodies restrained by psychic energy expanded rapidly, losing their humanoid outlines in the blink of an eye.

The consciousness aggregate was instilled into their brains, forcing the seeds buried in their bodies to flower and bear fruit.

That consciousness seemed to be deliberately showing him the process of evolution. In the process of continuous expansion and diffusion, the bodies of the two former enemies began to entangle and merge with each other. Even the hostile spirits and consciousness seemed to be speeding up in this process. The earth becomes one.

They quickly devoured everything they could reach.

The earth, sky, and even radiation have become nutrients for their growth, and the spreading flesh and blood is rapidly extending to every corner of the world.

This also seems to indicate how the upper world is swallowed up by the aggregate of consciousness.

In this evolutionary process, personal emotions and grudges are no longer important, and eventually everything will be integrated.

This may be the meaning of the existence of the world under the mine. This is the world specially prepared for them by their Father God. If they have never been here, then when the coalition government notices everything that has happened here, The consciousness of Hriphis or the commander of the First Army may have already completed its evolution.

I see.

Looking at the carpet of flesh and blood that was trampled under his feet, Song Lan suddenly understood.

This trip to the Third Neutral Country was truly a worthwhile trip.

This friend whom he had not yet met personally showed him how to control his destiny.

He still remembered that after returning from Wisteria Academy, Lu Xiang once asked him how to change the direction of a person's destiny. At that time, he mistakenly believed that destiny was the same as the timeline, and that its existence was the result of countless fine cuts, but in fact The mechanism of its existence seemed much simpler than he understood.

For Hriphis, her fate was determined from the moment she and her father walked side by side on this land full of radiation and heard the other person say, Maybe only you can find the answer. It's doomed.

The same goes for the commander of the First Army.

From the moment he learned about the existence of upper-level life forms and took it as his mission to prevent this catastrophe, he embarked on the path arranged for him by fate.

This idea rooted in their minds by God became destiny itself.

In the process of evolution and integration, the remaining consciousnesses of Helifaith and the commander of the First Army were also rapidly dissipating, and those parts deemed unimportant were moving away from them.

They cannot stop the process.

Because the overwhelming awareness in their minds is convincing them that everything they have experienced in the past is nothing compared to the path they are going to take.

Coldness, exhaustion and emptiness surrounded them, urging them to return to the collective as soon as possible.

Until, when everything was about to disappear into nothingness, they vaguely saw a familiar figure.

Although the figure had his back to them, they could remember everything about each other immediately.

And the moment they saw that figure, the evolutionary process seemed to suddenly stop in place. Under the influence of consciousness, they felt as if time had flowed backwards, and the memories that had been stripped out of their bodies slowly returned to them. in mind.

This allowed them a brief escape from the erosion of consciousness.

Hriphis took the lead in moving and ran towards the direction pointed by the figure from behind.

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