Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 601 War Hero Song Lan

On the third day after taking Yelu home, Lu Xiang felt a little regretful.

This little girl did comply with the Archbishop's request and studied from them seriously, but well, the person she was learning from was Song Lan. One of these two people likes to eat and the other likes to lie down. Together they have the effect of one plus one being greater than two. , extremely devastating.

Song Lan had not gone downstairs or walked for three days in a row. The reason was that he had consumed a lot of energy during the Third Neutrals, which caused back pain and leg cramps when he returned home.

Lu Xiang admitted that he had indeed increased Song Lan's fatigue level to a certain extent, but he should be in the age group with the best physical strength now. How come his life schedule has become closer to that of an elderly person?

Early that morning, Lu Xiang was sitting at her desk, seriously thinking about how to cheer up Song Lan, when an uninvited guest knocked on her office door.

A five-star Gold Star identified him, and he walked through the door with a full media team.

Lu Xiang is no stranger to this middle-aged man in his forties with a tough style. Not long ago, he participated in the call for military recruitment as a five-star rescuer.

The defeat in the frontline war and the increasingly intensified conflicts have greatly affected his reputation. Recently, he has been ridiculed one after another on the Internet, and he has also transformed from a well-known military expert to a clown in the eyes of netizens.

His eyes were full of exhaustion, as if he had been tortured by the denunciation on the Internet.

Lu Xiang somewhat admires the courage of the middle-aged man and his team. The resistance to him in border cities is the strongest. In the past few days, some people have even burned posters and portraits of the other party in the streets. You know, it is unfair for the coalition government to openly insult the rescuers. To be condemned.

However, law enforcement officials turned a blind eye to the angry citizens.

They were all direct victims of the Great Conscription.

Those sent to the front line may be their family members, relatives, and friends. Those people either died on the battlefield or became rebels recognized by the coalition government. When Cuenca refused the coalition government's recall order, he and The entire expeditionary force was considered a rebel, and the coalition government issued a bounty of up to 47.29 million watts on him.

This all happened within the past three days.

After Rat, there is another big shot in District 17 with a bounty of more than 10 million.

Hello, Mr. Ingley, how can I help you?

Lu Xiang asked.

In fact, we do have something we would like to ask you for. This is very important to me... no, it should be said that the current situation of the entire coalition government is very important.

Inglie sat on the sofa opposite the desk and suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

In his opinion, Lu Xiang was just a three-star rescuer with a huge gap in level from him. However, not only did she not greet him, but after seeing him, she kept sitting at her desk as if he was just an ordinary person. of guests.

If the recent public opinion situation had not been unfavorable to him, he would not have come to a backward and remote place like District 17.

Forced by the company's arrangements, he had to step down.

Because according to the latest news they have, Lu Xiang and Song Lan became the only two people to return from this war. The remaining soldiers who rushed to the front line were either chewed to the bone by mutants, or they joined Cuenca's troops. , became a rebel who disobeyed the orders of the coalition government.

Under such a situation, the coalition government urgently needs a soldier who has returned from the war to tell the real situation that happened in the Third Neutrals to those who are still kept in the dark.

The coalition government and the Council hope that the public will know the real reason for the failure of the Great Expedition - the rebel leader Cuenca colluded with the Barossa Group and the Eclipse Cult. They disclosed the landing information of the expeditionary force to each other in advance, and used The mutant traps and kills those loyalists who do not want to rebel against him.

At that time, they will also need to tell how Cuenca and the rebels, in the name of rescue, actually forced the remaining troops to launch a rebellion with them, and those who were unwilling to join him were tied up and thrown into the mutation in the body.

Bloody Rebellion.

Before setting off, their team had written the title of the speech in advance and also produced video materials to support these true narratives.

Now, they just need to find a character who can gain the trust of the citizens to complete the work.

Lu Xiang is undoubtedly the best candidate.

However, her rebellious character made the council uneasy about entrusting her with such an important job. If Lu Xiang was the kind of person who could lie openly in front of the camera, then he would not have been assigned to the ten committees in the first place. District 7 is a place where birds don’t poop anymore.

So, they focused on Song Lan.

Inglie and the company's team have recently spent a lot of time getting to know Song Lan, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed by the results of the investigation.

Judging from the evaluation of Song Lan by the outside world, he is a good old man with a peaceful personality and aloof from the world.

Working as a civilian in the law enforcement department, I have never had a quarrel with anyone over work issues. Even the most hot-tempered law enforcement officer in the department would give him a thumbs up and praise him when talking about Song Lan.

However, this so-called good old man in the workplace is a manifestation of weakness in their eyes. Compared with Lu Xiang, Song Lan is much easier to handle. They believe that as long as they use some tricks, they can make Song Lan compromise with them.

Thinking of this, Ingrid forced a smile and said, Director Lu, if it is convenient, can you arrange for us to meet with Section Chief Song?


Lu Xiang frowned when he heard Song Lan's name.

Chief Song is a witness to this war. Our team hopes to conduct an exclusive interview with him, which will not take up too long of his time... Moreover, although the ending of this war is not satisfactory, the Council will still Hoping to fulfill the promises made to the people during mobilization before the war.”

Rewards based on merit.

They believed that this would be an irresistible temptation for a clerk who had never seen much of the world.

At the same time, someone knocked on the door of Lu Xiang's apartment.

Song Lan, who was lying on the sofa, gave Yelu a wink. The little girl who was chewing walnuts attentively immediately ran to open the door with bare feet.

No matter what others say, Ye Lu's stay has brought many benefits to Song Lan's life.

From now on, you can save yourself the effort of picking up express delivery and going downstairs to throw away garbage.

After a while, Ye Heron's call came from the porch, Song Lan, it's Uncle Li, he's here to see you!

Uncle Li?

Song Lan pressed the pause button in confusion. What was this guard doing to come to him in broad daylight?

He put on his slippers and walked to the door, but before he got close, he heard Uncle Li's excited shout.


These two words startled Song Lan, and the psychological shadow they caused on him was even stronger than the recent thrillers produced by Kolo Films.

Uncle, please don't yell nonsense. This can easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

There is no misunderstanding. Look, this is you, right?

Uncle Li was very old, but he handed his mobile phone to Song Lan like a groupie.

The photo that came into view made Song Lan's eyesight go dark. What was even more chilling was the description underneath the photo - war hero, Song Lan.

This is a rumor.

No, this is the official website of the rescuer. How could it be a rumor?

Uncle Li then showed an expression that had seen through everything, I knew you were hiding something deep, and sooner or later you would accomplish something great!

Small Theater Eighty-six:

It was Friday evening on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year.

On this day, a high-level meeting was held within the insect swarm. After the meeting, Dr. Bai Zhu pulled Lu Xiang into a cubicle in his office.

She expressed concern about Song Lan's recent physical condition, I think Song Lan has been looking weak recently. Are you squeezing him too hard?

She had heard Medelle mention what happened when Song Lan and Lu Xiang returned to District 17 last time in a chat. That scene could only be used... Even she, a young woman in her thirties, was shocked after hearing this. Blushing to the point of blushing. But it was exciting, and Bai Zhu always felt that if he continued on this trend, Song Lan would die young sooner or later.

Don't worry about him, you have all been deceived by him.

Lu Xiang sneered. She had to admit that Song Lan was indeed good at acting and pretending to be sick. I have already tried him.

What do you mean you tried him?

The pure Dr. Bai Zhu was confused as to why this sounded like slang.

Stamina is like water in a sponge, it will always come out if you squeeze it.

After saying that, Lu Xiang changed the subject, Having said that, you should also consider the major events of your life.


Bai Zhu suddenly showed an expression of extreme resistance, I have understood a long time ago that this matter is not suitable for me.


Because I'll be checking their browsing history, and clearing the list is useless.

She had a serious look on her face and said, Professional habits cannot be changed.

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